Parcel Details
Owner Name: | Samuel Emlen Jr. | |
Township: | city | |
1791 Address: | 44 5th St N | |
Modern Address: | 48 5th St N | |
Year Acquired: | 1775 | |
Owner's Occupation: | merchant | |
Owner's Residence: | city | |
Source: | D 2.431 | |
Notes: | "son of Joshua Emlen" |
Owner Name: | Samuel Emlen Jr. | |
Township: | city | |
1791 Address: | 44 5th St N | |
Modern Address: | 48 5th St N | |
Year Acquired: | 1775 | |
Owner's Occupation: | merchant | |
Owner's Residence: | city | |
Source: | D 2.431 | |
Notes: | "son of Joshua Emlen" |