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Owner Township Year Acq. Area Source Contrib. Survey 1791 Address Modern Address
Associates of the late Dr Bray for "Negro" Schools in British Americacity1774I 12.467Market St
Ishmael and Sarah, Prince and Margaret "Negros"Lower Dublin176850 acres
Samuel Abbotcity1743r. EF 3.371Race St
John Abbottcity1774EF 19.415126 3rd St N218 3rd St N
Conrad Abelcity1764D 55.48123 Arch St329 Arch St
James Abercrombiecity1758H 9.3
James Abercrombiecity1759r. D 5.127
James AbercrombieGermantown1757CP A-1.244; r. D 61.275
James AbercrombieGermantown1757CP A-1.244; r. D 61.275
John Martin AbishNorriton176671 acresI 4.174
John Martin AbishNorriton17725 acres, 96 sq. perchesr. 5.63
Isaac AbrahamLower Merion1747346 acresr. 7.710
Conrad AchenbackFrederick176398 acres, 150 sq. perchesr. 12.432
Conrad AchenbackFrederick176372 acres, 78 sq. perchesr. 12.432
John & Phoebe AdamsBlockley177615.75 acres, 28 sq. perchesI 16.413
John & Phoebe AdamsBlockley17761.75 acres, 20 sq. perchesI 16.413
Jonathan and Susanna Adamscity1775I 16.114108-110 Race St310-312 Race St
Jacob Adams (Hogermoed)
Jacob Adams (Hogermoed)
Jacob Adams (Hogermoed)Germantown176214 acresEF 28.623
William Adams EstateDistrict of Southwark1765D 48.424Christian St
Jonathan Adams?city213 Race St
William AdcockUpper Merion177750 acresD 5.148
Joseph AddisLower Dublin177331 acres, 70 sq. perchesFTW 196.405
Joseph AddisLower Dublin17733 acres, 117 sq. perchesFTW 196.405
Joseph AddisLower Dublin177312 acres, 32 sq. perchesFTW 196.405
John AdolphGermantown17741.75 acresD 9.542
John AdolphGermantown17752.5 acresD 10.129
John AdolphGermantown17751 acre, 146 sq. perchesD 20.130
Michael AkehoughLower Dublin17632 acres, 100 sq. perchesIC 8.83
Michael AkehoughLower Dublin17648 acres, 110 sq. perchesIC 8.81
Christian AlbergerNorthern Liberties1759D 45.24Lawrence St
Christian AlbergerNorthern Liberties1760D 41.306Lawrence St
Philip AlbergerNorthern Liberties1760D 23.123
Philip AlbergerNorthern Liberties1760D 23.124
Philip AlbergerNorthern Liberties1768D 35.319
Christian Alberger EstateNorthern Liberties1755D 42.301
Christian Alberger EstateNorthern Liberties1769RLL 40.46
Philip Alberticity1767ACH 90.28759 Arch St209 Arch St
Mary and Ricloff AlbertsonNorthern Liberties17721 acre, 135 sq. perchesCP Part. 1.232
Abraham AlderferLower Salford1776150 acres2.145
Jacob AlderferLower Salford1776159 acresr. 11.220
Jacob AlderferUpper Salford177651 acresr. 11.220
John AlderferLower Salford1776141 acres, 16 sq. perches11.222
Joseph AlderferLower Salford177656 acres3.49
Joseph AlderferLower Salford1776100 acres3.49
Robert AlisonSouthwark1767I 16.129George St
Alexander Allairecity1754r. D 18.145
Alexander AllaireNorthern Liberties1751D 18.171Richmond St
Alexander AllaireNorthern Liberties1760r. RLL 31.249
Charles AllenBlockley175125 acresr. D 6.316
Hannah Allencity1754
Hannah AllenMoyamensing17548 acres, 11 sq. perches
Hannah AllenMoyamensing1754
Hannah AllenPassyunk176311.5 acresr. D 44.164
Isaac and Sarah Allencity1762r. IC 13.708
John Allencity1755r. D 20.19772 Spruce St212 Spruce St
John AllenDistrict of Southwark17732.25 acresEF 6.89
John AllenDistrict of Southwark17732.25 acresEF 6.89
Joseph Allencity1755r. D 31.21S 2nd St
Joseph Allencity1755r. D 31.21S 2nd St
Joseph Allencity1774D 12.34060 Spruce St200 Spruce St
Joseph Allencityr. EF 17.208304 S 2nd St
Nathaniel Allencity1765r. D 8.504436 Spruce St
Samuel AllenMoreland17490.5 acres, 13 sq. perchesr. D 34.384
Sarah AllenNorthern Liberties17623 acres, 137 sq. perchesr. IC 1.175
Sarah AllenNorthern Liberties17624 acresr. IC 14.304
William Allencity1719F 3.11
William Allencity1741G 3.11
William Allencity1741G 3.11
William Allencity1751I 8.420; r. EF 10.337157-159 3rd St N
William Allencity1752H 11.616
William Allencity1752H 11.616
William Allencityr. IC 3.486
William AllenGermantown175012 acresEF 7.89
William AllenGermantown175037.5 sq. perchesEF 7.82
William AllenGermantown17500.5 acres, 6 sq. perchesEF 7.82
William AllenGermantown175010.75 acres, 19 sq. perchesEF 7.84
William AllenGermantown175037.5 sq. perchesEF 7.82
William AllenGermantown175037.5 sq. perchesEF 7.82
William AllenGermantown17500.5 acres, 37.5 sq. perchesEF 7.82
William AllenGermantown175037.5 sq. perchesEF 7.82
William AllenGermantown175241.5 acresEF 7.88
William AllenGermantown1755EF 7.86
William AllenGermantown0.75 acres, 30 sq. perchesEF 7.82
William AllenNorthern Liberties173230 acresF 8.552
William AllenNorthern Liberties17504 acresGS 40.376
William AllenNorthern Liberties175410 acresGS 40.378
Nathaniel Allen & Joana PottsPassyunk17722 acres, 156 sq. perchesr. D 20.191; will & 1754
Nathaniel Allen & Joana PottsPassyunk17729 acres, 51 sq. perchesr. D 20.191; will & 1754
Nathaniel Allen & Joana PottsPassyunk177273 acres, 102 sq. perchesr. D 20.191; will & 1754
Nathaniel Allen Estatecity1745G 11.631
William Allisoncity1763I 1.348122 S Front St
William Allisoncity1763I 1.348
William Allisoncity1763I 1.358
William Allisoncity1764I 1.346Morris Alley
William Allisoncity1776D 55.416
William AllisonMoyamensing1767
John AllowayRoxborough17538 acres
Frederick AltemusCheltenham176272.5 acres29.111
Frederick AltemusOxford177720 acres, 40 sq. perchesMR 13.266
William AlthouseFranconia176993 acres, 143 sq. perchesI 7.68
William AlthouseFranconia1771120 acres4.49
George AmanWhitemarsh176051 acres, 123 sq. perches3.199
Jacob AmosRoxborough1763100 acres
Abraham AndersWorcester176338 acres23.293
Abraham AndersWorcester177520 acresr. 21.83
Ann AndersTowamencin1764150 acresr. D 2.414
Isaac Andrewscity1773I 11.45730 Race St122 Race St
Isaac Andrewscity1777IC 2.36048 Race St140 Race St
Mary Andrews Estatecity1735EF 29.57; r. D 14.398209 S Water St
Mary Andrews Estatecity1743H 14.143
Anglican ChurchLower Dublin
Frederick AntesFrederick1756175 acres4.219
William AntesNew Hanover177465 acresr. 1.488
William and Frederick Antes?New Hanover175676 acresWill of Henry Antes
Jacob AnthonyNorthern Liberties1776I 16.179327 N 2nd St
Stephen Anthony Estatecity1728F 5.24; r. TH 36.19379 S 2nd St123 S 2nd St
Stephen Anthony Estatecity1761H 17.4077 S 2nd St121 S 2nd St
Mary and Sarah AppleNorthern Liberties1748MR 1.355; r. MR 1.320
Michael AptNorthern Liberties1774D 59.416301 Queen/Richmond St
Elizabeth Armitcity1765r. LRB 35.296
John Armit Estatecity1740r. D 35.27564 S Front St120 S Front St
John Armit Estatecity1740r. D 35.275Morris Alley
Stephen Armit Estatecity1741EF 5.608338 S 2nd St
Benjamin ArmitageBristol1728200 acres
Benjamin ArmitageBristol
Benjamin ArmitageBristol
Mary and Caleb Armitagecity1764WBk N.216; r. EF 28.672315 Cherry St
Elizabeth Armittcity1767RLL 1.44230 S 2nd St
Mary Armittcity1748r. D 7.485Cherry St
Mary Armittcity1758r. IC 24.25952 S Front St108 S Front St
Ephraim ArmstrongNorriton1766166 acres, 120 sq. perchesWBk O.38; r. 26.328
Simon ArmstrongPlymouth1766121.5 acresr. 32.423
Simon ArmstrongPlymouth176815.75 acresr. 32.423
Andrew ArparthRoxborough177316 acres
Caleb AshKingsessing177422 acresD 3.238
Caleb AshPassyunk176712.75 acres
Caleb AshPassyunk17673.75 acres, 25 sq. perchesI 15.227
Caleb AshPassyunk17673 acres, 25 sq. perchesI 15.227
Caleb AshPassyunk17753.75 acres, 25 sq. perchesI 15.228
Caleb AshPassyunk177730 acresD 6.215
Joshua AshPassyunk17505 acres, 135 sq. perchesFTW 88.22
Elizabeth AshbridgeAbington1777103 acresWBk U.1; 34.326
William AshbridgeNorthern Liberties176050 acresI 5.205
John AshmeadRoxborough176121 acres, 23 sq. perches
Samuel AshmeadGermantown174226.5 acresWBk F.318
Samuel AshmeadGermantown4 acres
Samuel AshmeadGermantown8 acres
Samuel AshmeadGermantown
Samuel AshmeadGermantown16 acres
Samuel AshmeadNorthern Liberties1742WBk F.318
Samuel AshmeadNorthern Liberties174216 acres
William AshmeadGermantown17620.75 acresEF 5.437
William AshmeadGermantown
William AshmeadNorthern Liberties1761H 18.384
William AshmeadNorthern Liberties1761H 18.384
William AshmeadNorthern Liberties17632 acres, 155 sq. perchesH 20.266
William AshmeadNorthern Liberties1765
Ann AshtonMoyamensing17501 acre, 106 sq. perchesCP Part. 1.43
Ann AshtonMoyamensing17503 acres, 33.5 sq. perchesCP Part. 1.43
Ann AshtonMoyamensing1750CP Part. 1.43
Hannah and Charles Ashtoncity1763r. D 1.321704-706 Market St
Isaac Ashtoncity1768ADB 32.377th St N
Isaac AshtonLower Dublin174864 acresD 69.364
Jacob AshtonLower Dublin177341 acresGWR 32.52 & 54
Jacob AshtonLower Dublin1773GWR 32.52 & 54
Jacob AshtonLower Dublin17733 acres, 10 sq. perchesGWR 32.52 & 54
Joseph AshtonLower Dublin1767250 acresTH 55.443
Mary AshtonLower Dublin500 acres
Thomas AshtonLower Dublin83 acres, 147 sq. perches
Benjamin Ashton EstateLower Dublin9 acresr. IC 8.175
Mathias Aspdencity1750H 1.142N Front St
William Atkinsoncity1740H 3.35923 Elfreths Alley128 Elfreths Alley
William Atkinsoncity1751D 59.400
Caleb Attmorecity1766I 1.49933 N 2nd St
Robert AudleyBlockley177013 acres, 113 sq. perchesr. AM 54.552
Augustus Lutheran ChurchProvidence1743
Augustus Lutheran ChurchProvidence1743
Augustus Lutheran ChurchProvidence1751
Joseph AustinAbington1770160 acres, 49 sq. perchesr. I 14.112
Thomas AustinMoreland174710 acres, 30 sq. perchesr. 8.515
Thomas AustinMoreland174961 acres, 120 sq. perchesr. 8.515
Thomas AustinMoreland175543 acres, 120 sq. perchesr. 8.515
Samuel Austin Estatecity1767 will, WBk O.161; r. EF 9.27, r. 22.540Water St
Peter AxeGermantown1768
Peter AxeGermantown1768
Peter AxeGermantown1768
Peter AxeGermantown1768
Peter AxeGermantown2 acres
Samuel AyresMoreland17751 acreI 15.296
Samuel AyresMoreland17753 acres, 2 sq. perchesI 15.296
Henry BachmanMarlborough177550 acres, 150 sq. perchesPatBk AA 15.68
Henry BachmanMarlborough177530 acres, 145 sq. perchesPatBk AA 15.66
John BachmanMarlborough177550 acres, 54 sq. perches329.289
David Baconcity1771I 9.41724 S 2nd St36 S 2nd St
David BaconNorthern Liberties1762H 19.321, 328Hanover St
David and Mary BaconDistrict of Southwark17703 acres, 97 sq. perchesSHF 14.632; WBk P.21
Job Baconcity1761H 12.430N 3rd St
Job BaconPassyunk17633 acres, 25 sq. perchesI 13.191
Job BaconPassyunk17633.75 acres, 19 sq. perchesI 13.191
Job & Mary BaconPassyunk17632 acres
Job & Mary BaconPassyunk176312 acres, 92 sq. perches
Robert BaileyDistrict of Southwark1759H 10.340752 S Front St
Ernst Ludwig Baischcity1772EF 3.67135 N 2nd St165 N 2nd St
Christopher Bakercity1753EF 11.547
Conrad BakerNorthern Liberties1768D 8.122
George BakerNorriton172 acres, 52 sq. perchesr. 46.413
George & Elizabeth BakerWhitemarsh176962.25 acresD 1.213
Joseph Baker177122 acres, 48 sq. perchesD 72.514
Joseph Bakercity305 Cherry St
Joseph Bakercityr. EF 7.7429 Market St111 Market St
Joseph BakerMoyamensing17612 acres
Joseph BakerPassyunk176336 acresEF 6.422
Michael BakerBristol
Michael BakerNorthern Liberties1749212 Queen/Richmond St
Michael BakerNorthern Liberties1762EF 27.186210 Queen/Richmond St
Peter BakerNorthern Liberties1767I 2.300Richmond St
Samuel BakerNorthern Liberties1770I 7.552Queen/Richmond St
Sophia Catharine BakerNorthern Liberties1767I 2.300; I 2.256Richmond St
Valentine BakerNorthern Liberties1767I 2.300
Conrad Baker EstateNorthern Liberties1741D 48.108642-644 Queen/Richmond St
John Baldwin17613 acresIC 16.37
John Baldwincity1776I 15.518Market St
John BaldwinNorthern Liberties1768I 5.427
John BaldwinNorthern Liberties1772I 15.20N Front St
John Baldwin Estatecity1762H 16.539, EF 30.32954 S 2nd St102-106 S 2nd St
Joseph BallNorthern Liberties175553 acres, 65 sq. perches
William Ballcity1768D 4.118300 S Front St
William Ballcity1774D 4.244114 Jones Alley
William Ballcity1774D 9.941 Market St125 Market St
William BallNorthern Liberties175542 acres, 14 sq. perches
William BallNorthern Liberties175537 acres, 63.5 sq. perches
William BallNorthern Liberties175514 acres, 39 sq. perches
William BallNorthern Liberties17564 acres, 14 sq. perches
William BallNorthern Liberties17563 acres, 8 sq. perches
William BallNorthern Liberties176056 acres, 96 sq. perches
William BallNorthern Liberties17603 acres, 82 sq. perches
William BallNorthern Liberties17603 acres, 24 sq. perches
William BallNorthern Liberties1762D 4.63Queen/Richmond St
William BallNorthern Liberties1765D 3.475Richmond St
William BallNorthern Liberties176514 acres, 42 sq. perches
William BallNorthern Liberties176514 acres
William BallNorthern Liberties17653 acres, 54 sq. perches
William BallNorthern Liberties17654 acres, 27 sq. perches
William BallNorthern Liberties176553 acres, 82.5 sq. perches
Ann Bankscity1774WBk P.556; r. IC 8.13324 N 3rd St
Jacob BanksonMoyamensing174126 acresG 6.135
Jacob BanksonMoyamensing174518 acresG 6.135
Baptist Congregationcity1727D 56.338
Baptist Congregationcity1732r. D 56.336
Baptist Congregationcity1746H 13.119131 3rd St N
Baptist Congregationcity1746H 13.119129 3rd St N
Baptist Congregationcity1746H 13.119127 3rd St N
Baptist CongregationLower Dublin17101 acreE-6.7.113
Baptist CongregationLower Dublin17592.5 acresI 5.450
Alexander Barclaycity1758H 9.5
Alexander Barclaycity1758H 9.5
Mary BarclayMoyamensing17573 acresr. GGP 132.363
Thomas Barclaycity1772D 33.192
Francis BardPerkiomen and Skippack17731.5 acresOriginal deed at Pennypacker Mills
Jacob Bargecity1761JMH 1742.11-3 N 5th St
Jacob Bargecity1763D 16.181189 Market St435 Market St
Jacob Bargecity1771I 8.435Market St
John BargeGermantown
John BargeGermantown5 acres
John BargeGermantown2.5 acres
John BargeWhitemarsh1.5 acres
Andrew Barge & Joseph MatherGermantown175546.75 acresSHF 18.505
Andrew Barge & Joseph MatherGermantown1755143 acresSHF 18.505
Andrew Barge & Joseph MatherGermantown175550 acresSHF 18.505
John BarkeyUpper Salford1763176 acres7.481
John BarkeyUpper Salford17724 acresPatBk P 18.437
Mary BarkleyDistrict of Southwark1766I 1.181, 281; I 3.112756 S Front St
Mary BarkleyDistrict of Southwark1766I 1.181, 281; I 3.112754 S Front St
Daniel BarndollarGermantown17661 acrer. EF 22.171
Daniel BarndollarRoxborough
John BarndollarRoxborough17633 acres, 141 sq. perches
John BarndollarRoxborough176356 acres, 37 sq. perchesH 18.365
John BarndollarRoxborough176861 acres
John BarndollarRoxborough17685 acres
Nicholas BarndollarBristol176662 acres, 25 sq. perchesD 57.197
Barnaby Barnescity1733I 16.11; r. GWR 18.351
Barnaby Barnescity1733I 16.1166 N 2nd St116 N 2nd St
Barnaby BarnesNorthern Liberties17502 acres, 23 sq. perches
Barnaby Barnes?Northern Liberties
Isaac Barnetcity1774D 3.424186 Race St524 Race St
John Barnhillcity1772D 65.10013 N 3rd St17 N 3rd St
John Barnhill?Germantown1.5 acres
Robert BarnsMoreland175175 acres, 138 sq. perches8.672
Jacob Barrcity1763RDW 112.558426 S 2nd St
Barrack Lots (Pennsylvania)Northern Liberties17572 acres, 115 sq. perchesD 66.187
Barrack Lots (Pennsylvania)Northern Liberties17572 acres, 154 sq. perchesD 66.185
Edward BarretDistrict of Southwark
Richard Barrettcity1775RLL 12.220
Thomas Bartholomewcity1761H 16.87124 N 5th St
Thomas Bartholomew Jr.city1765I 1.18752 N 5th St104 N 5th St
George Bartholomew EstateMoreland17450.5 acres, 8 sq. perchesEF 8.244; r. EF 8.245
Bartle BartlesonNorriton173950 acresD 2.236
Bartle BartlesonNorriton1751100 acresD 2.239
Bartle BartlesonNorriton17548 acres1
Nicholas BartlesonNorriton1758123 acres6.215
Bartle Bartleson?Norriton30 acresr. MontCo OCt 1.342
Christlieb Bartlingcity1772D 40.47471 N 6th St133 N 6th St
Christlieb Bartlingcity1772D 40.474
Christlieb Bartlingcity1774D 25.104136 6th St N
Samuel BartoletNew Hanover177515 acres, 12 sq. perchesI 15.94
Susanna BartonNorthern Liberties1763r. D 39.45244-246 Queen/Richmond St
George Bartramcity1767I 2.39068 S 2nd St118 S 2nd St
George BartramDistrict of Southwark1770I 8.213
George BartramNorthern Liberties177697 acres, 120 sq. perchesI 16.444
Isaac and Moses Bartramcity1772r. D 3.369235 Market St603 Market St
Isaac and Moses BartramNorthern Liberties17679 acres, 17 sq. perches
James BartramKingsessing175364 acresD 71.368
John BartramKingsessing1728102 acresGWC 41.356
John BartramKingsessing173937 acres, 140 sq. perchesH 2.252
Moses Bartramcity1775D 16.158 N 2nd St106 N 2nd St
Alexander Bartram?District of Southwarkr. D 16.235
Andrew Bartram?Cheltenham177655.25 acres, 15 sq. perches
Robert Basscity1770I 7.334
Robert Basscity1770I 7.334
Frederick BastLower Dublin177584 acresI 14.514
Michael BastianFrederick1741200 acresG 3.77
John Batescity1777D 2.369
John Batescity1777I 17.396329 S 4th St
Charles Batho Estatecity1766I 4.505; r. D 20.41721 Walnut St111 Walnut St
Jacob BauerMoyamensing1764
Jacob BauerMoyamensing1764
Jacob BauerMoyamensing17720.75 acres, 22 sq. perches
Jonathan BavingtonOxford1756183 acresCP A.1.175
Jonathan BavingtonOxford176318 acresH 19.185
James Baxtercity1776D 72.273
John BayardPlymouth17772 acres, 94 sq. perchesr. 13.149
John BayardPlymouth17772 acres, 1 sq. perchr. 13.149
John Baylycity1758r. GWR 30.83406 S Front St
John and Elizabeth Baylycity1766r. EF 9.122
John and Elizabeth Baylycity1776D 60.260228 Race St
Baylycity408 S Front St
Peter Bayntoncity1742RDW 132.107
Peter Bayntoncity1742RDW 132.10777 Arch St227 Arch St
Peter and Elizabeth Bayntoncity1758r. D 24.284
Peter and Elizabeth Bayntoncity1758r. D 24.28456 Walnut St228 Walnut St
Edmund Beachcity1746r. H 11.56222 Lombard St208 Lombard St
John Beakscity1767WBk O.114; r. D 17.629S 4th St
Joseph Beakscity1767WBk O.114; r. D 17.147S 4th St
Joseph Beaks Estatecity1745H 7.223
Arnold BeanWorcester176225 acresI 14.225
Arnold BeanWorcester17645 acresI 14.226
Henry BeanWorcester176379 acres, 69 sq. perchesH 18.178
John BeanWorcester1750137 acres, 116 sq. perchesI 13.516
John BeanWorcester176030 acres, 5 sq. perchesI 13.518
John BeanWorcester176379 acres, 69 sq. perchesH 16.470
John BeanWorcester177436 sq. perchesI 13.519
John BeanWorcester177480.5 sq. perchesI 13.519
Samuel BeanWorcester177468.25 acresI 13.521
Thomas BeanWorcester17508 acresr. 1.12
Thomas BeanWorcester17504 acres, 45 sq. perchesr. 1.12
Thomas BeanWorcester175091 acresr. 1.12
Thomas BeanWorcester176125 acres, 150.5 sq. perchesr. 1.12
Thomas BeanWorcester17621 acre, 100 sq. perchesH 17.378
Thomas BeanWorcester176250 acresH 17.378
Thomas Bean?Worcester
Thomas BeansAbington1762145 acresD 1.248
Stephen BeaslyDistrict of Southwark1775IC 15.70215 Christian St
George Beathle?Douglas9 acres, 30 sq. perchesr. 447.140
David Beavancity1750r. D 45.450Pine St
George BechtelDouglas177313.25 acresr. 39.541
George BechtelDouglas17734 acresr. 39.541
George BechtelDouglas17734 acresr. 39.541
George BechtelDouglas177464 acres, 59 sq. perchesr. 39.545 and r. 424.274
George BechtelDouglas177721 acres, 120 sq. perchesr. 39.545
George BechtelNew Hanover1768193 acres, 120 sq. perchesWBk O. ; r. 102.548
Isaac BechtelNew Hanover176850 acresr. 39.34
Isaac BechtelNew Hanover176875 acres, 18 sq. perchesr. 25.199
Martin BechtelNew Hanover174154.75 acresG 2.542
Martin BechtelNew Hanover1744102.8 acresG 3.309
Martin BechtelNew Hanover1744131 acresG 3.309
Martin BechtelNew Hanover1762100 acresI 13.447
Henry BeckGermantown17752.5 acres, 17 sq. perchesI 13.474
John Diellman Beckcity1771I 9.497
Martin BeckGermantown17591 acre, 8 sq. perchesH 11.123
Paul Beckcity1761RDW 117.6912 South Alley523 South Alley
Frederick BeckingLower Merion1762150 acresH 19.302
Frederick BeckingLower Merion1770105 acresD 10.155
Arnold BeenWorcester17621 acre, 5 sq. perchesI 14.225
Jonathan Beerecity1739ADB 5.118Carters Alley
Jonathan Beerecity1744H 14.498
Jonathan Beerecity1755r. D 66.15844 Strawberry Alley36-38 Strawberry Alley
Jacob BeidemanNorthern Liberties1759H 10.73Richmond St
Jacob BeidemanNorthern Libertiesr. EF 14.560Queen/Richmond St
John Beiglercity1773EF 6.413729 Zane St
Isaiah Bellcity1762EF 31.586; EF 31.584
Isaiah Bellcity1764EF 31.58870 Arch St240 Arch St
Isaiah BellNorthern Liberties17678 acres, 76 sq. perches
Jacob Bellcity1772D 18.62971 N Front St
John Bellcity1774D 47.464182 Race St520 Race St
William Bellcity1770I 9.191137-139 Front St N
William BellUpper Merion1774135 acres, 134 sq. perchesChesterCo WBk F.15; Pa Archives 6 Ser, v. 12, p. 209
Samuel Bell Estatecity1743D 12.487200-202 5th St N
Samuel Bell EstateNorthern Liberties1755D 12.481707-709 Vine St
Henry Benbridgecity1751r. D 6.394500-502 Walnut St
Moses BenderNew Hanover1750156 acres132.279
Moses BenderNew Hanover100 acres
Moses BenderNew Hanover41.5 acres
Moses BenderNew Hanover166 acres, 70 sq. perches
Nicholas BenderNorthern Liberties1760GWC 30.180Hanover St
Anthony Benezetcity1753D 2.293115 Chestnut St
Daniel Benezetcity1753H 18.29549 Arch St135 Arch St
Daniel Benezetcity1754H 18.296N 2nd St
Daniel Benezetcity1754H 18.284133 Arch St
Daniel Benezetcity1770I 9.33Quarry St
Daniel Benezetcity1772D 52.46
Daniel Benezetcity1772D 52.48
Daniel Benezetcity1772D 52.61103 N 2nd St
Daniel Benezetcity1772D 21.354109 N 2nd St
Daniel Benezetcity1777D 52.22; D 52.63Quarry St.
Daniel Benezetcity
Daniel BenezetNorthern Liberties17723 acres, 9 sq. perchesD 21.373
Daniel BenezetNorthern Liberties
Daniel BenezetUpper Salford277 acres, 30 sq. perchesPatBk P 1.262
James BenezetAbington176333.5 acresH 21.15; 14.437
James BenezetAbington176310.5 acresH 21.15; 14.437
James BenezetAbington176349.5 acresH 21.15; 14.437
James BenezetAbington176330 acresH 21.15; 14.437
James Benezetcity1757ADB 13.521
James BenezetMoyamensing17673 acres
James BenezetOxford176363 acresD 65.331
James and Ann Benezetcity1756H 7.275
Philip Benezetcity1767I 3.59080 S Front St138 S Front St
Philip BenezetGermantown17767 acres, 46 sq. perchesAWM 14.179
Christian BennerFranconia1755100 acres3.273
Christian BennerFranconia176890 acresr. 30.529
Christian BennerFranconia1774156 acres, 78 sq. perchesr. 4.104
George BennerNorthern Liberties17671 acre, 159 sq. perchesI 2.278
Isaac BennerFranconia177450 acresr. 38.181
Isaac BennerFranconia17744 acresr. 38.181
Isaac BennerFranconia177446 acresr. 38.181
John BennerFranconia1755225 acresr. 3.5
Sebastian Benner EstateFranconia1758150 acresr. 3.486
Jacob BennetLower Dublin1763130 acresAM 24.305
Jacob Benninghovecity1772D 30.119
Jacob Benninghovecity1772D 30.119
Charles BenselGermantown17522.75 acres, 16 sq. perchesr. EF 5.442
Charles BenselGermantown17580.75 acresD 75.295
Charles BenselGermantown17631 acre, 76 sq. perches
Charles BenselGermantown17631.25 acres, 28 sq. perches
Charles BenselGermantown17630.75 acresEF 5.440
Charles BenselGermantown17634 acresr. EF 9.442
Charles BenselGermantown17701.25 acres, 22 sq. perchesD 17.316
Charles BenselRoxborough173818.5 acresD 77.318
George BenselGermantown
John Benson Estatecity50 S 2nd St
Christian BerkenboilPassyunk17545.25 acres, 10 sq. perchesH 6.440
Christian BerkenboilPassyunk175712 acresIC 2.605
Christian BerkenboilPassyunk17586 acresIC 24.609
Christian BerkenboilPassyunk17623 acres, 140 sq. perchesEF 8.239
Christian BerkenboilPassyunk17624.58 acresEF 8.239
Christian BerkenboilPassyunk17624 acresEF 8.239
Christian BerkenboilPassyunk17624 acresEF 8.239
Isaac BerkeyFranconia1760110 acres6.463
Isaac BerkeyFranconia177365 acres6.457
Michael BerkeyLower Salford1762150 acres
Leonard BerkheimerWorcester1763171.5 acres10.317
John BernDouglass1773r. 25.26
John BernDouglass1773r. 25.26
John BernDouglass1773r. 25.26
John Henry Bernard EstateFranconia176322 acresr. 7.498
John Henry Bernard EstateFranconia176375 acresr. 7.498
John Henry Bernard EstateUpper Salford156 acresr. PatBk A 19.96
John Henry Bernard EstateUpper Salford152 acresr. PatBk A19.96
John Henry Bernard EstateUpper Salford11 acres, 62 sq. perchesr. PatBk A 19.335
Margaret & Peter BerndollarWhitemarsh1763101 acres, 105 sq. perchesr. 6.527
Margaret and Peter Berndollarcity1765r. IH 3.721115 Front St N
Ludwig BernhardGermantown17645 acres, 124 sq. perchesEF 10.405
John Bernt?Upper Salford and Rockhill102 acres, 46 sq. perchesr. PatBk P 14.151
Joseph Berrymancity17759th St N
Lydia Bettle Estatecity1757GS 7.304
Lydia Bettle Estatecity1763GS 7.30328 Strawberry Alley26 Strawberry Alley
William Bettle EstateNorthern Liberties1763D 7.518Noble St
Christian Betzcity1772D 20.387135 Arch St405 Arch St
Charles BevanLower Merion1746300 acres
David BeveridgeBlockley177529 acresI 14.301
David BeveridgeBlockley177615 acresI 15.574
George BewleyMoreland177639 acresI 16.246
Nathan Bewley Estatecity1751H 2.92116 Race St318 Race St
Abraham BeyerNorriton1772180.5 acres, 30 sq. perchesI 13.63
Abraham BeyerNorriton177373 acresWBk P.405; r. 37.540
Abraham BeyerWorcester177396 acres, 150 sq. perchesWBk P.405; r. 37.540
George Frederick Beyercity1758H 16.547N Front St
Jacob BeyerNorriton177350 acres, 116 sq. perchesWBk P.405
Christopher Beyerlycity1775I 14.11486-88 6th St N126-132 6th St N
Christiana Bickhamcity1777r. MtgBk M 1.249207 Arch St
Abraham Bickleycity1772I 10.203
Abraham Bickleycity
Henry BickleyNorthern Liberties174242.75 acres
Henry BickleyNorthern Liberties17463 acres, 92 sq. perches
Henry BickleyNorthern Liberties176227 acres, 118 sq. perches
Henry BickleyOxford175520 acresD 31.41
Henry BickleyOxford40 acres
Abraham Bickley Estatecity21-25 Market St
John BiddisGermantown17749 acresD 11.384
John BiddisGermantown17763 acres, 116 sq. perches
Samuel BiddisGermantown17681.25 acres, 4 sq. perchesr. D 68.619
William BiddisGermantown
John Biddlecity1768EF 15.114714-716 Zane's St
John and Sarah Biddlecity1755PatBk AA 4.153713-715 Market St
Owen BiddleGermantown1776IW 16.302
Owen BiddleMoyamensing17779 acresD 3.8
Jonathan Bilescity1762I 3.923rd St N
Ludwig BilgerFranconia1776115 acresI 16.180
Isaac BilleauMoreland1747300 acresr. BucksCo. 31B.147
Isaac BilleauMoreland175924 acresr. 15.95; OC Dk 5, p. 130
Daniel BillewMoreland177210 acres, 28 sq. perchesD 4,265
Daniel BillewMoreland177257 acres, 137 sq. perchesD 4.265
Daniel BillewMoreland177513 acres, 132 sq. perchesI 13.468
Jacob BinderNorthern Liberties1774305 Queen/Richmond St
(William?) BinghamOxford10.75 acres
William Binghamcity173714 Bank St
William Binghamcity59 S 2nd St103 S 2nd St
William and Mary Binghamcity1747r. D 8.5133 S 2nd St
William Bingham Estatecity1737WBk F.54; r. D 5.216
William Bingham Estatecity1737WBk F.54; r. D 5.21633 N 3rd St37 N 3rd St
William Bingham Estatecity1737WBk F.54; r. D 5.21649 N 3rd St
William Bingham Estatecity1767CP A-2.6343 N 3rd St
John Peter BinkisNew Hanover177354 acres, 116 sq. perchesr. 250.351
John Peter BinkisUpper Hanover177354 acres, 116 sq. perchesr. 250.351
John Birchallcity1760GWR 5.19445 S 4th St
Rebekah Birchallcity1760GWR 5.19443 S 4th St
Bernard BisbingSpringfield1763106.75 acres
Bernard BisbingSpringfield176310 acres
Bernard BisbingSpringfield17652 acres
Bernard BisbingSpringfield176984 acresI 7.60
Jacob BishopNew Hanover17694 acres, 36 sq. perchesr. 1.513
Jacob BishopNew Hanover1769132 acresr. 1.514
Elizabeth (Gant) BisphamBlockley1766125 acresOC Dk 7.241
Elizabeth (Gant) BisphamBlockley176615 acresOC Dk 7.241; r. D 41.404
Samuel BisselNorthern Liberties175920 acres, 2 sq. perchesI 13.536
John Bissellcity1758D 10.9121 S 3rd St31 S 3rd St
John Bissellcity1758D 10.91; D 9.50119 S 3rd St29 S 3rd St
Samuel Bissellcity1753I 13.537Dock St
Samuel Bissell?city17 S 3rd St27 S 3rd St
Deborah and Robert Bissettcity1764r. D 43.715th St N
Robert BissettPassyunk176410 acres, 20 sq. perchesr. D 51.7
Lewis Bittingcity1775I 14.36226 5th St N
Yost BittingNew Hanover1741107 acresPatBk A 9.367
Yost BittingNew Hanover1761108 acresr. 13.24
Yost Bitting?New Hanover37 acresr. 35.332
James Blackcity1764EF 2.444
Robert BlackMoyamensing17621 acre, 16.75 sq. perchesAM 73.219
Robert BlackMoyamensing17621 acre, 16.75 sq. perchesAM 73.220
Richard Blackhamcity1742EF 9.29752 N Front St52 N Front St
Richard Blackhamcity1758r. D 28.44622 N Front St
Richard BlackhamNorthern Liberties1749r. D 10.303
Richard BlackhamNorthern Liberties1754r. D 10.303
John BlackledgeMoreland1749147.5 acresH 16.319
Thomas BlackledgeRoxborough177223 acres, 10 sq. perches
Richard BlackumNorthern Liberties1752I 10.56
John BlakeLower Dublin177121 acres, 136 sq. perchesD 31.25
John BlakeLower Dublin17713 acres, 145 sq. perchesD 31.25
Elizabeth Blakelycity1769H 14.12639 S 2nd St
John BlankleyBlockley1759WBk L.350
John BlankleyBlockley1759WBk L.350
John BlankleyBlockley1759WBk L.350
Joseph BlaverDistrict of Southwark1763r. EF 18.59231 Christian St
John Bleakley Estatecity1767I 5.3825 N 3rd St9 N 3rd St
John Bleakley EstateKingsessing1742500 acresG 6.211
John Bleakley EstateMoyamensing1753H 10.273
John Bleakley EstateMoyamensing1755H 5.401
John Bleakley EstateMoyamensing17573 acresI 2.233
John Bleakley EstateMoyamensing17573 acres, 12 sq. perchesI 2.233
John Bleakley EstateMoyamensing1757H 8.62
John Bleakley EstateMoyamensing1758H 9.512
Christian BleimNew Hanover1749156.5 acres21.307
Christian Bleim Jr.Douglass1770275 acres, 124 sq. perches71.306
Joseph BlewerNorthern Liberties1772CP B-3.176Shackamaxon St
Frederick BoarNorriton177145 acresr. D7.391
Godfrey BockiusGermantown17591 acreH 20.344
John BockiusGermantown17583 acres, 27 sq. perchesI 8.392
John BockiusGermantown175810.5 acresI 8.392
John BockiusGermantown176920 acresCP B-3.15
Peter BockiusGermantown17575 acres, 24 sq. perchesD 18.636
Peter BockiusGermantown176423 acres, 58 sq. perchesI 12.347
Peter BockiusGermantown17733 acres, 60 sq. perchesD 4.439
Philip Boehmcity1767I 2.29696 N 2nd St146 N 2nd St
Philip Boehmcity1771I 9.137
Adam BohlMoyamensing1768
Adam BohlMoyamensing1768
Adam BohlMoyamensing1775I 13.463
John Bolithocityr. EF 18.107, D 25.329,33040 Chestnut St136 Chestnut St
Everard Boltoncity1775I 14.34738 N Front St
Joseph BoltonBlockley177279.5 acresI 10.479
Joseph Boltoncity1768I 9.3568 Coombs Alley
Lawrence BombergerNorthern Liberties1763D 34.2412nd St N
Ann and Thomas Bondcity1774I 16.145
Joseph BondDistrict of Southwark1755IC 9.64326-28 Queen St
Thomas Bondcity1742D 7.14210 S 2nd St20 S 2nd St
Thomas Bondcity1746H 21.28583 S 2nd St127 S 2nd St
Thomas Bondcity1751D 18.17885 S 2nd St129 S 2nd St
Thomas BondNorthern Liberties174451.25 acres
Thomas BondNorthern Liberties175820 acres
Thomas BondNorthern Liberties176550 acres, 115 sq. perches
Thomas Bond Jr.Northern Liberties177315 acres, 70 sq. perches
Phineas Bond Estatecity1764CP A-1.34963 Chestnut St219 Chestnut St
Phineas Bond Estatecity1764EF 26.356; r. D 37.398
Phineas Bond EstateMoyamensing17591 acre, 154 sq. perchesr. IC 15.101
Phineas Bond EstateMoyamensing17652 acres, 6 sq. perchesr. IC 15.101
Ephraim Bonhamcity1752GS 18.619101 Arch St
Ephraim Bonhamcity1762D 4.13416 Arch St108 Arch St
Rudolph BonnerNorthern Liberties1765r. I 17.95Garden St
Rudolph BonnerNorthern Liberties1765r. I 17.95Garden St
Benjamin BonsallKingsessing176389 acresIW 10.499
Benjamin BonsallKingsessing176338 acres, 41 sq. perchesIW 10.499
Benjamin BonsallKingsessing176310.25 acres, 38 sq. perchesIW 10.499
Benjamin BonsallKingsessing1766D 17.257
Edward Bonsallcity1768r. D 5.134241 S 5th St
Edward Bonsallcity1769D 2.22683 S 4th St333-335 S 4th St
Edward Bonsallcity1772D 59.376156-158 S 4th St332-334 S 4th St
Edward Bonsallcity1777MR 3.276321 S 4th St
Edward BonsallMoyamensing1767
Edward BonsallMoyamensing1775
Edward BonsallMoyamensing1775GWR 7.526
Edward Bonsall?New Hanover8 acres, 67 sq. perchesr. 19.379
Edward Bonsall?New Hanover36 acres, 93 sq. perchesr. 19.379
William BoonKingsessing171496 acres, 3 sq. perchesWBk D.21
William BoonKingsessing1714
William BoonKingsessing
Herman BoorsTowamencin176616 acres338.314
John BoorseTowamencin176535 acres, 58 sq. perchesr. 15.544
John BoorseTowamencin176611 acres, 80 sq. perchesr. 15.544
Sarah Bordlycityr. MR 19.290
Sarah Bordlycityr. MR 19.290
Christel BornemanDouglass177520 acres1286.256
Henry BornemanUpper Hanover1769157.5 acres15.444
Martin & Martha BoroughDistrict of SouthwarkAM 47.685
Martin & Martha BoroughDistrict of SouthwarkAM 47.685
Adam BossartMarlborough1744150 acresr. Warrant to AB, 1763 (Phila. Co. B-182, State Archives)
Thomas Bournecity1775PatBk AA12.37116-18 5th St N
John BoutcherMoreland1707260 acresWBk c.57; r. 15.135
Samuel BoutcherMoreland175840 acresD 43.368
Samuel BoutcherMoreland175838 acresD 43.368
Samuel BoutcherMoreland177310 acres, 40 sq. perches7.601
Samuel Boutcher Jr.Moreland1766123 acres7.603
Charles BowerRoxborough
John Andrew BowerWhitemarsh175010 acresH10.394
John Andrew BowerWhitemarsh175720 acresr. 40.273
John Andrew BowerWhitemarsh177210 acresD 77.333
Samuel BowerUpper Hanover176815 acres, 120 sq. perchesr. 2.139
Samuel BowerUpper Hanover176810 acres, 110 sq. perchesr. 2.139
Samuel BowerUpper Hanover176848 acres, 90 sq. perchesr. 2.139
Charlotte BowesNorthern Liberties17765 acres, 120 sq. perchesWBk Q.238; r. D 53.323
Charlotte BowesNorthern Liberties177616 acres, 64 sq. perchesWBk Q.238; r. D 53.323
Thomas BowlbyNorthern Liberties176275 acres
Charles BowmanDistrict of Southwark1777AM 28.254
Charles BowmanDistrict of Southwark1777AM 28.254
Jacob BowmanGermantown17573 acresEF 7.388
Jacob BowmanGermantown177710.75 acres, 20 sq. perchesD 43.25
Jacob BowmanNew Hanover176859.75 acres3.25
Roger Bowmancity1776I 16.37077 Walnut St
Blaze Boyercity1768I 11.49356 N 5th St108 N 5th St
George BoyerFrederick1762100 acres, 24 sq. perches6.205
George Frederick BoyerNorthern Liberties1755H 16.542
Henry Boyer Sr.Frederick1776306 acres2.106
John BoyerBristol177464 acresD 13.581
Leonard BoyerFrederick174 acresr. 70.337
Philip BoyerFrederick1775200 acres2.24
Andrew Boyer?Frederick1754149 acresr. 6.207
Andrew Boyer?Frederick175418 acresr. 6.207
Andrew Boyer?Frederick175425 acresr. 6.207
Hannah Boylecity1745G 8.402165 Market St409 Market St
Elias BoysDistrict of Southwark1773I 11.525
Joseph BoysProvidence1770145 acres2.431
Esther BoytNorthern Liberties1759EF 27.639Warren St
Philip Boyte EstateNorthern Liberties1755H 19.240Queen/Richmond St
Andrew Bradford Estatecity1736ADB 13.524; r. D 8.42
Andrew Bradford Estatecity1759r. D 8.42
Arthur BradisUpper Dublin175924 acresr. 48.177
Adam BrantNew Hanover176330 acresI 13.238
Nicholas BrehautDistrict of Southwark1752D 14.416S Front St
Nicholas BrehautDistrict of Southwark1767D 14.413S Front St
George BreyMarlborough174298 acresr. PatBk AA 1.83
George BreyMarlborough174225 acres, 87 sq. perchesr. PatBk AA 1.83
George BreyMarlborough175634 acres, 156 sq. perchesPatBk AA 15.67
Wendel BreyMarlborough177631.5 acresr. 9.417
John Brickillcity1771r. AM 18.102; r. IC 1.9, IC 12.202417 S 3rd St
George BrieningNorthern Liberties1755H 6.206640 Queen/Richmond St
George BringhurstGermantown176313.75 acres, 105 sq. perchesGWC 83.493
George BringhurstGermantown1767134 acresIC 20.448
George BringhurstNorthern Liberties17571 acreIC 3.733
James Bringhurstcity1760H 19.79172 S Front St332 S Front St
James Bringhurstcity1761D 13.300227 S Front St
James Bringhurstcity1774IC 10.731Delancey St
James Bringhurstcity1777D 49.51623 Delancey St205 Delancey St
James Bringhurstcity1777I 17.384170 S Front St330 S Front St
James BringhurstPassyunk17768.25 acres, 10 sq. perchesI 16.519, 540; D 13.276; EF 26.491
James BringhurstPassyunk17768 acres, 85 sq. perchesI 16.519, 540; D 13.276; EF 26.491
James BringhurstPassyunk177730 sq. perchesI 17.385
James BringhurstPassyunk17772 acres, 58 sq. perchesI 17.385
James BringhurstPassyunk177712.25 acresI 17.385
John BringhurstDistrict of Southwark1761I 13.83
John BringhurstGermantown17604.75 acres, 32 sq. perchesD 77.329
John BringhurstGermantown17626.25 acresD 75.331
John BringhurstGermantown177116 acres, 37 sq. perchesD 51.116
John BringhurstGermantown17742.75 acresr. AM 16.785
John BringhurstGermantown17742.75 acresD 46.441
John BringhurstGermantown17741.5 acres, 29 sq. perchesD 56.231
John BringhurstGermantown17756.25 acresD 77.331
John BringhurstGermantown177667 sq. perchesD 46.441
John BringhurstGermantown177620 acresD 45.413
John BringhurstNorthern Liberties17703 acresAM 11.491
John BringhurstNorthern Liberties177110.25 acresEF 6.17
John BringhurstNorthern Liberties177112.5 acresEF 6.17
Joseph Bringhurstcity1761I 3.416227 S Water St
Samuel BringhurstGermantown1762AWM 61.469
John Bringhurst Estatecity1750H 3.160232 S Front St
Thomas BristollOxford177541 acres, 60 sq. perchesI 14.427; r. D14.423
Thomas BristollOxford177558.5 acresI 14.427; r. D14.423
Thomas BristonLower Merion176193 acres, 131.5 sq. perchesI 6.251
Catherine BrittnerLower Merion1774200 acresWBk Q.72; r. 14.32
John BrittonBlockley177758 acresEF 7.724
John BrittonMoreland1754192 acresWBk L.544
John BrittonMoreland
John BrittonNorthern Liberties17691 acre, 159 sq. perchesIC 14.418; GWR 4.185
John BrittonPassyunk176727 acres, 105 sq. perchesCP A-2.
William BrittonOxford1754
William BrittonOxford175613 acres, 15 sq. perches
William Coates and John BrittonUpper Merion177660 acresI 15.467
Andrew Broaderickcity1773D 30.7825 8th N
Andrew Broaderickcity1773LW 122.17331 8th St N
Sarah and John BrockAbington17693 acres, 15 sq. perches34.276
Edward Brocks Jr.city1748H 2.174
Edward Brocks Jr.city1748H 2.17442-44 Race St136 Race St
Hannah and Mary Bromwellcity1775r. D 56.30626 Strawberry Alley
William Bromwich Estatecity1753r. D 22.211102 Arch St
William Bromwich Estatecity1755TH 174.154104 Arch St
Jonathan BrookLower Merion1757103 acres, 79 sq. perches257.383
Bowyer BrookeNorthern Liberties17651 acre, 55.75 sq. perchesI 3.172
Bowyer BrookeNorthern Liberties1765I 3.172
Bowyer BrookeNorthern Liberties1765I 3.172831 2nd St N
John BrookeNew Hanover1762100 acres, 42 sq. perchesI 2.364
Matthew BrookeNew Hanover1767176.75 acresComBk A 2.418
Matthew BrookeNew Hanover176750 acresr. 3.406
Samuel BrookePlymouth1750107.5 acresI 1.167
Samuel BrookePlymouth1750100 acresI 1.167
William BrookeNew Hanover174526 acresG 7.133
Edward Brooks Jr.city1759H 13.8384 N Front St114 N Front St
George and Sarah Brookscity1758RLL 3.2738 Chestnut St105 Chestnut St
Jacob BrownBristol176443.75 acres
Jacob BrownGermantown176419 acresr. EF 14.486
James Browncity1768LW 9.349
Joseph Browncity
Magdalen Browncity1757WBk K.547; r. I 17.40619 N 3rd St23 N 3rd St
Magdalen Browncityr. I 17.406
Mary BrownLower Dublin177627 acres, 20 sq. perchesI 16.510
Mary BrownLower Dublin17772.5 acresSHF 5.701
Mary BrownLower Dublin17771 acreSHF 5.701
Mary BrownPassyunk177712 acres, 50 sq. perches
Samuel BrownNorriton1760104.5 acresH 18.548
Samuel BrownProvidence1763168 acres, 14 sq. perchesD 7.375
Thomas Pendergrass Browncity1769r. D 1.330Bread St
William Browncity1758H 9.550255 S 2nd St
William Browncity1772D 59.2769 N 6th St131 N 6th St
Sarah Brown Estatecity1751r. EF 6.644
William Brown?city
John BrowneNorthern Liberties1750CP Partition2nd St N
John BrowneNorthern Liberties1765OC Dk 5.190
John BrowneNorthern Liberties
John BrowneNorthern Libertiesr. D 8444Front St N
Jonathan BrowneNorthern Liberties177517 acres, 31 sq. perchesI 16.12
Jonathan BrowneNorthern Liberties177517 acres, 31 sq. perchesI 16.12
Nathaniel Browne1757r. ShfBk CP E.22932 Race St126 Race St
Nathaniel Brownecity1752EF 21.614
Nathaniel Brownecity1763IC 23.13124 Race St116 Race St
Peter BrowneNorthern Liberties1776D 1.149
Peter BrowneNorthern Liberties1777D 1.147Queen/Richmond St
Peter Browne Estatecity1727G 1.23136 Race St130 Race St
Peter Browne Estatecity1727G 1.231106 Race St
Peter Browne Estatecity1733EF 29.565
Peter Browne EstateNorthern Liberties1746D 67.213
Henry Brunner Estatecity1754D 19.5280 4th St N152 4th St N
Henry BrussterNorthern Liberties1774D 18.360234 Queen/Richmond St
Samuel BrustarNorthern Liberties1771D 11.158Queen/Richmond St
Sarah Bryancity1746D 32.105; r. ADB 147.13466 Arch St236 Arch St
Sarah Bryancity1775r. ADB 147.134
George Dieter BucherNew Hanover75 acresr. 12.67
George Dieter BucherNew Hanover68 acresr. 12.67
George Dieter BucherNew Hanover49 acresr. 12.67
Sebastian BucherNew Hanover177084 acres, 96 sq. perchesr. 5.173
Sebastian BucherNew Hanover17706 acresr. 5.173
Sarah Buckleycity1758H 9.29585 S 3rd St
Levi BuddNorthern Liberties1752H 5.323; I 13.82
Levi BuddNorthern Liberties1761r. GWR 25.644N Front St
Levi BuddNorthern LibertiesN Front St
Thomas BuddNorthern Liberties17722 acres, 13 sq. perchesI 13.150
Thomas BuddNorthern Liberties1772I 13.150Second St N
William Straker and James Buddencity1774LRB 175.4926 N Front St
Richard Budden Estatecity1749G 12.137
Richard Budden Estatecityr. EF 16.703
Jacob Buhnercity1746r. D 41.11Quarry St.
William BullNorriton175335 acres6.273
William BullNorriton1758137 acresr. 5.534
William BullNorriton177468 acres, 130 sq. perches2.29
William BullNorriton143 acres, 130 sq. perches
William BullPerkiomen and Skippack176449.5 acres2.581
George Bullockcity1774D 22.511Chestnut St
Joseph Bullockcity1758r. D 24.284
Joseph Bullockcity1758r. D 24.28458 Walnut St230 Walnut St
Joseph Bullockcity1769D 40.562Walnut St
Joseph BullockMoyamensing17584 acres
George Bullock Estatecity1746DHL 105.231151 Arch St419 Arch St
George Bullock Estatecity1750D 38.47183 Dock St
George Bullock Estatecity1757CP A-1.230Walnut St
George Bullock Estatecity1757EF 7.334424 Walnut St
George Bullock Estatecityr. D 14.181Morris Alley
George Bullock EstateMoyamensing17556 acres, 16 sq. perches
Robert Bullycity1762D 1.9483 Arch St233 Arch St
Jacob BummNorthern Liberties1772I 10.447Hanover St
Jacob BummNorthern Liberties1772I 10.447Hanover St
Gerhard BunWorcester177049 acres7.267
Gerhard BunWorcester17708 acres, 110 sq. perches7.267
Rudolph Bunner1770r. D 48.203104 Race St306 Race St
Rudolph Bunnercity1768CP A-2.234102 Race St304 Race St
Rudolph Bunnercity1768CP A-2.184106 Race St308 Race St
Rudolph BunnerMoyamensing17653 acres, 6 sq. perchesD 8.283
Rudolph BunnerProvidence29 acres, 24 sq. perchesr. Mtg M 1.250
Rudolph BunnerWorcester175156.5 acresr. MtgBk M 1.245
John Burchellcityr. EF 33.118Walnut St
Samuel Burgecity1752H 2.12231 N 3rd St35 N 3rd St
Samuel Burgecity1759r. RLL 12.49629 N 3rd St33 N 3rd St
Samuel Burgecity1765H 21.9427 N 3rd St31 N 3rd St
Daniel Burghart Estatecity1761D 7.38066 Race St216 Race St
Edward BurkGermantown176958 sq. perches
Edward BurkUpper Dublin176275 acres, 60 sq. perches317.391
John BurkLower Dublin177633.75 acres
John BurkMoreland177633.5 acresD 1.96
John BurkUpper Dublin176244 acres, 100 sq. perches317.389
Edward Burk EstateUpper Dublin173525.5 acresr. 5.260
Edward Burk EstateUpper Dublin174355 acres, 30 sq. perchesr. 105.287
Jacob BurketNorthern Liberties1771IC 6.637Budd St N
Jacob BurketNorthern Liberties1771IC 6.634Budd St N
Andrew Burkhartcity1771I 10.15397 Arch St247 Arch St
Andrew Burkhartcity1771I 10.153
Andrew Burkhartcity1772ACH 76.51061 Arch St211 Arch St
George BurkhartNew Hanover129 acresr. 27.337
Nicholas BurkhartBristol177632 acres
Nicholas BurkhartGermantown17753 acres, 3 sq. perches, 47 sq. ft.I 14.319
Nicholas BurkhartRoxborough177735.75 acres
Philip Burkhart Estatecity1746r. EF 10.367234 Quarry St.
Philip Burkhart Estatecity1748r. EF 10.367232 Quarry St.
Isaac Burkloecity1771ELT 404.507220 Stampers Alley
Samuel Burkloecity1769AM 45.75222 Stampers Alley
Samuel BurmanLower Dublin177720 acresD 1.222
Samuel BurmanLower Dublin177720 acresD 1.79
Samuel Burrcity1764r. D 41.40436 5th St N40 5th St N
Arthur Burrowscity1743r. EF 29.398106 Arch St
Burying GroundByberry1 acre
Burying GroundLower Dublin1 acre
Burying GroundNew Hanover
Burying Ground LotWhitemarsh17460.5 acresH 16.557
Matthias BushGermantown177121 acres, 100 sq. perchesCP B-3.152
Matthias BushGermantown17713.5 acres, 10 sq. perchesCP B-3.152
Jacob BussertLower Salford177473 acres, 87 sq. perchesr. 2.507
Jacob BussertTowamencin177450 acresr. 2.505
Bartholomew BussierMoyamensing1767
Elizabeth ButtonNorthern Liberties1767r. I 17.152Richmond St
Elizabeth ButtonNorthern Liberties17671 acre, 113 sq. perchesr. EF 14.513
Elizabeth ButtonNorthern Liberties17671 acre, 146.2 sq. perchesr. EF 14.513
Abraham BuzbyOxford175690 acresD 49.356
Abraham BuzbyOxford17762 acresD 56.401
Abraham BuzbyOxford17762 acres, 60 sq. perchesD 56.401
Isaac BuzbyOxford1757157.5 acresr. IH 10.26
William BuzbyOxford1747165 acresD 2.210
William BuzbyOxford1747165 acresD 2.210
Byberry Quaker MeetingByberry16941 acreE-2.5.279; r. I 3.283
James Byrnecity1764H 19.47964 S 2nd St114 S 2nd St
James Byrnecity1770D 27.273, 276; r. IC 20.754165 Arch St433 Arch St
James Byrnecity1773PhilaCoWarrant B No. 189; r. PatBk P 10.113Market St
Patrick Byrnecity1774I 14.29
Patrick Byrnecity1774I 14.29
Jervis BywaterKensingtonr. RLL 40.263Richmond St
William Bywater Estatecity1750H 8.5105 Front St N
Isaac CadwaladerMoreland17608 acres, 8 sq. perchesr. 12.131
Isaac CadwaladerMoreland176010 acresr. 12.131
Isaac CadwaladerMoreland17652 acres, 2 sq. perches328.141
Isaac CadwaladerMoreland176651.25 acres328.139
Isaac CadwaladerMoreland177081 sq. perches323.144
Isaac CadwaladerMoreland1772108 sq. perchesr. 12.131
John Cadwaladercity1769I 6.535
John Cadwaladercity1769I 6.535
John Cadwaladercity1770I 15.521S 2nd St
John Cadwaladercity1770I 11.545
John Cadwaladercity1774I 17.329307 S 3rd St
John CadwaladerMoyamensing17704 acresI 11.541
Cadwaladercityr. D 35.3855th St S
John Cadwalader EstateKingsessing171934.5 acresD 18.191; r. D 45.440
Abraham CadwalladerAbington176356.5 acres, 30 sq. perchesI 9.538
Abraham CadwalladerAbington17763.25 acresI 15.496
Thomas Cadwalladercity1767I 10.381; I 11.552Chestnut St
Thomas CadwalladerDistrict of Southwark17592.5 acres
Thomas CadwalladerPassyunk17614 acres, 56 sq. perchesI 10.377
Thomas CadwalladerPassyunk176614.13 acresD 33.62
Thomas CadwalladerPassyunk176612.63 acresD 33.62
Alexander Caldwellcity1774D 13.316
Joseph CammelSpringfield177720 acresD 8.274
Joseph CammelSpringfield177710 acresD 8.274
Andrew CampbellGermantown17551 acreH 16.260
Andrew CampbellGermantown17750.5 acresI 14.407
Andrew CampbellSpringfield176210 acres
George CampbellLower Dublin177729 acresD 10.75
George CampbellLower Dublin177713 acresD 10.75
George CampbellMoyamensing1775I 15.38
George CampbellMoyamensing1775I 15.38
George CampbellMoyamensing1775I 15.38
James CampbellPlymouth1750143 acres, 90.5 sq. perchesH 9.192
Peter Campbellcity1762WBk M.420; r. D 11.104
Peter Campbellcity1762WBk M.420; r. D 11.104
Peter Campbellcity1762WBk M.420; r. D 11.104138 Chestnut St
Peter Campbell?Passyunk3 acresr. D 3.384
Michael Cannercity1774D 5.337
James Cannoncity1770D 76.38486 S 3rd St218 S 3rd St
Peter CareRoxborough177527 acresI 14.279; I 16.209
Peter CareRoxborough17753 acres, 72 sq. perchesI 14.279; I 16.209
Peter CareRoxborough17752 acres, 149.5 sq. perchesI 14.279; I 16.209
Abraham Carlislecity1753H 4.157
Abraham Carlislecity1753H 4.157104 Front St N136 Front St N
Abraham Carlislecity1753H 4.157
Alexander Carlylecity1768I 10.404219-221 S 5th St
Alexander Carlylecity1772I 10.326225 S 5th St
Caleb CarmaltPassyunk17754 acres, 152.5 sq. perchesI 13.388
Peter Carmickcity1766r. D 72.1665 Elfreths Alley113 Elfreths Alley
Stephen Carmickcity1763H 18.490N Water St
Stephen CarmickDistrict of Southwark17503.5 acres, 10 sq. perchesH 17.216
Stephen CarmickDistrict of Southwark1763I 14.469
Stephen CarmickDistrict of Southwark1763I 14.469
Stephen CarmickDistrict of Southwark1763I 14.469
Stephen CarmickMoyamensing17704 acresI 7.222
Stephen CarmickNorthern Liberties17667 acres, 110 sq. perches
Stephen CarmickNorthern Liberties17667 acres, 20 sq. perches
Stephen and Ann Carmickcity1747r. EF 28.172; H 18.488Mulberry St
Jasper Carpentercity1777D 1.48122 Spruce St
Preston Carpentercity1774I 14.126; r. D 11.168
Preston Carpentercity1774I 14.126; r. D 11.168
Rachael Carpentercity1774I 14.126; r. D 11.179
Rachael Carpentercity1774I 14.126; r. D 11.179
Stephen CarpenterOxford1775300 acresD 75.269
Thomas and Samuel Inglishby Carpenter1774I 14.126; r. D 11.176
Thomas and Samuel Inglishby Carpenter1774I 14.126; r. D 11.176
Thomas Carpenter Estatecity1774I 14.126; r. D 11.168
Thomas Carpenter Estatecity1774I 14.126; r. D 11.168
Carpenters' Companycity1768I 4.146; r. I 7.46, I 7.48
John CarrDistrict of Southwark35 Christian St
Thomas Carrell Jr.city1757IH 9.72670 Spruce St210 Spruce St
Timothy Carrellcity1761D 8.414
Timothy Carrolcity1767r. D 44.29
Timothy Carrolcity1769r. D 61.316
Andrew Carsoncity1777D 1.116203 Market St503 Market St
Joseph Carsoncity1771D 1.36273 Market St217 Market St
Joseph CarsonDistrict of Southwark17723 acres, 127 sq. perchesr. D 43.334
Robert CarsonMoyamensing1774AM 67.104
William Carsoncity1767I 4.486Elbow Lane
William Carsoncity1767I 4.486Elbow Lane
William Carsoncity1774D 46.118
William CarsonPassyunk177311 acres, 15 sq. perchesIC 14.691
James Cartercity1776I 15.564
James Cartercity1776I 16.375
William CarterNorthern Liberties1756r. D 18.303Queen/Richmond St
Richard CarvelCheltenham10 acres
Isaac CarverByberry1744150 acresH 4.242
John Carvercity1749I 6.304236-238 Spruce St
John Carver JrByberry17602 acres, 30 sq. perchesD 70.418
John Carver Jr.Byberry1744237 acresG 10.280
John Carver Jr.Byberry176028 acres, 110 sq. perchesD 70.418
Ezra CaryNorthern Liberties17755 acres, 48 sq. perches
Thomas CasdropDistrict of Southwark1761r. ShfBk CP C-4.32530 Queen St
John CaseMoreland17763.75 acresD 11.192
John CaseMoreland17761 acre, 94 sq. perchesD 11.192
Thomas Cashcity1770D 71.435329 S 2nd St
Thomas Cashcity1773WBk P.378; r. D 41.275213 S 4th St
Caleb Cash Estatecity1765IC 5.594220 Carters Alley
Berret CasperUpper Hanover175420 acresr. 929.59
Henry CasselTowamencin1776131 acres, 140 sq. perches460.425
Isaac CasselPerkiomen and Skippack1771100 acres8.421
Isaac CasselPerkiomen and Skippack1771100 acres8.421
Israel Casselcity1762I 1.23325 Elfreths Alley124 Elfreths Alley
Jacob CasselUpper Salford1776100 acresWBk Q.270; r. PatBk H 1.111
John CasselWorcester1743140 acres, 100 sq. perchesr. 68.528
John CasselWorcester177466.25 acres25.570
Yellis CasselTowamencin177482 acres, 120 sq. perches8.65
Jacob CasselberryProvidence176810 acres, 71 sq. perchesr. 17.73
Paul CasselberryProvidence124 acresr. 9.60; r. 118.312
Joseph Cassincity1761EF 11.578307 Lombard St
George CastorOxford1762202 acresI 14.193
George Cattoncity1773I 13.201130 S 4th St300 S 4th St
John CauffmanNorthern Liberties1777I 17.209Shackamaxon St
Joseph Cauffmancity1767I 6.15014 Cherry St310 Cherry St
Joseph Cauffmancity1769I 17.51275 S Front St
Joseph CauffmanProvidence176867 acresI 6.146
Joseph CauffmanProvidence1768161 acresI 6.146
John ChainNorriton1770176 acres22.505
Charles Chamberlaincity1769D 23.257South St
Charles Chamberlaincity1769D 23.258209 Market St509 Market St
David Chamberscity1776r. D 5.2584th St N
William Chancellor EstateNorthern Libertiesr. D 11.49
James ChapmanNorthern Liberties1763r. I 11.194, MR 7.391Marlborough St
Thomas ChappelOxford100 acres
Thomas ChappelOxford6 acres, 143 sq. perches
Thomas Charltoncity1773GS 15.63223 S 2nd St
Sarah Cheesemancity1770RDW 74.30265 N 2nd St65 N 2nd St
Sarah Cheesemancity1770r. AM 4.24340 Arch St132 Arch St
Eleanor and John ChevalierNorthern Libertiesr. G 5.449
Eleanor Berkeley ChevalierNorthern Liberties1750r. D 7.424
Eleanor Berkeley ChevalierNorthern Liberties1750r. D 7.424
Eleanor Berkeley ChevalierNorthern Liberties1750r. D 7.424
John ChevalierNorthern Liberties1772r. D 7.272
John ChevalierNorthern Liberties1773r. D 7.424
John ChevalierNorthern Liberties1773r. D 7.424
John ChevalierNorthern Liberties1775r. D 7.424
Benjamin Chewcity1771I 9.279
Benjamin Chewcity1771I 9.279
Benjamin Chewcity1771I 9.279
Benjamin ChewGermantown176311 acres, 60 sq. perchesADB 73.145
Benjamin ChewGermantown17654 acres, 6 sq. perchesADB 73.134
Benjamin ChewGermantown3.75 acresI 15.561
Benjamin and Elizabeth Chewcity1757RDW 92.240
Benjamin and Elizabeth Chewcity1757RDW 92.240
Benjamin and Elizabeth Chewcity1768r. IC 5.547
John ChildBristol1769100 acresr. EF 21.460
John Childs?DouglassMontCo Shf Bk A.63
Christ Church1725F 3.419
Christ Churchcity1695
Christ Church Burial Groundcity1719Christ Church Archives, Register of Titles
Christ Church Burial Groundcity1719Christ Church Archives, Register of Titles
Christ Church Burial Groundcity1719Christ Church Archives, Register of Titles
Christ Church Parsonage Lotcity
Jacob ChristmanFrederick1760105.25 acres2.562; 2.525
Jacob ChristmanFrederick176062 acres, 138 sq. perches2.562; 2.525
Jacob Chrystlercity1761H 17.52271 Arch St221 Arch St
Jacob Chrystlercity1764r. GWR 7.634159 Arch St427 Arch St
Jacob Chrystlercity1767I 3.287157 Arch St425 Arch St
Jacob Chrystlercity1769I 7.74109-111 N 6th St
Jennett Churchcity1748G 11.154
Jennett Churchcity1748G 11.154
Jennett Churchcity1748G 11.154
Jennett Churchcity1748G 11.154
Jennett Churchcity1748G 11.154
Jennett Churchcity1748G 11.154
John Church Estatecity1715G 2.252; r. D 7.547
John Church Estatecity1770r. D 32.358Mulberry St
John Church EstateDistrict of Southwark1745H 16.28123-25 Christian St
City of Philadelphiacity1694F 3.265; r. F 3.266
City of Philadelphiacity17011701 City Charter; r. PatBk AA 12.80
City of Philadelphiacity1704F 9.225; H 7.92257 S Front St
Anna Maria Clampffercity1763I 6.465130-134 Elfreths Alley
George Clare estatecity1741r. I 12.78; r. EF 10.625Chestnut St
Jeffrey ClarkDistrict of Southwark1765I 5.23033 Christian St
Mary and Hannah Clarkcity1773TH 17.49226 N 4th St30 N 4th St
Samuel Clarkcity1764ComBk A 3.20740 5th St N44 5th St N
Samuel Clarkcity1766D 30.3338 5th St N42 5th St N
Joseph & Rebecca Clark?Northern LibertiesD 1.163
Deborah Claypoolecity1750r. IC 4.45120 Market St
Deborah Claypoolecity1750r. IC 4.4536 Market St120 Market St
George Claypoolecity1768I 4.47561 Dock St
Joseph Claypoolecity1764r. D 18.5116th St N
Joseph Claypoole?city39 Walnut St125 Walnut St
Richard Clayton EstateMorelandr. 11.2
Isaac CleaverCheltenham172893.5 acres
Isaac CleaverUpper Dublin1759121 acres3.309
John CleaverUpper Dublin175284.5 acresH 5.122
John CleaverUpper Merion177499 acres, 60 sq. perchesr. 7.705
Peter CleaverUpper Dublin1722165 acresD 6.376
William CleaverUpper Merion1771196.75 acres, 22 sq. perches11.265
William CleaverUpper Merion17771 acrer. 50.187
Abraham ClemensLower Salford1776180 acresWBk Q.295; r. 26.685
Garret ClemensLower Salford1768106 acres2.149
Garret ClemensLower Salford176829 acres2.149
George ClemensProvidence1744150 acresr. 10.20
George ClemensProvidence174419 acres, 50 sq. perchesr. 10.20
Jacob ClemensLower Salford1748103 acresG 8.449
Jacob ClemensLower Salford17486 acresG 8.449; r. 7.466
Jacob ClemensLower Salford177516 acres, 138 sq. perchesr. 7.466
Jacob ClemensLower Salford177528 acres, 110 sq. perchesr. 7.466
Jacob ClemensLower Salford177676 acres, 10 sq. perchesr. 673.462; WBk Q.295
Henry ClemmerFranconia1749156 acresr. 43.305, r. 27.636
Thomas Cliffordcity1759H 18.168
Thomas Cliffordcity1759H 18.168
Thomas CliffordNorthern Liberties3 acresr. GWR 37.276
Thomas Clifford Estatecity1761H 14.15; r. EF 13.20137 N Front St
Thomas Clifford Estatecity1761H 14.5; r. EF 13.301N Water St
William CliftonDistrict of Southwark17712 acres, 113 sq. perchesD 43.413
William CliftonMoyamensing17726.25 acres
William CliftonMoyamensing17779.75 acresEF 6.358
Michael ClineLower Merion176314 acres, 66 sq. perches7.904
Michael ClineLower Merion177020 acres7.908
Jacob ClosNorthern Liberties1766D 4.332Hanover St
Jacob ClosNorthern Liberties1767r. D 66.290Hanover St
Thomas Clulowcity1766r. AWM 49.494; r. LW 107.208725 Zane St
Baltez Clymercity1754D 67.208210 Market St616 Market St
Baltez Clymercity1760MR 20.726
Baltez Clymercity1761H 12.18815 7th St S23-25 7th St S
Baltez Clymercity1772D 68.6327 6th St N
Baltez Clymercity1774D 67.414Market St
Daniel ClymerNorthern Liberties17738 acres, 70 sq. perches
Daniel C. Clymercity1749H 5.481; r. IC 17.35130 Arch St122 Arch St
George Clymercity1750r. I 14.391
George Clymercity1768I 6.39193 S Front St141 S Front St
George Clymercity1771I 10.31
George ClymerDistrict of Southwark17505 acresr. D 53.364
George ClymerDistrict of Southwark1750r. EF 3.28
George ClymerDistrict of Southwark1769r. EF 3.28
George ClymerMoyamensing17485.25 acresr. D 57.204
George ClymerNorthern Liberties17492 acresr. D 77.66
Margaret Clymercity1761ADB 123.13420 Cherry St316 Cherry St
Robert ClymerGermantown17670.75 acres, 11 sq. perchesTH 37.312
Robert ClymerGermantown17690.75 acres, 36 sq. perchesTH 37.504
Robert ClymerGermantown3 acres
William Clymer Estatecity1735H 4.473101 Front St N
David CoalerUpper Dublin17713.5 acresr. 3.518
John CoalerUpper Dublin17697 acresr. 7.214
John CoalerUpper Dublin17746 acres7.919
Isaac & Elizabeth CoarseMoyamensing1766r. D 2.245
Isaac CoatesNorthern Liberties17601 acre, 68 sq. perchesWBk L.409
Isaac CoatesNorthern Liberties17601 acre, 68 sq. perchesWBk L.409
Isaac CoatesNorthern Liberties1765GS 16.639
John Coates Jr.city1743D 15.384117 3rd St N205-207 3rd St N
John Coates Jr.city1743D 15.384245 Race St
John Coates Jr.cityRace St
Joseph Coatescity87 Market St233 Market St
Josiah Langdale Coatescity1771D 10.299
Lindsay CoatesUpper Merion1775136.75 acresI 13.318
Septimus CoatesNorthern Liberties17764 acresr. EF 14.207
Thomas Coatescity1743D 15.297249 Race St
Thomas CoatesNorthern Liberties171447 acres, 38 sq. perchesWBk D.131; r. D 57.213
Thomas CoatesPassyunk17589 acresr. IH 2.444
William CoatesNorthern Liberties1772ShfBk CP B-3.175JSpring St
William CoatesNorthern Liberties1772ShfBk CP B-3.175Spring St
Abraham CoatsNorthern Liberties1764IC 11.33Front St N
Isaac CoatsNorthern Liberties17610.38 acresD 6.322
Isaac CoatsNorthern Liberties17732 acres
Isaac Coats Sr.Northern Liberties1761D 6.322Front St N
Isaac Coats Sr.Northern Liberties1761D 6.322Front St N
John CoatsNorthern Liberties17762 acres, 90 sq. perchesr. I 17.241
Lindsay Coatscity1765D 2.225300-302 S 2nd St
Lindsay Coatscity1771r. D 47.2269-13 Elfreths Aley121 Elfreths Aley
Lindsey CoatsPassyunk17746 acres, 143.5 sq. perchesD 37.196
Ruth CoatsPassyunk17657 acresJTO 23.193
Septimus Coatscity1776WBk Q.251; r. D 18.593Race St.
Thomas Coatscity1758r. SHF 29.389Race St.
Thomas CoatsNorthern Liberties17722 acres, 29 sq. perchesCP Part. 1.232
Warwick CoatsNorthern Liberties1761I 9.394Front St N
William Coatscity1764EF 17.276226 5th St N
William CoatsNorthern Liberties17504 acres, 27 sq. perchesCP Part.
William CoatsNorthern Liberties17501.5 acres, 5 sq. perchesCP Part.; r. CP C.225
William CoatsNorthern Liberties1758H 17.315N Front St
William CoatsNorthern Liberties1775r. AM 8.521Cable Lane
William Coats Jrcity1744H 17.31413 N 2nd St
Abraham Coats EstateNorthern Liberties17612 acresr. D 38.210
Abraham Coats EstateNorthern Liberties1761
Abraham Coats EstateNorthern Liberties1761GS 45.504
Abraham Coats EstateNorthern Liberties1761
John Coats EstateNorthern Liberties1 acre, 110 sq. perchesCP Part. 1.232; r. D 2.157
Jacob CoblantzCheltenham17743 acres213.29
Jacob CoblantzCheltenham177420 acres213.29
George Cobler HeirsPassyunk175812 acres, 130 sq. perches
George Cobler HeirsPassyunk17606 acresH 11.425
George Cobler HeirsPassyunk17616 acresCP A-1.300
John Cobourncity1770I 7.24722 Arch St114 Arch St
John Cobourncity1770EF 7.586
John Cobourncity1772I 12.1657 Coombs Alley107 Coombs Alley
Thomas CochranLower Merion1764150 acresI 1.326
John CockshuttNorthern Liberties17758 acres, 142 sq. perches
Jacob CoffingAbington176650 acresr. 7.126
Abraham Coffing EstateAbington1766138 acres, 42 sq. perchesr. 143.280
William Coffing Estatecity1767D 50.413; r. D 53.43270 N 3rd St126 N 3rd St
Jacob ColemanGermantown176323 acres, 69 sq. perchesD 3.460
Jacob ColemanLower Merion175939.5 acres26.238
Jacob ColemanRoxborough17601 acre
Joseph Colemancity1759ComBk A-3.290
Henry ColfleshUpper Merion1774100 acresOC Dk 1.182; r. 3.80
Frederick ColleGermantown17762 acresGGP 541.233
College, Academy & Charitable School of Phila.city1750H 5.168
College, Academy & Charitable School of Phila.city1751H 5.3
College, Academy & Charitable School of Phila.city1751H 5.3
College, Academy & Charitable School of Phila.city1753H 7.449
College, Academy & Charitable School of Phila.city1753H 7.449
College, Academy & Charitable School of Phila.city1753H 7.449
College, Academy & Charitable School of Phila.city1767I 6.663
College, Academy & Charitable School of Phila.city1767I 6.663
College, Academy & Charitable School of Phila.city1767I 6.663
College, Academy & Charitable School of Phila.Norriton177588 acres
College, Academy & Charitable School of Phila.Norriton1776484 acres, 30 sq. perchesI 17.60
College, Academy & Charitable School of Phila.Rockhill, Bucks County17592,500 acresD 22.465; BucksCo 42.368
Alexander ColleyPlymouth1761225 acresH 12.371
Alexander ColleyPlymouth176767 acres, 151 sq. perchesI 9.521
Elizabeth Collingscity1767EF 1.27994 Front St N126 Front St N
Stephen Collinscity1764H 20.26960 N 3rd St114 N 3rd St
Stephen Collinscity1764I 7.37429 N 2nd St
Ralph Collins?cityr. D 10.6221 Pine St
Ann Collumcity1751r. D 19.288106 Elfreths Alley
John CollumAbington1774100 acres24.282
David CombesAbington17721 acre, 93 sq. perchesr. 6.624
Isaac ComlyByberry177340 acres, 42 sq. perchesACH
Isaac ComlyByberry177350 acresACH 75.256
Isaac ComlyByberry177356 acres, 130 sq. perchesACH 75.256
Isaac ComlyByberry17753 acres, 39 sq. perchesACH 75.262
Jacob ComlyMoreland17681 acre, 143 sq. perchesr. D 8.77
Jacob ComlyMoreland17724 acres, 12 sq. perchesD 57.110
Jacob ComlyMoreland177210 acresD 57.110
Jacob ComlyMoreland17741 acre, 152 sq. perchesr. D 8.77
Johnathan ComlyMoreland177280 acresWBk P.313
Johnathan ComlyMoreland1772100 acresWBk P.313; r. GWC 109.441
Joseph ComlyMoreland1772100 acresWBk P.313; r. GWC 109.441
Joshua ComlyMoreland1772WBk P.313
Joshua ComlyMoreland1772WBk P.313
Joshua ComlyMoreland17775 acres, 116 sq. perchesGWR 14.640
Joshua and Johnathan ComlyMoreland177210 acresWBk P.313; r. GWR 21.403
Commonwealth of PennsylvaniaMarlborough6 acres, 89 sq. perchesPatBk H 3.71
Commonwealth of PennsylvaniaMarlborough52 acres, 112 sq. perchesr. PatBk P 19.293
Commonwealth of PennsylvaniaUpper Hanover & Lower Milford66 acres, 17 sq. perchesr. PatBk P 14.437
Commonwealth of PennsylvaniaUpper Salford22.25 acresr. PatBk P 3.150
Dennis ConardNorriton174827 acres, 110 sq. perchesI 13.175
Dennis ConardNorriton176349 acres, 96 sq. perchesr. 8.487
John ConnardNorriton177354 acresr. 24.24
William ConnellyProvidence1765226 acres, 86 sq. perches11.476
Charles Connor Estatecity1758r. D 13.42820 5th St N
Cornelius ConradGermantown17594 acres
Henry ConradWorcester17473 acresr. 3.410
Henry ConradWorcester1761100 acres, 14 sq. perches2.229
Henry ConradWorcester177435.75 acresr. 30.320
Contributors of Pennsylvania HospitalNorthern Liberties17510.75 acres, 5.25 sq. perchesAM 62.374
Anthony CookRoxborough176811 acres, 155 sq. perches
Anthony CookRoxborough1768
Jacob CookUpper Merion17751 acreI 16.41
Nathan Cookcity1748H 3.22718 Cherry St314 Cherry St
Anthony Cook?Roxborough2 acres, 57 sq. perches
Anthony Cook?Roxborough2 acres, 114 sq. perches
Nathan Cookecity1752H 3.469N 2nd St
Thomas CoombeSpringfield1776125 acresD 1.212
John Coon/KuhnNorthern Liberties1763ShfBk CP A-1.333Spring St
John Coon/KuhnNorthern LibertiesSpring St
Henry CoonsSpringfield17645 acres
Jacob CoonsSpringfield
George Coopercity1774D 25.142130 Market St400 Market St
George Coopercity1777D 25.147
Jacob Coopercity1754H 5.376Coombs Alley
Jacob Coopercity1754H 5.27645 N 2nd St45 N 2nd St
Jacob CooperNorthern Liberties1762H 14.519
Jacob CooperNorthern Liberties17621 acreH 14.146
Jacob CooperNorthern Liberties17642 acresr. D 4.129
Jacob CooperNorthern Liberties17652 acresCP A-1.385
Jacob CooperNorthern Liberties17651 acre, 13 sq. perches, 7 sq. ft.CP A-1.385
Jacob CooperNorthern Liberties17675 acresWBk O.109; r. D19.274
Jacob CooperNorthern Libertiesr. EF 10.300
Jacob & Elizabeth Coopercity1732r. D 3.37175 Arch St225 Arch St
James CooperMoreland5 acresr. IH 6.439
James CooperNorthern Liberties177311 acres, 100 sq. perchesI 12.338
James CooperNorthern Liberties17779 acres, 116 sq. perchesD 5.388
John Coopercity1762D 9.454Front St N
Thomas CooperByberry175312 acres, 25 sq. perchesr. D 77.350
Rebecca Cooper Estatecity1761H 14.43855 N Front St
Samuel Cooper EstateNorthern Liberties1727H 18.371Old York Road
William Cooper Estatecity1750r. D 68.9448 N Front St48 N Front St
William Cooper Estatecity1752GWC 23.46648 N Front St
Caleb and Joshua Copecity1772EF 28.323, EF 28.325199 Arch St529 Arch St
Jacob CopeFranconia1769147.5 acresI 7.23
Cord Cordescity1773D 38.229419 Appletree Alley
Deborah Cordrycity1741r. D 17.74222 S Front St
Thomas Corgie?cityr. D 11.532332 S 2nd St
William Corker Estatecity35 Arch St121 Arch St
Simeon CornellLower Dublin17642 acresD 20.583
Simeon CornellLower Dublin17642.5 acresD 20.583
Simeon CornellLower Dublin1764154 acresD 20.583
Simeon CornellLower Dublin176417 acres, 4 sq. perchesD 20.583
Simeon CornellLower Dublin177312 acres
John CornmanProvidence1777268 acres, 68 sq. perchesI 17.486
John CornmanWorcester1776156 acres, 8.5 sq. perchesI 17.489
John Correycity1763H 18.3188 N 3rd St
John Correycity1763H 18.403
John Correycity1764H 20.452
Robert Correycity1761H 20.47340 Delancey St208 Delancey St
Robert Correycity1768I 11.7538 Moravian Alley146 Moravian Alley
Robert CorreyMoyamensing17673 acresCP A-2.98
Robert CorreyMoyamensing17695 acres, 81 sq. perchesI 8.460
Robert CorreyMoyamensing176912 acres, 44 sq. perchesI 8.460
Samuel Correycity1775AM 1.2645 N 3rd St
John Correy EstatePassyunk17564 acres, 91 sq. perchesCP A-1.177
John Correy EstatePassyunk17577 acresH 9.171
Richard CorsonMoreland177520 acresI 15.139
Benjamin Cottman Jr.Lower Dublin176596 acresI 14.530
Benjamin Cottman Jr.Lower Dublin176714.75 acres, 10 sq. perchesWBk O.118
Benjamin Cottman Jr.Oxford176545 acresI 14.530
John CottmanOxford1773172 acresD 33.414
Nathan CottmanOxford177544.25 acresI 14.587
Catherine Cottringercity1758I 6.261134 Walnut St
Catherine Cottringercity1774D 26.29570 Chestnut St230 Chestnut St
John Cottringer?Moyamensing1770CP B-3.97
Samuel CouchUpper Merion177612 acresI 15.355
Samuel CouchUpper Merion177614 acres, 103 sq. perchesI 15.355
Samuel CouchUpper Merion17763 acresI 15.355
Barnabas CoulstonPlymouth174820.4 acresI 11.314
Barnabas CoulstonPlymouth1748107.4 acresI 11.314
Barnabas CoulstonPlymouth175827 acresr. 2.409
Henry CoulstonNew Hanover176224 acres, 110 sq. perchesr. 228.277
John CoulstonNorriton1737100 acresr. 6.555
John CoulstonNorriton1740100 acres6.609
John CoulstonPlymouth176888.5 acres21.364
Jonathan Coulston EstateNorriton177015 acres, 140 sq. perchesr. 10.250
James and Elizabeth Coultascity1749EF 12.225; r. D 5.24847 Walnut St131 Walnut St
William CoultonBlockley174660 acresTH 117.66
William Cowpercity1772r. D 9.52434 Arch St126 Arch St
Andrew Cox Jr.Kingsessing1768153 acresI 3.467
Andrew Cox Jr.Kingsessing
Hannah and John CoxNorthern Liberties17721 acre, 136 sq. perchesOC Dkt 9.317; r. D 2.447Buttonwood St
Isaac Coxcity1752I 7.323S Front St
Isaac Coxcity1772r. D 1.327225 S Front St
Isaac Coxcity1772r. D 8.9225 S Water St
John Coxcity1756r. D 58.23594 4th St N166 4th St N
John Coxcity1757H 11.100; r. D 6.359109 Chestnut St
John Coxcity137 Market St
John and Sarah Coxcity1752r. D 18.37915 N 3rd St19 N 3rd St
Joseph CoxDistrict of Southwarkr. IW 1.31
Moses Coxcity1766
Moses Coxcity1771EF 8.210
Moses Coxcity1777D 1.358242 S Front St
Moses CoxPassyunk17497 acresEF 25.131
Moses CoxPassyunk17560.75 acresr. D 12.192
Paul Coxcity1776D 13.95
Sarah Edgell Coxcity1752WBk I.549; r. D 19.100
Thomas CoxWhitemarsh177311 acres, 54 sq. perches32.474
Zacharias CoxKingsessing1763D 46.472
Zacharias CoxKingsessing1763D 46.472
Ann and Charles Cox EstateMoyamensing17205.5 acres, 30 sq. perchesr. EF 26.577
Ann and Charles Cox EstateMoyamensing22 acresr. D 67.407
William Coxecity1759H 13.15882 S 3rd St
William Coxecity1760H 13.163
William CoxeMoyamensing17565.25 acres, 4 sq. perchesr. D 26.266
Tench Coxe?Northern Liberties1776
Tench Coxe?Northern Liberties1776
Tench Coxe?Northern Liberties1776
Tench Coxe?Northern Liberties1776
Tench Coxe?Northern Liberties1776
Tench Coxe?Northern Liberties1776
Tench Coxe?Northern Liberties1776
Barnett CraftAbington175510 acres16.44
Barnett CraftAbington175664.5 acres16.41
George Craigcity63-65 Arch St213-215 Arch St
James Craigcity1773I 11.468261 S 2nd St
James Craigcity1774I 14.60
James CraigGermantown17766 acres, 10 sq. perchesD 1.93
James CraigNorthern Liberties177320 acres, 1 sq. perchI 11.413
Robert Craigcity1768D 57.31192 4th St N164 4th St N
William Craigcity1771I 11.42557 N 2nd St57 N 2nd St
William CraigDistrict of Southwark1766I 1.477S Front St
William CraigDistrict of Southwark17672 acres, 34 sq. perchesI 7.157
William CraigNorthern Liberties1768I 4.41
William CraigNorthern Liberties1768I 4.41
William CraigPassyunk17596 acresH 13.286
William CraigPassyunk17624 acresI 1.485
William CraigPassyunk176313 acres, 132 sq. perchesH 13.280
Christian Cramercity1766r. D 30.368304 Cherry St
Andrew CrawfordNorriton1738105 acresCP A-1.28
Andrew CrawfordPlymouth174682 acresH 20.21
Andrew CrawfordPlymouth175824 acres, 30 sq. perchesH 10.17
Hugh CrawfordRoxborough1767179.5 acresComBk A-3.391
Robert Crawfordcity1771EF 17.483716 Mulberry St
William CrawfordUpper Merion1774103 acres262.260
Richard CreanBlockley177351.75 acresD 40.312
Richard CreanBlockley177328.25 acres
Richard CreanBlockley177440 acresD 40.314
Henry CressGermantown17581.7 acres
Henry CressGermantown
Henry CressSpringfield
Anthony Cressmancityadjacent property deeds
George CressmanFranconia1734200 acresr. 190.427
George CressmanWhitemarsh177010 acresI 13. 533
John CressmanFranconia17741 acre, 154 sq. perches3.297
John CressmanFranconia17752 acres3.298
Caleb Cressoncity1772I 12.501
James Cressoncity1741
James Cressoncity1770r. IH 10.141Strawberry Alley
James Cressoncity1777D 6.274
James Cressoncity1777D 6.274145-153 S 3rd St319-327 S 3rd St
James Cressoncity1777D 6.274
James & Jeremiah CressonMoyamensing1771r. IC 7.592
Jeremiah Cressoncity1766I 1.53125 S 4th St49 S 4th St
Jeremiah Cressoncity1766I 2.237
Jeremiah Cressoncity1770r. MR 1.2619 Strawberry Alley13 Strawberry Alley
Jeremiah Cressoncity1770r. MR 13.5967 Strawberry Alley11 Strawberry Alley
John Cressoncity1766D 41.22
Joshua Cressoncity1772I 16.3737 Market St121 Market St
Joshua Cressoncity521 Cherry St
Joshua Cressoncityr. D 14.34287 N 6th St149 N 6th St
Joshua Cressoncityr. D 6.432166 Race St506 Race St
Joshua Cressoncityr. D 14.34985 N 6th St147 N 6th St
Rebecca Cressoncity1770Strawberry Alley
Henry CriessNorthern Liberties1774GS 48.5622nd St N
Philip CripsMoreland17732 acresr. 2.516
Philip CripsMoreland17732.5 acresr. 2.516
Silas CrispinLower Dublin174971 acresr. EF 17.257
George CroghanNorthern Liberties17644 acresD 68.653
George CroghanNorthern Liberties17677 acres, 70 sq. perchesr. MtgBk X 13.335; auction plan
George CroghanNorthern Liberties6 acres, 14 sq. perches
Michael CrollUpper Salford1768150 acresr. PatBk AA 10.401
Michael CrollUpper Salford1769123 acresr. PatBk P 1.58
Charles CrosleyMoreland17679 acresr. 48.500
Charles CrosleyMoreland4.75 acres, 6 sq. perches
Charles CrosleyMoreland8.25 acres
Charles CrosleyMoreland10 acres, 50 sq. perchesr. MtgBk X 3.17
Charles CrosleyMoreland15 acres
Charles CrosleyMoreland15 acresr. MtgBk X 3.17
Charles CrosleyMoreland4 acres
Ann Forbes CrostonNorthern Liberties175553 acres, 82 sq. perchesH 5.603
Ann Forbes CrostonNorthern Liberties1755H 5.603N
Ann Forbes CrostonNorthern Liberties175530 acres, 13 sq. perches
Eleanor CrostonMoyamensing177560.5 acres, 23 sq. perchesr. D 38.319
Frederick CrowLower Merion1761150.5 acresD 12.233
Henry and Barbarah Crowcity1772D 6.194712 Zane's St
Charles CruikshanksBlockley176152 acresI 13.383
Charles CruikshanksLower Merion1763120 acresI 13.386
Andrew Cruikshanks EstateLower Merion176123 acres, 20 sq. perches106.457; r. 106.459
Andrew Cruikshanks EstateLower Merion176110 acres, 60 sq. perches106.457; r. 106.459
Andrew Cruikshanks EstateLower Merion176136 acres106.457; r. 106.459
Jacob CruppTowamencin1771115 acres2.364
Jacob Crystler Estatecity1750H 15.74242 5th St N
Jacob Crystler Estatecity1761H 15.895th St N
Jacob CublerUpper Dublin17704 acres, 55 sq. perches256.416
Thomas CullenDouglass17754.170
Thomas CullenDouglass17754.170
Thomas CullenDouglass17754.170
Thomas CullenDouglass17754.170
Thomas CullenDouglass17754.170
Thomas CullenDouglass17754.170
Thomas CullenDouglass17754.170
Henry CulpUpper Salford177350 acres, 51 sq. perches1.396
David Cummingcity1777D 4.25980 N Front St110 N Front St
Andrew Craig and Thomas CummingsNorthern Liberties1775ShfBk CP B-3.345Garden St
David CummingsSpringfield177775 acres
Robert Currycity1767ShfBk CP A-2.54210-212 3rd St N
Robert CurryNorriton1754108 acres, 20 sq. perchesH 20.212
William Curry Estatecity1733r. GWR 2.37283 S Front St131 S Front St
Harman CusterWorcester1755109 acres, 144 sq. perches441.419
Jacob CusterWorcester17645 acres252.364
Jacob CusterWorcester17649 acres, 112.5 sq. perches246.200
Jacob CusterWorcester177050 acresr. 39.471
Jacob CusterWorcester1773102 acresWBk P.179
John CusterPerkioman and Skippack176032 acres, 140 sq. perchesr. 25.501
Paul CusterPerkioman and Skippack1760113 acresr. 44.251
Paul CusterWorcester176810.5 acresr. 31.487
Paul CusterWorcester176853 acresr. 31.487
Paul CusterWorcester1768114 acresr. 31.487
Edward CutbushNorthern Liberties1771EF 11.168N Front St
Ann and Thomas Cuthbertcity1765r. D 42.405Water St N
Ann and Thomas Cuthbertcity1765r. D 42.405Water St N
Ann and Thomas Cuthbertcity1765r. D 42.405117 Front St N
Thomas Cuthbertcity1762H 21.441434 S 2nd St
Henry DaneyProvidence1773156.75 acres, 18 sq. perchesI 11.474
Christian Danneckercity1764H 20.36534 S 3rd St46 S 3rd St
Christian Danneckercity1769I 7.9132 S 3rd St44 S 3rd St
George Plim and Christian Danneckercity1774I 13.47; r. MR 18.14395 Chestnut St
George DannehowerBristol17537 acres, 110 sq. perchesADB 105.476
George DannehowerBristol176710 acresEF 5.355
George DannehowerBristol176725 sq. perchesEF 5.355
George DannehowerGermantown17450.5 acres, 31.75 sq. perchesIC 21.401
George DannehowerGermantown175611 acres, 29 sq. perchesH 7.82
George DannehowerGermantown17616.75 acresr. EF 5.96
George DannehowerGermantown17627.25 acresCP A-1.305
George DannehowerGermantown1767CP A-1.305
George DannehowerGermantown17726 acres, 138 sq. perchesEF 10.167
Jacob DastMarlborough175820 acresr. PatBk AA 13.37; r. 11.486
Jacob DastMarlborough17633 acres, 67 sq. perchesH 18.540
Jacob DastMarlborough177258 acresr. PatBk AA 11.390
Jacob DastMarlborough37 acres, 102 sq. perchesr. MtgBk X 8.349
Jacob DastMarlborough17 acres, 9 sq. perchesr. MtgBk X 8.349
Jacob DastMarlborough38 acresr. MtgBk X 8.349
Jacob Dast?Marlborough14.8 acres
Magdalena Daubendistlecity1770r. D 18.59830 6th St N
Magdalene Daubendistlecity1770r. I 17.18888 4th St N160 4th St N
Frederick DauberNorthern Liberties17625 acresAWM 83.154
Hugh & Elizabeth DaveyPassyunk176066 acres, 53 sq. perches
Cummings DavidMoreland175514.5 acresr. 7.921
Elizabeth Davidcity1761H 17.35322-24 N 4th St24-26 N 4th St
Margaret DavidDistrict of Southwark1745
Margaret DavidDistrict of Southwark1745842 Swanson St
Margaret Parham DavidDistrict of Southwark1745D 37.258
Margaret Parham DavidDistrict of Southwark
Margaret Parham DavidMoyamensing17452.5 acresr. D 39.30
Margaret Parham DavidMoyamensing17454 acres, 144 sq. perchesD 42.202
Samuel David EstateUpper Merion1774327 acres, 100 sq. perchesr. 45.409
Sarah Greenleafe Davidscity1771WBk P.169; r. EF 29.539
Mungo Davidsoncity1760I 15.125133 Walnut St
David and Rebecca DaviesMoreland17608 acres20.287
Benjamin Daviscity1776I 17.256181 Arch St505 Arch St
David DavisLower Merion172.25 acresr. Survey B-3.523, Land Office Records, State Archives, PMHC
David DavisLower Merion57.75 acres, 5 sq. perchesr. Survey C.125, Land Office Records, State Archives, PMHC
David DavisPlymouth176730 acresr. 4.147
David DavisPlymouth176766 acres, 53 sq. perches76.249
David and Rebecca DavisMoreland17602.75 sq. perches, 16 sq. ft.20.287
Edward DavisWhitemarsh57 acres, 56 sq. perches
Elijah DavisProvidence176747 acres
Elijah DavisProvidence1767
Elisha DavisProvidence1757137 acres, 100 sq. perchesr. 16.184
Elisha DavisProvidence1763100 acresr. 79.530
James Daviscity1768CP A-2.161123 Jones Alley
John DavisPlymouth176764 acres, 54 sq. perches62.375
John DavisPlymouth1771100 acres16.336
John DavisWorcester177519 acres, 122 sq. perchesI 13.365
Lewis Daviscity1761EF 13.390
Lewis DavisMoyamensing17612 acres, 93 sq. perches
Lewis DavisMoyamensing17618 acres, 11 sq. perches
Malachia DavisWorcester177574 acresI 13.470
Martha Daviscityr. IC 24.477302 S Front St
Richard Daviscity1775I 14.56459 Walnut St
Samuel DavisPlymouth176396 acresD 4.393
Samuel DavisPlymouth177475 acres, 70 sq. perchesr. D 8.255
Samuel DavisPlymouth24.5 acres
Samuel and Esther Daviscity1762H 16.210
Samuel and Esther Daviscity1766r. EF 8.54191 3rd St N137 3rd St N
Silla Daviscity1768WBk X.164; r. D 23.455217 S 4th St
Thomas DavisPlymouth1776174 acresr. 4.141
Thomas DavisUpper Merion150 acresr. 5.252
David Davis EstateMoreland17605.5 acres, 32 sq. perches147.203; r. 27.451
David Davis EstateMoreland17629.3 acresI 3.356; r. 27.451
George Davis Estatecity1745EF 11.1313 S 2nd St
James Davis Estatecity1746I 15.157410-412 Spruce St
James Davis Estatecity1758I 17.337; r. I 17.338217 Spruce St
Elisha Davis?Providence44.75 acres
Daniel Dawsoncity1744r. MR 7.29078 4th St N150 4th St N
Esther and Robert DawsonNorthern Liberties1772r. D2.102Hanover St
Michael Dawsoncity1775D 17.2322 Race St112-114 Race St
Robert Dawsoncity1770
Robert Dawsoncity1770
Robert & Esther DawsonNorthern Liberties1773CP Part.
Andrew DayNorthern Liberties1775I 14.446
John DayBlockley177330 acres, 27 sq. perchesIC 28.607
John Philip de Haascity1760EF 5.333151 3rd St N
John Philip de Haascity1777EF 16.451149 3rd St N
John de Wettercity1763I 8.3557 Sugar Alley
Francis DealNorthern Liberties17626 acres
Francis DealNorthern Liberties17754 acresAM 39.60
John Godfrey DealGermantown17654.25 acres, 18 sq. perchesGS 21.715
John Godfrey DealGermantown177312 acres, 148 sq. perchesr. MtgBk X17.241
John Godfrey DealNorthern Liberties17568 acres, 63 sq. perchesH 13.114
John Godfrey DealNorthern Liberties17593 acres, 125 sq. perchesH 13.116
Peter DealNorthern Liberties1772AM 75.390Queen/Richmond St
Peter DealNorthern Liberties1772AM 75.390Marlborough St
Peter DealNorthern Liberties1775I 13.361Queen/Richmond St
Peter DealNorthern Liberties1775I 13.361Queen/Richmond St
Henry Dearinger EstateNew Hanover176436 acres, 50 sq. perchesI 12.255; r. 2.76
Henry Dearinger EstateNew Hanover176446 acres, 131 sq. perchesI 12.255; r. 2.371
Abraham DeavsGermantown17442 acresJTO 7.186
Abraham DeavsGermantown175124 acres, 32 sq. perches
Abraham DeavsGermantown
Joseph DeavsGermantown17426 acres, 78 sq. perchesLRB 202.182
Joseph DeavsGermantown17422 acresLRB 202.138
Joseph DeavsGermantown175123 acres, 150 sq. perches
Thomas DeavsGermantown175131.75 acres, 4 sq. perches
George deBennevilleBristol175830.6 acresH 11.
George deBennevilleBristol17687 acres, 68 sq. perches
John DedierBristol17628 acresr. D 32.230
John DedierGermantown17482 acresTH 123.449
John DedierGermantown17580.25 acresJTO 64.344
Elizabeth and Peter Dehavencity1761r. D 13.175
Elizabeth and Peter Dehavencity1761r. D 13.175129-131 Arch St400-402 Arch St
Elizabeth and Peter Dehavencity1761r. D 13.175
Elizabeth and Peter Dehavencity1761r. D 13.175400-402 Arch St
Peter Dehavencity1763I 2.104112-114 6th St N
Peter Dehavencity1763H 16.53332 N 4th St38 N 4th St
Peter Dehavencity1769I 7.56107 N 6th St
Peter Dehavencity1769I 5.486205 Arch St535-537 Arch St
Peter Dehavencity1769I 7.55
Peter DeHavencity1771I 10.443714 Mulberry St
Peter Dehavencity1773D 25.178423 Appletree Alley
Peter Dehavencity1774AM 9.12035 8th St N
Peter DehavenNew Hanover1777106.75 acresr. I 17.159
Peter DehavenNorthern Liberties1771I 12.37Richmond St
Peter DehavenPassyunk17727 acres, 154 sq. perches
Peter DehavenPassyunk17744 acres, 13 sq. perchesI 12.522
Peter DehavenPassyunk17756 acresI 16.229
John DehnigNorthern Liberties17600.75 acres, 4.75 sq. perchesAM 62.377
John DehnigNorthern Liberties17600.75 acres, 4.25 sq. perchesAM 62.377
Christopher DeirckPassyunk177024 acres, 157 sq. perches
Jacob DeisherUpper Hanover, Hereford and Upper Milford1772200 acresBerksCo DBk 8.326
Henry DeitzUpper Salford177031 acres, 48 sq. perchesr. PatBk P 61.404
George DelbFranconia175140 acresH 2.159
George DelbFranconia1751106 acresH 2.159
George DelbLower Salford1758156 acresH 10.169
Hans George DelpLower Salford1746146 acres, 10 sq. ft.H 3.232; r. 26.273
Joseph Delvancity1772D 58.327; r. D 58.323Morris Alley
Hannah and Richard DennisNorthern Liberties1761EF 4.289Front St N
John DentonNorthern Liberties1746D 32.95
George DerrUpper Hanover177622 acres, 119 sq. perchesr. 23.163
Christian DerrickNorthern Liberties1766ShfBk CP A-2.30410 Front St N
Christian DerrickNorthern Liberties1767408 Front St N
Matthias Hollabach, Jacob Leabergut, Henry DerringerNew Hanover175156.5 acresH 5.119; r. 1101.486
John Derrycity1772I 15.378164 S 4th St342 S 4th St
John Derrycity1775I 16.181166 S 4th St344 S 4th St
David Deshlercity1745G 8.35791 Market St237 Market St
David Deshlercity1749G 11.575
David DeshlerGermantown17511 acre, 11 sq. perchesH 1.646
David DeshlerGermantown1752114 sq. perchesH 2.178
David DeshlerNorthern Liberties17493 acres, 20 sq. perchesG 10.431
David DeshlerNorthern Liberties17678 acres, 100 sq. perchesI 3.104
Elizabeth Deshlercity1772D 23.8076 N 2nd St126 N 2nd St
Elizabeth DeshlerGermantown10 acresD 20.447
Frederick DeshongPassyunk17735 acresI 13.85
Frederick DeshongPassyunk17735 acresI 13.85
Peter DeshongPassyunk177327 acres, 153 sq. perchesI 11.229
Peter DeshongPassyunk17738 acres, 149 sq. perchesI 11.229
Conrad DettererFranconia Twp. and Rockhill Twp.1752150 acresH 3.402
Felix DetweilerSpringfield9.75 acres, 38 sq. perches
Henry DetweilerPerkiomen and Skippack1761102 acres, 52 sq. perchesWBk M.130; r. 11.241
Henry DetweilerPerkiomen and Skippack176697.5 acres3.228
Henry DetweilerPerkiomen and Skippack176616.25 acres3,227
Henry DetweilerPerkiomen and Skippack177457 acres, 152 sq. perchesr. 3.264
Jacob DetweilerFranconia1746212 acresr. 10.232
Jacob DetweilerUpper Hanover186 acresr. 5.382
John DetweilerFrederick1773194 acresr. 2.469; original deed at Pennypacker Mills
John DetweilerLower Salford1748125 acres, 64 sq. perchesI 6.254
John DetweilerPerkiomen and Skippack176750 acresr. 57.416
Joseph DetweilerPerkiomen and Skippack1759100 acresr. 2.631
Joseph DetweilerSkippack and Perkiomen1748182 acresr. 2.631
Joseph DetweilerWhitemarsh
Martin DetweilerFranconia1774159 acresr. 11.321
John DetwilerWorcester1774138 acres, 119 sq. perches9.502
John DetwilerWorcester1774103.5 sq. perches9.502
Magdalen Devinecity1774GWR 26.48763 S 2nd St107 S 2nd St
Susanna Dewarcity1768I 5.43309 S 2nd St
Susanna Dewarcity1768I 5.43309 S 2nd St
David Potts and William DeweesUpper Merion177673.5 acres, 10 sq. perchesr. 11.468
Henry DeweesGermantown17470.5 acres
Henry DeweesGermantown176719.5 acresGWC 81.263
Henry DeweesGermantown17688 acres, 23 sq. perchesGWC 81.269
Henry DeweesGermantown17682.5 acresGWC 81.267
Henry DeweesSpringfield1739120.25 acres
William DeweesWhitemarsh17472 acres27.748
William Dewees?Whitemarsh
Peter Dickcity1763D 22.45069 S Front St117 S Front St
Peter DickDistrict of Southwark1767D 4.35Christian St
Peter DickMoyamensing1770D 51.104
Philip Dickcity1774I 13.9
Frederick DickenshadeLower Salford177032.5 acres, 27 sq. perchesI 9.206
Christopher DickenshieldLower Salford1750107 acres, 48 sq. perchesr. 8.38
Israel DickinsonPlymouth17650.5 acres, 21 sq. perchesr. D 5.119
Israel DickinsonPlymouth1765122 acresr. D 5.119
Israel DickinsonPlymouth17651.25 acresr. D 5.119
John Dickinsoncity1771D 8.402601-609 Chestnut St
John Dickinsoncity1771D 8.395607-613 Chestnut St
John Dickinsoncity1771D 8.395615-631 Chestnut St
John DickinsonLower Merion1774240 acresD 19.296
John DickinsonNorthern Liberties17724 acres, 135 sq. perchesI 13.170
John DickinsonNorthern Liberties1773I 13.180
John DickinsonNorthern Liberties17734 acres, 63 sq. perches
John DickinsonNorthern Liberties17734 acres, 63 sq. perches
John DickinsonNorthern Liberties1773I 13.180
John DickinsonNorthern Liberties17734 acres, 69 sq. perchesI 13.177
John DickinsonNorthern Liberties17745 acres, 130 sq. perchesD 18.648
John and Mary Dickinsoncity1766r. D 66.374
John and Mary Dickinsoncity
John and Mary DickinsonNorthern Liberties1767Queen St
John and Mary DickinsonNorthern Liberties17678 acres, 70 sq. perchesr. AM 25.6
John and Mary DickinsonNorthern Liberties17675 acres, 15 sq. perchesr. AM 25.6
John and Mary DickinsonNorthern Liberties1767r. AM 25.6
John and Mary DickinsonNorthern Liberties176727 acres, 68 sq. perches
John and Mary DickinsonNorthern Liberties176736.5 acres
John and Mary DickinsonNorthern Liberties17675.5 acresr. D 51.127
John and Mary DickinsonNorthern Liberties1767
John and Mary DickinsonNorthern Liberties176776 acres
John and Mary DickinsonNorthern Liberties176740 acres
John and Mary DickinsonNorthern Liberties176740 acres
John and Mary DickinsonNorthern Liberties17674 acres, 58 sq. perches
John and Mary DickinsonNorthern Liberties17674 acres, 150 sq. perches
John and Mary DickinsonNorthern Liberties176739 acres, 41 sq. perches
John and Mary DickinsonNorthern Liberties1767
John and Mary DickinsonNorthern Liberties17675 acres, 86 sq. perches
John and Mary DickinsonNorthern Liberties
John and Mary DickinsonNorthern LibertiesRoss St
John and Mary DickinsonRoxborough1767251 acres, 32 sq. perches
Jonathan Dickinsoncity1765
Jonathan Dickinsoncity1765
Jonathan DickinsonNorthern Liberties1774238 acres
Mary and John DickinsonWorcester310 acresr. 60.624
Philemon Dickinsoncity1777D 1.234
Philemon Dickinsoncity1777r. D 1.318
William Dickinsoncity1772I 11.172306 Cherry St
John Dickinson?Norriton149 acresr. 222.217
Jacob Dieglecity1775I 14.55955 Walnut St
George DiehlProvidence177143 acres, 102.5 sq. perches1.217
George DiehlProvidence177277 acres1.219
Anna Cunnigunda DielGermantown175520 sq. perchesAWM 31.260
Henry DietzUpper Salford1771100 acres260.51
William Dietzcity1772AM 61.11117 N 5th St19 N 5th St
John Dillaloguecity24 North Alley520 North Alley
George Dillwyncity1776S Front St
George and Sarah Dillwyncity1764EF 1.217Vine St
George and Sarah Dillwyncity1764EF 1.217
Susanna Dillwyncity1772OC Dkt 9.317Walnut St
Susanna Dillwyncity1772OC Dkt 9.317Chestnut St
Susannah DillwynNorthern Liberties17722 acresOC Dkt 9.317Buttonwood St
Ann Dillwyn?Northern Liberties1770
George Dillwyn?city1764EF 1.217Cherry St
George Dillwyn?Northern Liberties177024.5 acres
William Dillwyn?Northern Liberties177022.5 acres
Jacob DilworthBristol1749WBk I.180
Jacob DilworthCheltenham1767108 acresCP A-2.144
James DilworthBristol17444.75 acres, 14 sq. perchesr. IC 28.528
James Dilworth Jr.city1743D 11.54150 N 4th St118 N 4th St
James Dilworth Jr.city1743D 11.541133 Arch St403 Arch St
Jonathan DilworthBristol177511.75 acresD 17.541
Jonathan DilworthBristol17755 acres, 134 sq. perchesD 17.541
Jonathan DilworthBristol177525 acresD 17.541
Jonathan DilworthBristol177513 acresD 17.541
Jonathan Dilworthcity1761H 20.476
Jonathan Dilworthcity1769I 6.487343 Walnut St
Jonathan Dilworthcity1769I 6.487343 Walnut St
Jonathan DilworthMoyamensing17773 acres, 134 sq. perchesD 36.211
Nicholas DilworthBristol1775116.5 acresEF 12.298
Joseph Dobbinscity1763H 10.6123-27 N 5th St
Joseph Dobbinscity1763H 18.59
Joseph Dobsoncity1776D 2.487117 Walnut St403 Walnut St
Christopher Dock EstateUpper Salford1734100 acresPatBk A 7.412
David Dominickcity1771I 8.521118 2nd St N204 2nd St N
James Donaldsoncity1766CP A-2.3940 N Front St40 N Front St
Joseph DonaldsonBlockley177624 acres, 153 sq. perchesI 17.289
Joseph DonaldsonBristol177750 acresD 1.60
Joseph Donaldsoncity1768I 5.2891 N Water St
Joseph Donaldsoncity1776D 1.5780-84 Chestnut St240-242 Chestnut St
Joseph Donaldsoncity1776D 1.4767 Arch St217 Arch St
Joseph Donaldsoncity1777I 17.2924th St N
Joseph Donaldsoncity1777D 1.126
Joseph Donaldsoncity1777I 17.397501 Arch St
Joseph Donaldsoncity1777D 1.126
Joseph DonaldsoncityI 17.399179 Arch St503 Arch St
Joseph DonaldsonGermantown177610 acres, 122 sq. perchesI 16.304
Joseph DonaldsonGermantown17768 acres, 133 sq. perchesI 16.304
Joseph DonaldsonGermantown17765 acres, 55 sq. perchesI 16.304
Joseph DonaldsonGermantown17773.5 acres, 2 sq. perchesEF 18.333
Joseph DonaldsonGermantown177761 acresI 17.390
William DonaldsonDistrict of Southwark1774AM 5.21641 Christian St
Hugh Donaldson Estatecity1758CP A-1.242; r. IW 3.89
Hugh Donaldson Estatecity1758CP A-1.242; r. IW 3.89
Hugh Donaldson Estatecity1759EF 5.80
Christian DonatSpringfield17695 acres, 51 sq. perches
George DonnetSpringfield173663 acres
George DonnetSpringfield174447 acres, 20 sq. perches
Jacob Dorcity1765D 23.521247 S 5th St
Isaac DorlandMoreland17701.5 acres, 20 sq. perchesCP B-3.68
Benedict Dorseycity1768I 4.507, 51011 S 3rd St
Benedict Dorseycity1773I 11.326
Leonard Dorseycity1766I 16.449253 Arch St
Leonard Dorseycity1777D 1.3264 N 3rd St116 N 3rd St
Leonard Dorseycity1777D 1.32
Joseph Dorvilcity1752D 21.14080 Arch St250 Arch St
Barnhart DottererNew Hanover1758125 acres, 138 sq. perchesr. 1324.194
Ann Doughertycity1771r. D 12.511
Dennis Doughertycity1769CP B-3.19241 S Front St
George Douglascity1777D 1.265265 S 2nd St
William Dover?Northern Liberties
Elijah DowDistrict of Southwark1771I .37Swanson St
Elijah DowDistrict of Southwark1775r. DHL 31.35839 Christian St
William Dowell Estatecity1750H 1.593342 S Front St
William Dowell Estatecity1754H 4.50864 N Front St64 N Front St
George Dowigcity1771I 8.4464 N Front St
John and Elizabeth Downingcity1767TH 95.3518 S 2nd St30 S 2nd St
Thomas Doylecity1743GWR 18.572; r. GWR 18.576
Thomas Doylecity1754H 4.45234 Chestnut St130 Chestnut St
Andrew Dozcity1759EF 33.460236 S Front St
Andrew Dozcity1764IC 2.639
Andrew Dozcity1775D 20.91Spruce St
Andrew Dozcity1775D 19.416Spruce St
Andrew Dozcity1775D 21.11Spruce St
Andrew DozMoyamensing17614 acres, 56 sq. perches
Andrew DozNorthern Liberties177326.75 acres, 10 sq. perchesD 49.32
Andrew DozNorthern Liberties177418 acres, 44 sq. perchesGWR 22.619
Martha DozDistrict of Southwark1746768 S Front St
Daniel Draiscity1777I 17.18390 4th St N162 4th St N
Peter Drais Estatecity1762r. D 55.605th St N
Peter and Daniel Drais?Northern Libertiesr. ShfBk CP B-3.412Garden St
William Drason Estatecity1721r. AM 63.25027-29 S 2nd St35 S 2nd St
Matthew Drayson Estatecityr. AM 57.169
Matthew Drayson Estatecityr. AM 57.169
Abraham DresherTowamencin1775129.5 acresI 16.135/6; r. 18.205
William DrewryMoyamensing17541 acre, 70 sq. perches
William DrewryMoyamensing1773EF 7.282
Daniel Drinkercity1764D 29.230
Daniel DrinkerPassyunk17746 acres, 87 sq. perchesIC 2.181
Henry Drinkercity1770I 8.441110 Front St N142 Front St N
Henry DrinkerOxford17691.5 acres, 15 sq. perchesr. D 24.247
John Drinkercity1753GWR 17.212
John Drinkercity1753r. D 44.45442 Delancey St210 Delancey St
John Drinkercity1765GWR 16.230241-243 Pine St
John Drinkercity1765D 2.437
John Drinkercity1772I 11.8430 N Front St
John Drinkercityr. D 49.102
John DrinkerPassyunk176311.75 acresEF 1.268
John, Jr., and Tabitha Drinkercity1765H 21.209
Susanna DrinkerPassyunk176510.75 acresr. D 42.392
Henry Drinker and Abel Jamescity1766r. D 12.80
Joseph Driskillcity
James Dubre EstateMoreland174075 acresr. 131.392
Andrew Duchecity1777D 5.434248 Delancey St
Anthony DuchéDistrict of Southwark1745G 7.552
Anthony DuchéDistrict of Southwark1745G 7.552
Anthony DuchéDistrict of Southwark1774I 14.174; r. I 17.276
Anthony DuchéDistrict of Southwark1774I 14.174; r. I 17.277
Anthony DuchéDistrict of Southwark
Anthony DuchéMoyamensing1774I 14.174
Anthony Duché Jr., EstateMoyamensing1774
Anthony Duché Jr., EstateMoyamensing1774I 14.174
Esther Duchécityr. D 16.404
Esther Bradley DuchéMoyamensing17355.75 acres
Jacob Duchecity1743G 3.57348 S Front St104 S Front St
Jacob DuchéMoyamensing176511 acres, 33 sq. perches
Jacob Duche Jr.city1768D 3.473
Jacob Duche Jr.city1769r. D 3.473251 Pine St
Jacob Duche Jr.city1771r. D 3.473253 Pine St
Jacob Duche Jr.city1774MR 1.464249 Pine St
John DuchéMoyamensing1774I 14.174
Sarah Penrose DucheNorthern Liberties1761I 12.480Front St N
Swanson DuchéDistrict of Southwark1774I 14.174; r. I 17.321
Swanson DuchéMoyamensing1774I 14.174
Abraham DuffieldMoreland1776105 acresD 13.529
Edward DuffieldByberry17712 acres, 146 sq. perchesD 11.523
Edward Duffieldcity1741r. IC 2.510100 N 2nd St
Edward Duffieldcity1772D 4.511
Edward DuffieldMoreland1746740 acres
Edward DuffieldNorthern Liberties1772TH 160.357331 Queen/Richmond St
Edward DuffieldNorthern Liberties17723 acresIC 3.609Marlborough St
Edward DuffieldNorthern Liberties1774IC 3.605
Jacob DuffieldLower Dublin1776100 acresD 13.529
John Duffieldcity1773EF 22.445
Joseph DuffieldMoreland177650 acresD 13.529
Joseph DuffieldMoyamensing17355.75 acres
Mary and John Duffieldcity1767r. D 9.153115 Race St
Thomas DuffieldLower Dublin1776D 13.529
John Dugancity1773I 13.257400 S Penn St
John DulisonGermantown17642.75 acres, 17 sq. perchesAWM 72.286
Frederick DullPlymouth1756120 acres3.546
Thomas DunbarDistrict of Southwark1763IC 30.577S Front St
Thomas DunbarDistrict of Southwark1763IC 30.577S Front St
Margaret DuncanDistrict of Southwark1770D 41.184
Margaret DuncanDistrict of Southwark1771I 10.413
Margaret DuncanDistrict of Southwark1771D 39.359Christian St
Margaret DuncanDistrict of Southwark1771I 10.413
Benjamin DunganOxford177234 acres, 102 sq. perchesI 14.203
Benjamin DunganOxford1773
James DunganLower Dublin1753167 acres, 24 sq. perchesIH 3.165
John DunganLower Dublin176744 acresr. AM 23.737
John DunganLower Dublin1767138 acres, 40 sq. perchesTH 74.402
John DunkanByberry17713 acres, 10 sq. perchesD 77.614
Terrence Dunn EstateMoreland17612.25 acresr. D15.404
Daniel Dupuycity1753EF 25.6408 S 2nd St20 S 2nd St
Daniel DupuyPassyunk17482.25 acresr. D 13.273
Daniel DupuyPassyunk17516 acres, 14 sq. perchesr. EF 16.535
Daniel DupuyPassyunk17535 acres, 50 sq. perchesr. EF 16.535
Daniel DupuyPassyunk17612 acres, 58 sq. perchesr. D 13.273
Daniel & Eleanor DupuyPassyunk17455 acres, 101 sq. perchesr. D 13.273
Michael Durdiscity1766LW 107.203724 Mulberry St
Dutch BaptistsGermantown17600.5 acres, 18 sq. perches, 44 sq. ft.D 8.82
Dutch Lutheran CongregationUpper Hanover176392.5 sq. perches945.585
Dutch Lutheran CongregationUpper Hanover17642 acres945.586
Dutch Presbyterian CongregationFranconia17550.75 acres12.213
Mary DuttonNorthern Liberties1761D 28.366800-804 Front St N
Mary DuttonNorthern Liberties1761D 28.366Front St N
Isaac Dutton EstateNorthern Liberties1758D 56.36Queen/Richmond St
Christian DuyGermantown1761115.75 sq. perchesD 13.399
James DyerMoreland17613 acresH 14.515
James DyerMoreland176150 acresH 14.515
James DyerMoreland1761100 acresH 14.515
James DyerMoreland1765108 acresH 21.227
James DyerMoreland1771100 acresI 11.343
James DyerMoreland177725 acresI 17.212
Martha EarlNorthern Liberties1763
Henry EarnhartUpper Dublin1762101 acresr. 9.166
Benjamin EastburnUpper Merion1772200 acresr. 5.335
Joseph EckDistrict of Southwark1766CP A-2.40
Joseph EckDistrict of Southwark1766CP A-2.40
Joseph EckDistrict of Southwark1767D 27.77
John Eck?Upper Salford59 acres, 66 sq. perchesr. PatBk P 61.407
William Eckartcity1761H 17.524Lombard St
William Eckartcity1766D 28.73Lombard St
William Eckartcity1767I 12.188317 Lombard St
William Eckartcity1772I 11.354323 Lombard St
William Eckartcity1772I 12.190
William Eckartcity1772I 12.190323 Lombard St
Adam Eckertcity1765IC 17.598 N 5th St148 N 5th St
John Eckfeldtcity1771D 1.14030 5th St N
David EckoffWhitemarsh176350 acres, 11 sq. perchesH 18.10
Barbara EcksteinBristol17635.5 acres, 8 sq. perchesWBk N.63; r. D 22.47
Barbara EcksteinGermantown177712 acres, 102 sq. perchesD 1.68; r. D 16.119
Christian, Barbara, & Elizabeth EcksteinBristol17749 acres, 124 sq. perchesD 1.68
James Eddycity1766CP A-2.3444 Spruce St122 Spruce St
James Eddy Estatecity1759H 21.212; r. D 29.571S 5th St
James Eddy EstatePassyunk17626 acres, 42 sq. perchesH 21.206
George EdelmanGermantown176214.5 acresI 16.32
George EdelmanRoxborough17708 acres, 90 sq. perchesI 16.31
Philip EdenbornGermantown17652 acres, 25 sq. perchesDHL 142.311
Philip EdenbornGermantown17673.5 acres, 2 sq. perchesCP A-2.37
Philip EdenbornGermantown17673.5 acres, 2 sq. perchesr. D 23.179
Philip EdenbornGermantown17732.25 acres, 27 sq. perchesDHL 142.255
Philip EdenbornGermantown17732 acres, 25 sq. perchesDHL 142.285
Philip EdenbornGermantown17752.25 acres, 33 sq. perchesr. MR 6.102
Philip EdenbornGermantown2.25 acres, 34 sq. perches
Jacob EdgeWhitemarsh1755183 acres, 40 sq. perches21.547
Alexander EdwardsOxford17730.5 acresD 22.385
Enoch EdwardsByberry177710 acresWBk R.44
Enoch EdwardsByberry177741 acresWBk R.44
Evan EdwardsLower Dublin177714 acresWBk R.44; r. D 18.413
Evan EdwardsLower Dublin177722.75 acresWBk R.44; r. MB M 1.201
Evan EdwardsTowamencin176790 acres, 158 sq. perchesr. 9.197
George EdwardsLower Dublin177133 acres, 50 sq. perchesSHF 11.335
George EdwardsLower Dublin177382 sq. perchesSHF 11.339
George EdwardsLower Dublin177310 acresSHF 11.339
Isaac EdwardsBlockley17742 acresD 3.298
Jesse EdwardsOxford1756138 acresr. GS 4.312
John EdwardsTowamencin176748 acresr. 9.197; r. 38.523
John Edwards Jr.Providence1775125 acres, 139 sq. perchesI 15.80
John Edwards Sr.Providence17639 acresI 15.80
John Edwards Sr.Providence176312.4 acresI 15.80
John Edwards Sr.Providence1763100 acresI 15.80
Marshall EdwardsByberry1770106 acresD 6.53
Marshall EdwardsByberry177329.25 acresI 13.145
Marshall EdwardsByberry177420 acresD 6.48N
Marshall EdwardsByberry177712 acres
Richard Edwardscity1770D 18.4273-75 Race St227 Race St
William EdwardsLower Dublin177332 acres, 38 sq. perchesSHF 11.339
William EdwardsLower Dublin177315 acresr. D 27.33
William EdwardsLower Dublin17737 acres, 12 sq. perchesD 23.65
William EdwardsLower Dublin17736 acres, 149 sq. perchesr. D 27.33
Richard Edwards Estatecity1751r. D 32.32123 3rd St N211-213 3rd St N
William Wishart and Jemima Edwards EstateNorthern Liberties17593.25 acresEF 9.87Old York Road
William Wishart and Jemima Edwards EstateNorthern Liberties17593 acresEF 9.87Old York Road
Samuel Edwards?Plymouth10 acres, 23 sq. perchesr. 19.92
Lawrence EgbertWhitemarsh177393 acres, 66 sq. perchesoriginal deed, Jim Ries Collection
Jacob EggUpper Salford174725 acresPatBk A 13.288
Jacob EggUpper Salford1747100 acresPatBk A 13.288
Joseph EggMoyamensing17687 acres, 54 sq. perchesD 45.249
George Adam EgolfNew Hanover100 acresr. MCo MtgBk 16.296; MCo WBk 1.455; r. 300.151
John Jacob Ehrenfichtercity1773r. IC 9.526417 Appletree Alley
Jacob Ehrenzellercity1775I 14.21034 4th St N40 4th St N
Jacob EhrenzellerPassyunk17654 acresACH 71.91
Henry EigelbergerNew Hanover177250 acresr. 342.402
Nicholas EitemillerMarlborough174721 acres, 101 sq. perchesr. 35.732
Adam Ekertcity1766D 15.308201 Market St503 Market St
John Eldridgecity1773I 11.463112 Chestnut St316 Chestnut St
Hannah Elfrethcity1775r. EF 22.7914 Elfreths Alley135 Elfreths Alley
Jeremiah & Josiah ElfrethNorthern Liberties1773CP Part.
Jeremiah and Hannah Elfrethcity1760H 10.54363 N Front St63 N Front St
Josiah and Jeremiah Elfrethcity1770137-139 N 2nd St
Mary Elfrethcity1732r. D 22.61
John EllickNorthern Liberties1764EF 5.470
John Ellick?Northern Liberties
Robert ElliotLower Merion1771100 acresr. 25.155
Andrew & Elizabeth (Plumsted) Elliottcity1745r. EF 17.525S Front St
Andrew & Elizabeth (Plumsted) ElliottMoyamensing17452 acres, 20 sq. perchesD 29.179
Andrew & Elizabeth (Plumsted) ElliottMoyamensing17456.5 acresD 29.179
Andrew & Elizabeth (Plumsted) ElliottNorthern Liberties174515 acres, 40 sq. perches
Andrew & Elizabeth (Plumsted) ElliottNorthern Liberties174519.75 acres
Andrew & Elizabeth (Plumsted) ElliottPassyunk174735 acres
Christopher ElliottKingsessing176754 acres, 60 sq. perchesr. D 7.121
Enoch ElliottKingsessing175240.75 acres, 20 sq. perchesH 4.85
Enoch ElliottKingsessing17541 acrer. AM 7.383
Enoch ElliottKingsessing175418.5 acresTH 128.391
Enoch ElliottKingsessing1769WBk O.431; r. IC 16.535
Enoch ElliottKingsessing176910 acresWBk O.431; r. D 77.561
Enoch ElliottKingsessing1769WBk O.431; r. EF 24.585; D 18.566
John Elliottcity1761D 37.1475 Walnut St
Rebecca Gore and Andrew Elliottcity1740r. D 17.42816 N Front St
William EllisTowamencin175815.44
John Elmsliecity1763AM 19.418
John Elmsliecity1763AM 19.41840 Strawberry Alley
John Elmsliecity1768CP A-2.213
John Elmsliecity1769r. MR 9.683118 S 2nd St
John Eltoncity1764H 21.46Mulberry St
Henry ElwesPassyunk25 acres, 2 sq. perchesr. ShfBk CP C-4.262
Mary ElwesPassyunk41 acres
Mary ElwesPassyunk60 acres
Mary ElwesPassyunk111 acres
Caleb Emlencity1716
Caleb Emlencity1772EF 7.496
Caleb Emlencity1772EF 7.486Jones Alley
Caleb Emlencity
Caleb Emlencity
Caleb Emlencity
Caleb EmlencityChestnut St
Caleb Emlencity
George EmlenBlockley175525 acresH 6.700
George EmlenBlockley175520 acres, 9 sq. perchesH 6.700
George EmlenBlockley176525 acresr. D 32.182
George EmlenBristol5 acres, 102 sq. perchesr. D 13.499
George EmlenBristol3 acres, 48 sq. perchesr. D 13.499
George EmlenGermantown177434.5 acres
George EmlenNorthern Liberties17442.25 acres
George EmlenNorthern Liberties174427 acres
George EmlenNorthern Liberties1746r. D 42.415Palmer St
George EmlenNorthern Liberties174980 acres
George EmlenNorthern Liberties1753H 4.468
George Emlen Jr.city1771I 10.38839 Market St123 Market St
George and Caleb Emlencity1773JTO 85.24Elbow Lane
George and Caleb Emlencity1773JTO 85.279 Elbow Lane
Samuel Emlencity1725D 3.166
Samuel Emlencity1740H 16.6028 Market St
Samuel Emlencity1741G 2.499
Samuel Emlencity1747H 13.4893-11 5th St N
Samuel Emlencity1748r. D 8.69103 Chestnut St
Samuel Emlencity1752D 45.3478th St N
Samuel Emlencity1752H 9.295137 Pine St
Samuel Emlencity1776r. GWC 29.325
Samuel Emlencity1776r. GWC 29.325
Samuel Emlencity1776WBk Q.303; r. D 8.120105 Chestnut St
Samuel Emlencity
Samuel Emlencity
Samuel Emlencity
Samuel EmlenDistrict of Southwark17233.5 acresIC 31.46
Samuel EmlenDistrict of Southwark17573.5 acresIC 31.161
Samuel Emlen Jr.city1770I 8.14Mulberry St
Samuel Emlen Jr.city1770I 8.274522 Arch St
Samuel Emlen Jr.city1770I 8.74524-526 Arch St
Samuel Emlen Jr.city1775D 2.43144 5th St N48 5th St N
George Emlen Estatecity1729F 8.41-55
George Emlen Estatecity1729F 8.41-55
George Emlen Estatecity1729F 8.41-55
George Emlen Estatecity1745G 7.428705-709 Market St
George Emlen Estatecity1747G 7.422Elbow Lane
George Emlen Estatecity1751H 1.653Elbow Lane
George Emlen Estatecity1767D 21.192Zane's St
George Emlen EstateDistrict of Southwark17497.25 acres
George Emlen EstateLower Dublin174627 acresG 8.288
George Emlen EstateLower Dublin175740 acresr. D 71.419
George Emlen EstateLower Dublin and Springfield1746200 acresG 7.359
George Emlen EstateMoyamensing17164 acresr. F 10.316
George Emlen EstateMoyamensing17296 acresF 6.308
George Emlen EstateMoyamensing1730
George Emlen EstateMoyamensing173212.5 acresF 6.99
George Emlen EstateMoyamensing173212.5 acres
George Emlen EstateMoyamensing17398.75 acresF 10.316
George Emlen EstateMoyamensing174113 acresG 2.519
George Emlen EstateMoyamensing1745H 5.363
George Emlen EstateMoyamensing1746G 11.74
George Emlen EstateMoyamensing175489 sq. perchesEF 7.484
George Emlen EstateMoyamensing175532 sq. perchesH 6.339
George Emlen EstateMoyamensing1756EF 17.536
George Emlen EstateMoyamensing17566 acresIC 13.1
George Emlen EstateMoyamensing
George Emlen EstateNorthern Liberties1762r. D 18.456412 Front St N
George Emlen EstateNorthern Liberties414 Front St N
Joshua Emlen EstateNorthern Liberties17374 acres, 74 sq. perchesF 9.168
Joshua Emlen EstateNorthern Liberties17438 acres, 20 sq. perchesEF 8.156
Joshua Emlen EstateNorthern Liberties
George Emlen [III] Estatecity1754Chestnut St
George Emlen [III] Estatecity1754Elbow Lane
Mary EmleyNorthern Liberties1763r. IH 1.13
John Emmreichcity1773I 11.472
John Theobald EndtGermantown17291.3 acres, 25 sq. perchesH 20.367
John Theobald EndtGermantown17395 acres, 130 sq. perchesI 13.88
John Theobald EndtGermantown17453.5 acres, 34 sq. perchesI 13.89
John Theobald EndtGermantown17459 acres, 3 sq. perches
John Theobald EndtGermantown17491 acre, 11 sq. perches
Philip EngartUpper Dublin1753100 acres4.332
John Wilhelm Engelfriedcity1765H 20.51862 N 5th St116 N 5th St
Ludwick EngelhardGermantown17475 acresD 8.49
Ludwick EngelhardGermantown17512 acres, 20 sq. perchesGS 29.591-98
Thomas England?city60 N Front St
Benjamin EngleBristol17523.25 acresr. EF 26.362
Charles EngleGermantown17620.25 acres, 25 sq. perchesD 75.275
Charles EngleGermantown176211 acres, 8 sq. perchesr. D 49.466
Charles EngleGermantown1762
Charles EngleGermantown1762131 sq. perchesD 75.273
Charles EngleGermantown17751 acre, 67 sq. perchesD 78.254
Cornelius EngleGermantown17710.5 acres, 79 sq. perchesAM 47.715; r. D 16.316
Jacob EngleBristol176313 acresI 4.48
Jacob EngleBristol176510 acresSHF 27.599
Jacob EngleBristol17676.25 acresCP A-2.62
Jacob EngleGermantown17624.75 acresI 4.43
Jacob EngleGermantown177132.75 acres, 4 sq. perchesIH 5.771
John EngleGermantown17535 acres, 20 sq. perchesTH 32.516
John EngleGermantown17535 acres, 20 sq. perchesTH 32.516
John EngleGermantown17585 acres, 112 sq. perchesRLL 2.532
John EngleGermantown176850 acresI 17.446
John EngleGermantown177134.5 acresIH 5.771
John EngleGermantown17731 acre, 65 sq. perchesr. IC 23.586
Paul Englecity1774I 13.27387 Race St241 Race St
Paul EngleProvidence1777143 acres, 35 sq. perchesI 17.475
Paul Engle Jr.Germantown17718 acres, 114 sq. perches
Harmon EnochLower Dublin1760112 acresD 53.387
Harmon EnochOxford17690.5 acres
Andrew EpleyGermantown1777D 1.215-19
Andrew EpleyGermantown177712 sq. perches, 116 sq. ft.D 1.215-19
Andrew EpleyGermantown1777D 1.215-19
Frederick EplinGermantown17771 acre, 112 sq. perchesFTW 43.169
Godfrey EplinGermantown17741 acrer. D 52.14
Andrew Epplecity1771I 9.14166 N 3rd St122 N 3rd St
Adam ErbenNorthern Liberties1774D 16.204151-161 Queen/Richmond St
Martin ErdmanGermantown17593 acres, 75 sq. perchesADB 85.461
George ErhartNew Hanover177558 acres, 113 sq. perchesI 15.483
Baltes ErnstCheltenham17611.25 acres, 4 sq. perchesI 11.159
Baltes ErnstCheltenham176130 acres, 20 sq. perchesI 11.159
Baltes ErnstCheltenham176115.25 acres, 2 sq. perchesI 11.159
Daniel ErnstNorthern Liberties1769D 7.272Richmond St
Henry ErnstGermantown1743r. D 3.31
Robert Erwincity1760I 8.348220 Market St626 Market St
Robert Erwincity1760218 Market St624 Market St
Robert Erwincity1760I 8.3487th St S
Robert Erwincity1765I 8.3617th St S
Robert Erwincity1770I 8.36347 8th St N
Robert Erwincity1773D 41.16215 6th St N
Robert Erwincity1773D 41.16217 6th St N
Robert ErwinMoyamensing17523 acres, 90 sq. perchesI 8.345
Robert ErwinMoyamensing17722 acres, 86 sq. perchesI 11.58
Robert ErwinMoyamensing17725 acres, 65 sq. perchesI 11.58
Robert ErwinPassyunk177411 acres, 65 sq. perchesr. D 40.219
Samuel ErwinMoreland1743209.75 acresr. 9.477; 9.484
Margaret EschbachNew Hanover17754 acres, 110 sq. perches1101.484
Baltzer EssigGermantown1759114 sq. perchesLutheran Archives Center; r. EF 15.460
John EterisPlymouth175850 acresH 9.519
John EterisPlymouth1775111.75 acresr. 2.531
John EterisWhitemarsh1758162 acresH 9.519
Philip Ettercity1771D 66.46429 6th St N
David Evanscity1761H 17.548
David EvansSouthwark1764JTO 205.180Shippen St
David EvansSouthwark1773D 27.82Shippen St
David EvansSouthwark1773D 27.82Shippen St
Edward Evanscity1769D 2.402; r. IC 26.2S 2nd St
Isaiah & Barbara EvansGermantown17739 acres, 24 sq. perchesD 75.192
James Brook and David EvansNew Hanover176413 acresr. 22.150
James Brook and David EvansNew Hanover1767141 sq. perchesr. 22.150
Jehu EvansTowamencin1776100 acresI 16.193
John Evanscity1768WBk O.255; r. D 2.347107 Chestnut St
John Evanscity1775I 15.1326th St N
John Evanscity1775I 15.1326th St N
John Evanscity1775I 15.1326th St N
John Evanscity1775I 15.1326th St N
John Evanscity1775I 15.1326th St N
John Evanscity1775I 15.132Vine St
John Evanscity1775I 15.1326th St N
John Evanscity1775I 15.1326th St N
Jonathan Evanscity1758H 8.98253 S 2nd St
Jonathan Evanscity176110.17853 Lombard St231 Lombard St
Jonathan Evanscity1767EF 10.182226-228 Stampers Alley
Jonathan EvansDistrict of Southwark17573.75 acresD 16.155
Jonathan & Joel EvansBlockley177747.5 acres
Methusalem EvansUpper Dublin1752168 acresH 5.558
Rebecca Jervis, Jonathan and Hannah Evanscity1733r. D 29.12; H 8.10812 Strawberry Alley
Reese EvansNew Hanover176045 acresr. 75.60; r. 77.563
Reese EvansNew Hanover1760138 acres, 151 sq. perchesr. 77.563
Robert Evanscity1767I 3.53894-96 N 5th St146 N 5th St
Robert Evanscity1772IC 6.39692 N 5th St142 N 5th St
Robert Evanscity1773IC 6.40390 N 5th St140 N 5th St
Samuel EvansNorriton120 acresr. 27.367
Samuel EvansNorthern Liberties1771EF 23.539312 Cable Lane
Hugh Evans EstateLower Merion1729156 acres
Joel Evans?cityr. WSV 1010.319224 Stampers Alley
Adam EveUpper Merion177431 acres, 107 sq. perches246.393
Adam EveUpper Merion50 acresr. 294.323
Oswald EveNorthern Liberties3 acresr. D 67.634
Oswell EveNorthern Liberties177570 sq. perchesI 15.274
Oswell EveOxford1775202 acres, 135 sq. perchesI 15.274
John EverhardtMoyamensing17582 acres, 30 sq. perchesr. D 35.352
John & George David EverhardtMoyamensing17581.5 acres, 8 sq. perchesr. D 35.352
John Everhardt Estatecity1758r. D 23.3918th St N
John Everhardt Estatecity1758r. D 52.1168th St N
John Everhardt Estatecity1758r. D 23.391Market St
John Everhardt Estatecity1758r. D 23.391Market St
John Everhardt Estatecity1758r. D 23.3918th St N
John Everhardt Estatecity1758r. D 23.3918th St N
John Everlaycity1743EF 6.19247 S 3rd St
John EverlyPassyunk175624 acres, 110 sq. perchesH 7.125
John EverlyPassyunk17737 acres, 109 sq. perchesCP B-3.208
Yost Evertcity1766I 3.15767 Race St221 Race St
Yost Evertcity1767X 12.11069 Race St223 Race St
Benjamin George EyreNorthern Liberties1769EF 27.643Warren St
Benjamin George EyreNorthern Liberties1774D 24.42Queen/Richmond St
Jehu EyreNorthern Liberties1770I 9.78Queen/Richmond St
Manuel EyreNorthern Liberties1761D 16.344Queen St
Manuel EyreNorthern Liberties1766D 16.338Queen/Richmond St
Manuel EyreNorthern Liberties1768D 16.326
Manuel and John EyreNorthern Liberties1776D 16.367Bishop St
Manuel and John EyreNorthern Liberties1776D 16.367Queen/Richmond St
Benjamin Eyrescity1776r. I 17.161197 S 2nd St331 S 2nd St
Hannah Fairlambcity1750r. D 10.124Pine St
Joseph FalconerDistrict of Southwark1775CP B-3.389
Joseph FalconerDistrict of Southwark1775CP B-3.389743 S 2nd St
Nathaniel FalconerNorthern Liberties177396 acres, 65 sq. perchesI 11.268
William Falconercity1763MtgBk X 12.19041-43 Walnut St127 Walnut St
William Falconercity1772D 62.38868 Market St222 Market St
John & Margaret FantzNorthern Liberties177310 acres
John & Margaret FantzNorthern Liberties177310 acres
Margaret FantzNorthern Liberties17732 acres
Joseph FareeGermantown17753.25 acresI 14.479
Edward FarmerMoreland177314.5 acres131.389; r. 131.390
James Farmercity1773EF 4.40028 S 3rd St
Richard Farmercity1756H 5.4931 Chancery Lane
Richard Farmercity1759H 11.298
Richard FarmerMoyamensing1761H 14.345
Richard FarmerMoyamensing1761H 14.345
Patrick Farrelcity1760H 21.400229 Spruce St
Patrick Farrellcity1765H 21.402Morris Alley
Patrick Farrellcity1765H 21.402Morris Alley
Patrick Farrellcity
William FaulknerDistrict of Southwark1759D 28.22519 Bulletin St
Lester Faulkner Estatecity1764D 27.204
John FaustUpper Salford174742 acres, 6 sq. perchesr. PatBk P 1.83
John FaustUpper Salford1747102 acres, 155 sq. perchesr. PatBk P 1.83
Joseph & Elizabeth FawcettNorthern Liberties177647.5 acres, 25 sq. perchesD 1.163
Joseph & Elizabeth FawcettNorthern Liberties17769.5 acres, 36 sq. perchesD 1.163
Michael Feadly Jr.New Hanover176556 acresI 14.539
John FeaganNew Hanover176910 acresI 6.393
Joseph Feinauercity1772EF 13.63458 Lombard St242 Lombard St
Felix FennerDistrict of Southwark1764I 3.108Christian St
Martin FeringerWhitemarsh177680.5 acresr. 14.352
Joseph & Sarah FerreeGermantown177512 acresI 14.479
Caspar FetterMoreland1762110 acres22.298
Caspar FetterMoreland1764150 acres22.499
Caspar FetterMoreland176510.75 acres, 34 sq. perches27.522
Caspar FetterMoreland17713 acres, 20 sq. perches27.519
Rudolph FielMoyamensing175710 acresD 21.13
Robert & Mary FieldNorthern Liberties176611.75 acres, 8 sq. perches
Casper FightRoxborough38 acres
Philip FillmanUpper Salford1749150 acresr. PatBk AA 4.201
Tobias FinkinbinerProvidence176640 acresr. 459.299
John FinneyLower Dublin177528 acres, 105 sq. perchesEF 10.500
John FinneyLower Dublin177530 acres, 110 sq. perchesEF 10.500
First Presbyterian Churchcity1770D 6.186; r. D 6.18794 S 3rd St226 S 3rd St
William Fishbourn Jr.city1741r. D 3.38205 S Water St
William Fishbourn Jr.city1741r. D 3.38
William Fishbourn Jr.city1741r. D 3.38
William Fishbourn, younger, Estatecity1742r. D 53.42
Abigail Fishercity1766I 2.129114 Front St N150 Front St N
Abigail Fishercity1766DHL 133.23539 Arch St125 Arch St
Benjamin FisherLower Dublin177654.75 acresGWR 32.56
Charles Lyon and Samuel Fishercity1761D 15.5392 Front St N122-124 Front St N
Conrad FisherDouglas176371 acres, 91 sq. perchesI 6.413
Conrad FisherDouglas177017 acres, 72 sq. perchesr. 58.339
George FisherUpper Hanover1761185 acres, 102 sq. perchesH 18.224
George FisherUpper Hanover176823 acres, 46 sq. perchesr. 777.92
George FisherWhitemarsh
Jacob FisherBristol176436 acresH 19.425
Jacob FisherGermantown17531 acreACH 88.126
Jacob FisherSpringfield177061 acres, 74 sq. perches120.537
John FisherUpper Hanover176145 acres, 36 sq. perches
John FisherUpper Hanover1770150 acresr. 33.293
John FisherWhitemarsh175010 acres9.282
John FisherWhitemarsh177010 acresr. 23.387
John Fisher Jr.Moyamensing17759.5 acres
John Philip Fishercity1773IC 23.174; r. IC 23.176421 Appletree Alley
Joseph FisherAbington177012 acres, 6 sq. perchesr. MtgBk X 16.63
Joshua Fishercity1745GWR 21.35137 Walnut St123 Walnut St
Joshua Fishercity1755H 21.365226 S Front St
Joshua Fishercity1758H 21.372257 S 2nd St
Joshua Fishercity1771I 8.477S 2nd St
Joshua Fishercity1771I 8.477S 2nd St
Joshua FisherNorthern Liberties175314 acres, 151 sq. perchesI 1.194
Joshua FisherNorthern Liberties175326 acres, 82 sq. perchesI 1.198 & 202
Joshua FisherNorthern Liberties175311 acres, 37 sq. perchesH 21.369
Joshua FisherPassyunk17737 acres, 52 sq. perches
Martin Fishercity1772I 10.42640-44 7th St N
Martin FisherNorthern Liberties1755I 1.249
Martin FisherNorthern Liberties1756I 2.260
Martin FisherNorthern Liberties1757D 1.245
Martin FisherNorthern Liberties1767I 6.357
Martin FisherNorthern Liberties1768I 6.359
Samuel Fishercity1751H 7.2927 Market St109 Market St
Samuel Fishercity1765H 19.40034 Elfreths Alley108 Elfreths Alley
Samuel FisherNorthern Liberties176437.75 acres
William Fishercity1759D 54.311
William Fishercity1766D 18.40021 Arch St107 Arch St
William Fishercity1771D 18.553Water St
William Fishercity1776I 16.366N Front St
William Fishercity1777GWR 6.25578 N Front St108 N Front St
William FishercityArch St
William Fishercity100 N Front St
William FisherNorthern Liberties1764D 18.404Hanover St
John Fisher EstateUpper Salford1742120 acres, 60 sq. perchesr. Survey D-44.270
Samuel Fisher Estatecity1726D 16.7690 N Front St120 N Front St
Christian FishmireOxford177546.6 acresI 14.405
John Fisscity1774D 22.364180 Race St518 Race St
Philip FitzsimmonsProvidence1765100 acresShfBk CP A-1.396
Philip FitzsimmonsProvidence176563 acresShfBk CP A-1.397
Philip FitzsimmonsWorcester176349.5 acresH 18.8
John FitzwaterUpper Dublin1742222 acres, 72 sq. perchesr. D 8.207
John FitzwaterUpper Dublin1750109.5 acresH 5.87
John FitzwaterUpper Dublin1769109.5 acres10.463
George Flakecity1751H 4.46685 N 2nd St111 N 2nd St
John FleckWorcester177599 acres, 32 sq. perchesI 15.284
Frederick FleckensteinGermantown1773GWC 114.35
Plunkett Fleesoncity1746D 48.85113 Chestnut St
Plunkett Fleesoncity1753D 5.445
Plunkett Fleesoncity1767I 16.504
Plunkett FleesonMoyamensing17403.5 acres, 19 sq. perches
Plunkett FleesonPassyunk17526 acres, 12 sq. perchesI 16.502
Robert FletcherAbington1777297 acresWBk U.1; 31.174
Thomas Fletcher Jr.Abington177749 acres, 100 sq. perchesWBk U.1; r. 55.471
Thomas Fletcher Jr.Abington1777175 acres, 32 sq. perchesWBk U.1; r. 55.471
Thomas Fletcher Jr.Abington177727 acres, 149 sq. perchesWBk U.1; r. 55.471
Philip Flickcity1773I 11.344
Ann Flintcity1763D 43.2517 N Front St13 N Front St
Benjamin Flowercity1774I 14.9
Elizabeth Flowercity1775IC 27.707
Elizabeth Flowercity1775r. IC 13.308Strawberry Alley
Elizabeth Flowercity1775r. IC 13.308Strawberry Alley
Enoch Flower Jr.city1775r. EF 24.43253 Market St621 Market St
Hannah Flowercity1770CP B-3.77Walnut St
Mary Flowercity1775r. IC 13.30858 Market St214 Market St
Mary Flowercity1775r. IC 13.308214 Market St
Mary Flowercity1775IC 27.707
Samuel Flowercity1763r. D 13.361Market St
Samuel Flowercity1763r. D 27.32514-16 7th St S
Enoch Flower EstateDistrict of Southwark1761r. D 29.131766 S Front St
Enoch Flower?District of Southwark
Samuel Flowers EstateMoyamensing17643 acres, 6.66 sq. perchesGWC 90.147
Simon FogelgesangGermantown176957 sq. perchesr. D 56.266
Joseph FolwellMoreland1772187 acresr. 55.405
Magdaline Devine and Richard FootmanProvidence177710 acresD 1.508
Magdaline Devine and Richard FootmanProvidence1777105.75 acresD 1.508
Magdaline Devine and Richard FootmanProvidence1777120.25 acres, 11 sq. perchesD 1.508
Magdaline Devine and Richard FootmanProvidence177761 acres, 62 sq. perchesD 1.508
Richard FootmanNorthern Liberties1776D 3.175Hanover St
Hugh Forbescity1762r. D 3.364155 Market St341 Market St
Standish Fordcity1763GS 30.48414 5th St N
Standish FordNorthern Liberties1763GS 46.434Spring St
Hannah Fordhamcity1725r. D 3.1117-121 Jones Alley
George ForepaughNorthern Liberties1775PatBk AA 9.184117 Callowhill St
James Forrestcity1771D 22.29421 S 3rd St
Sarah Forrestcity1763r. D 10.311163 Front St N
Susannah Forrestercity1754r. D 52.442
Susannah Forrestercity1754r. D 52.442122 S 2nd St226 S 2nd St
Susannah ForresterMoyamensing17548 acres, 11 sq. perches
Susannah ForresterMoyamensing17622 acres, 30 sq. perches
Susannah ForresterMoyamensing17622 acres, 94 sq. perches
Susannah ForresterPassyunk176310.75 acresI 14.366; r. D 31.341
Alice Forster17751 acrer. D 68.650
Alice ForsterNorthern Liberties17752.5 acresr. D 68.650
Moses Forster Estatecity1762ComBk A 3.121204 Market St610 Market St
John FosterLower Dublin176757 acresr. GWR 21.616 & D 36.8
Thomas FosterLower Dublinr. EF 23.660
Thomas FosterMoreland
William FosterLower Dublin176950 acres, 106 sq. perchesr. EF 1.422
Caleb Foulkecity1768EF 9.498
Caleb Foulkecity1768EF 9.49841 S 4th St
Caleb Foulkecity1772EF 16.385223 Market St525 Market St
Caleb FoulkeNorthern Liberties177010 acres, 31 sq. perches
George FoulkrodOxford176219 acres, 42 sq. perchesI 5.418
George FoulkrodOxford176250 acresI 5.418
Jacob FoulkrodOxford177236 acresD 18.155
Jacob FoulkrodOxford1772117 acresD 18.155
Abraham FoustNorriton176595 acres, 24 sq. perches4.93
Abraham FoustWorcester176592 acres, 120 sq. perches4.93
Abraham FoustWorcester17653 acres, 10 sq. perches4.93
Peter FoustFrederick176528 acres384.158
Matthias FoutzLower Merion175650 acresr. 30.290
Michael FowlerDistrict of Southwark1767D 8.65133 Fitzwater St
George FoxNorthern Liberties170510 acres, 79.5 sq. perches
George FoxNorthern Libertiesr. ShfBk CP C-4.117Queen/Richmond St
John Foxcity1774I 15.42241 4th St N149 4th St N
Joseph FoxBristol1736180 acresH 3.505
Joseph FoxBristol176317 acres, 143 sq. perchesFTW 66.51
Joseph Foxcity1739r. D 67.4541-43 N 2nd St
Joseph Foxcity1743H 3.505Wallis' Alley
Joseph Foxcity1743H 3.505Wallis' Alley
Joseph Foxcity1743r. H 3.505; r. D 9.10320 N 3rd St
Joseph Foxcity1743H 3.505; r. EF 18.40596 Market St306 Market St
Joseph Foxcity1743
Joseph Foxcity1748r. WSV 155.101
Joseph Foxcity1760FTW 82.212N 3rd St
Joseph Foxcity1775CP B-3.320
Joseph Foxcity109 Market St255 Market St
Joseph Foxcity17 N 3rd St21 N 3rd St
Joseph Foxcity7-11 N 3rd St11-19 N 3rd St
Joseph Foxcity
Joseph Foxcity
Joseph Foxcity111 Market St257 Market St
Joseph Foxcity18 Arch St110 Arch St
Joseph Foxcity117 Market St
Joseph Foxcity11 Coombs Alley113 Coombs Alley
Joseph FoxNorthern Liberties1740G 2.318210-220 Queen/Richmond St
Joseph FoxNorthern Liberties1749I 6.467
Joseph FoxNorthern Liberties1764GS 46.609Noble St
Joseph FoxNorthern Liberties63 acres, 120 sq. perches
Justus FoxGermantown17641 acre, 5 sq. perchesH 19.111
William Fox Estatecity1762EF 11.3688 Race St240 Race St
John Fraelick EstateNorthern Liberties17604 acresH 19.134
Leonard FraileyGermantown17590.75 acres, 33.5 sq. perchesAWM 66.37
Leonard FraileyGermantown17653.25 acresEF 6.194
Henry FraleyGermantown17771.5 acres, 18 sq. perchesD 9.490
Henry FraleyGermantown17771 acre, 55 sq. perchesD 10.81
Arnold FrancesProvidence1765117.25 acres, 20 sq. perches1.1
Arnold FrancesProvidence176510.5 acres1.1
Tench Franciscity1743D 73.372101 Chestnut St311-313 Chestnut St
Tench Franciscity1758WBk L.141
Tench Franciscity1758WBk L.141
Tench Franciscity1763r. D 36.10599 Chestnut St307-309 Chestnut St
Tench Franciscity1771AWM 5.307
Tench Franciscity28 4th St N
Tench FrancisNorthern Liberties1758140 sq. perches
Tench FrancisNorthern Liberties175896 acresWBk L.141; r. EF 8.416
Tench FrancisNorthern Liberties17685 acres, 90 sq. perchesI 5.339
Tench FrancisNorthern Liberties176838 acres, 71 sq. perchesI 5.339
Tench FrancisNorthern Liberties1768I 5.339
Tench FrancisNorthern Liberties176813 acres, 148 sq. perchesI 5.339
Tench FrancisNorthern Liberties177314 acres, 20 sq. perches
Tench FrancisNorthern Liberties7 acres, 75 sq. perches
Tench FrancisNorthern Liberties7 acres, 65 sq. perches
Tench FrancisNorthern Liberties8 acres, 66 sq. perches
Tench FrancisWhitemarsh174320.75 acres, 30 sq. perchesH 17.415
Turbert Franciscity1777I 14.19630 Market St
Turbert FrancisNorthern Liberties17777 acres, 22 sq. perchesD 18.641
Turbert FrancisNorthern Liberties17774 acresD 18.641
William Francis youngerAbington177470 acresWBk Q.23
Tench Francis & Thomas WillingBlockley176550.25 acres, 15 sq. perches
Turbert Francis?Passyunk5 acresCP B-3.469
Jacob Frankcity1770I 8.12360 N 4th St128 N 4th St
Benjamin Franklincity1734H 7.433, H 7.437
Benjamin Franklincity1741H 7.417167 Arch St435 Arch St
Benjamin Franklincity1751H 7.447
Benjamin Franklincity1752H 7.426
Benjamin Franklincity1761H 15.15543 Market St127 Market St
Benjamin Franklincity1763D 22.32912 6th St N
Benjamin Franklincity1764RDW 157.198116-118 Jones Alley
Benjamin Franklincity1765H 21.481
Benjamin FranklinNorthern Liberties1741H 7.423
Deborah (Morris) Franklincity1752r. H 9.295135 Pine St
Thomas Franklincity1771ShfBk CP B-3.32420 North Alley528 North Alley
David FranksNew Hanover176947 acres, 107 sq. perchesr. 8.512
David FranksNew Hanover17695 acres, 45 sq. perchesr. 8.512
David FranksNew Hanover1769156 sq. perchesr. 8.512
David FranksNorthern Liberties177112 acres, 4 sq. perchesr. D 2.462
David and Margaret Frankscity1747r. D 8.34; H 1.556; H 9.40047-49 N 2nd St
George FrantzNorthern Liberties1762H 15.439
Jacob FrantzNorthern Liberties1772I 15.501; I 15.504Spring St
Joseph Fraziercity1769D 5.211S Penn St
George FreasWhitemarsh176220 acresI 11.524
George FreasWhitemarsh176520 acresI 11.532
George FreasWhitemarsh177162 acresI 11.524
George FrederickUpper Salford176324 acres, 110 sq. perchesH 19.125
George FrederickUpper Salford1763150.5 acresH 19.125
Free Mason's Lodgecity1754I 11.221Lodge Alley
John FreedFranconia1769130 sq. perchesr. 7.47
John FreedUpper Salford100 acres, 110 sq. perchesr. 20.407
Peter FreedLower Salford174656 acresr. 382.161; Heckler, History of Lower Salford, 165
Peter FreedLower Salford1746169 acresr. 382.161; Heckler, History of Lower Salford, 165
Peter FreedLower Salford1746169 acresr. 382.161; Heckler, History of Lower Salford, 165
Peter FreedLower Salford1775215.5 acresI 15.124
Mark Freemancity1776I 16.476
Charles Frenchcity1774GS 21.52329 North Alley510 North Alley
Jacob FreyTowamencin1732200 acresG 3.400
Jacob FreyTowamencin175423 acresH 7.477
Ulrich FreyhoferGermantown1.25 acres, 12 sq. perchesr. D 4.136
Ulrich FreyhoferGermantown0.5 acres, 25.5 sq. perchesI 9.535
Johannes FriedPerkiomen and Skippack1748125 acresr. 15.433
Michael FriedleGermantown17694 acresGWC 8.674
Michael FriedleGermantown2.25 acres
Philip FriedtNew Hanover177620 acres, 112 sq. perchesr. 3.430
Ann FriesGermantown1768
Ann FriesGermantown1768H 2.318
Ann FriesGermantown1768H 2.318
Ann FriesGermantown1768H 2.318
Ann FriesGermantown2 acresD 64.227
Jacob FriesOxford177481.5 sq. perchesr. D 53.391
Jacob FriesOxford177415 sq. perchesr. D 53.391
Jacob FriesOxford177481.25 sq. perchesr. D 53.391
Jacob FriesOxford17740.5 acres, 16 sq. perchesr. D 53.391
Daniel Frishmuthcity1775IC 8.211237 5th St N
John FritzDistrict of SouthwarkMtgBk X 10.30021 Bulletin St
John FritzDouglas177115 acres, 69 sq. perchesr. 18.55
John Fritz?Douglas14 acres, 129 sq. perchesr. 22.115
John Fritz?Douglas1.5 acresr. 22.115
John Fritz?Douglas1.5 acresr. 22.115
John Fritz?Douglas3.5 acresr. 22.109
John Fritz?Douglas5 acres, 151 sq. perchesr. 22.115
John Fritz?Douglas1 acrer. 22.115
John Fritz?Douglas3.5 acresr. 22.109
John Fritz?Douglas112 acres
John Frombergercity1777D 1.113
John FrombergerMoreland17761 acre, 3 sq. perchesI 17.53
John FrombergerMoreland17761 acrer. D 7.59
John FronefeldPerkiomen and Skippack and Providence1771180 acresr. 6.303
Nicholas Frosbergcity1763GWC 44.82169 Arch St437 Arch St
Eve FryGermantown17680.75 acres, 38 sq. perchesEF 21.560
George FryAbington176661 acres, 70 sq. perchesr. 23.445
Gottlieb FryGermantown17680.75 acres, 28 sq. perchesI 6.389
John FryFrederick1768157.25 acresI 4.494
John FryGermantown17601 acreI 15.17
John Fry and othersCheltenham174669 acresD 21.501; r. 8.136
Bernhard FryerNew Hanover17779 acres, 50 sq. perchesD 1.188
Bernhard FryerNew Hanover177776 acres, 90 sq. perchesD 1.188
Bernhard FryerNew Hanover177714 acres, 20 sq. perchesD 1.188
Joseph FryerNew Hanover177576 acres, 50 sq. perchesI 16.98
Ulrich FryhofferLower Dublin175220 acresI 7.229
Benjamin Fullercity26 Arch St118 Arch St
Benjamin Fullercityr. EF 7.49162 S Front St322 S Front St
Benjamin FullerNorthern Liberties177163 acres, 25 sq. perches
Benjamin FullerProvidence177790 acresD 6.29
Benjamin FullerTowamencin1777200 acresD 1.264
John Fullertoncity1748I 4.553Videls Alley
John Fullertoncity1767I 4.550
John Fullertoncity1768I 2.216
John Fullertoncity1770I 7.19144 S Front St
John Fullertoncity1775I 12.13685 Market St231 Market St
James FultonMoreland176524.5 acres241.466, 468, 470
James FultonMoreland17651.5 acres241.466, 468, 470
Christopher FunkFranconia1760137 acres, 146 sq. perchesH 12.70
Christopher FunkFranconia176363 acres, 19 sq. perches712.315
Henry FunkBristol1754100 acresH 5.387
Henry FunkBristol175949 acres, 9 sq. perchesH 10.198
Jacob FunkCheltenham1774125 acres
Joseph FunkNorthern Liberties6.5 acresI 3.119
John FurmanFranconia1748146 acresr. 1.474
Andrew FyeSpringfield17626 acres, 15 sq. perches
Andrew FyeSpringfield17651 acre
Andrew FyeSpringfield17703 acres
Andrew FyeSpringfield17701 acre
Philip GabelUpper Salford1774285 acresD 4.72
Joseph Galecity1773r. D 10.424162 Spruce St
William Foster and William Galecityr. D 30.174; r. D 30.177S Front St
John GallmanUpper Hanover174982 acres, 102 sq. perchesH 12.156
John Gallowaycity1775I 15.20999 S 2nd St147 S 2nd St
Joseph Gallowaycity1770I 16.162
Joseph Gallowaycity1770I 16.162
Joseph GallowayKingsessing6 acres, 126 sq. perches
Joseph GallowayKingsessing11 acres, 67 sq. perches
Joseph GallowayKingsessing12 acres, 142 sq. perches
Joseph GallowayNorthern Liberties44 acres, 127 sq. perches
Joseph GallowayPassyunk176429 acres, 60 sq. perchesH 21.142
Joseph Galloway?city
Joseph Galloway?city
William Gamblecity1775D 34.33346 Delancey St214 Delancey St
Henry GamperBlockley25 acresTH 17.342
Frederick GardnerGermantown17531.5 acres
John GardnerBristol17657 acres, 28 sq. perchesD 22.46
John GardnerGermantown17635 acres, 96 sq. perchesEF 6.500
John GardnerGermantown17759 acres, 30 sq. perchesI 14.376
John Jacob GardnerGermantown17740.5 acres, 11 sq. perchesIC 16.44
Ann Garratycity1772I 10.298; r. I 12.30839-41 Delancey St221-223 Delancey St
Marcus GarretsonNorthern Liberties
Marcus GarretsonNorthern Liberties
Andrew Beller & Rosanna M. GarrettDistrict of Southwark17524 acres, 120 sq. perches
Ann GarrettBlockley175723 acresJTO 210.557
Ann and Nathan Garrettcity1739r. D 54.284Walnut St
Christopher GarrettNew Hanover1755100 acres64.50
Christopher GarrettNew Hanover17721 sq. perch, 41 sq. ft.1.335
Lawrence GarrettBlockley175380 acresEF 5.10
Lawrence GarrettBlockley17548.25 acresADB 16.1
Morton GarrettBlockley1776170 acresr. EF 5.5
Samuel Garriguescity1744I 14.41076 Chestnut St236 Chestnut St
John GarrisonDistrict of Southwark1775D 54.42
Nicholas Garrisoncity1762IW 10.96; IW 10.9880 Race St232 Race St
William & Martha GarwoodDistrict of Southwark1753AM 47.673
William & Martha GarwoodDistrict of Southwark1753AM 47.673
William & Martha GarwoodDistrict of Southwark1753AM 47.673
William & Martha GarwoodDistrict of Southwark1753AM 47.673
William & Martha GarwoodDistrict of Southwark1753
Peter GaskellcityMarket St
John Gasser EstateNorthern Liberties1759IH 2.553810-812 Front St N
Martin Gattercity1753r. D 46.47
Martin GatterNorthern Liberties17541.5 acres, 19.5 sq. perchesr. D 12.297
Martin GatterNorthern Liberties17546 acresr. D 12.297
Joseph Gavincity1750r. D 57.33920 N Front St
Christian Matthias GeblerPassyunk17544 acresH 6.437
Christian Matthias GeblerPassyunk17635 acresH 16.531
John GeigerNew Hanover177430 acresI 16.267
Christopher GeiserMarlborough175031 acres, 50 sq. perchesr. SurveyBk C-101.363 and PatBk H 10.322
Christopher GeiserMarlborough176950 acres, 113 sq. perchesr. SurveyBk C-101.363 and PatBk H 10.322
Johannes GeisselNorthern Liberties
Christopher GeistNew Hanover176852.5 acresr. 24.67
Mathias GeistFrederick1773177 acres, 42 sq. perches335.144
John Genselcity1763r. IC 18.383110 N 2nd St160 N 2nd St
Matthias GenselGermantown17542.75 acres, 12 sq. perchesADB 120.158
Matthias GenselGermantown17591.5 acres, 14 sq. perchesD 19.355
Matthias GenselGermantown176340.75 acres, 25 sq. perches
Matthias GenselGermantown17631 acre
Edward GeorgeBlockley177162.75 acresWBk P.192; r. RDW 14.156
George GeorgeMoreland177220 acresr. 2.635
George GeorgeUpper Merion1770225 acres39.332
Jesse GeorgeBlockley1759150.5 acres, 8 sq. perches
Jesse GeorgeBlockley175937 acres, 137 sq. perchesWBk L.282
Jesse GeorgeBlockley175930 acresWBk L.282
Jesse GeorgeBlockley175910 acres
Jesse GeorgeBlockley175910 acresWBk L.282
Jesse & David GeorgeBlockley1765130 acresRDW 14.159
Richard GeorgeLower Merion1728r. 5.182
Richard GeorgeLower Merion1728r. 5.182
William GeorgeUpper Merion1763100 acresr. 13.329
William GeorgeUpper Merion1763125 acresr. 13.329
William GeorgeUpper Merion176354.75 acresr. 12.222
David George trusteesBlockley1772101 acresI 10.428
David George trusteesBlockley177243 acresI 10.428
Amos George, Joseph Bond, Edward GeorgeBlockley1757210 acres
Michael GephartNorthern Liberties1763GWC 88.515
Jacob Gerber Estatecity1759D 24.19358-60 Race St208-210 Race St
William GergesUpper Salford1776100 acresI 16.338
William GergesUpper Salford177653 acresI 16.338
Conrad Gerhardcity1771I 13.23438 Race St132 Race St
Jacob GerhardFranconia1774150 acres1.478
Peter Gerhard EstateFranconia1749151.25 acresG 11.553
Peter Gerhard EstateFranconia175722 acres, 100 sq. perchesShfBk CP A-1.228
Peter Gerhard EstateFranconia175774 acres, 40 sq. perchesShfBk CP A-1.228
Peter GerhartUpper Hanover1769102 acresr. 355.209
Peter GerhartWorcester177436.5 acresr. 28.20
Peter Gerhart?Worcester141.75 acresr. 28.20
Abraham GerkesPerkiomen and Skippack1776138 acres20.268
John GerlochNorthern Liberties1771EF 9.593Spring St
John GerlochNorthern Liberties1771EF 9.593Spring St
German Lutheran ChurchWhitemarsh17501.5 acres, 10 sq. perches
German Lutheran ChurchWhitemarsh1766
German Lutheran Congregationcity1743D 12.121; r. G 10.360, H 18.502, FTW 188.156
German Lutheran Congregationcity1759H 10.287, D 12.137
German Lutheran Congregationcity1759H 10.287, D 12.137
German Lutheran Congregationcity1760D 12.131; r. D 12.137325-327 Cherry St
German Lutheran Congregationcity1760D 12.131; r. D 12.13727 4th St N135 4th St N
German Lutheran Congregationcity1766D 12.148
German Lutheran Congregationcity1766D 12.147
German Lutheran Congregationcity1766D 12.150
German Lutheran Congregationcity1769I 10.172
German Lutheran Congregationcity1771I 10.156
German Lutheran Congregationcity1771I 10.15821 4th St N129-131 4th St N
German Lutheran Congregationcity1776Land Office Survey B-2.89; r. JTO 144.284
German Lutheran Congregationcity1776Land Office Survey B-2.89; r. JTO 144.284
German Reformed Churchcity1749G 12.160, JO'D 61.335
German Reformed Churchcity1771CP B-3.128
German Reformed ChurchGermantown1732I 8.325
German Reformed ChurchProvidence17610.75 acresaka Congregation of Dutch Presbyterians
German Reformed Congregation of Falkner SwampNew Hanover8 sq. perches
German Societycity1765I 1,94; D 24.122-24 7th St S
German Societycity1775I 16.23; D 24.618-20 7th St S
Germantown Preparative Meeting of FriendsGermantown16882 acres, 10 sq. perchesGtn Meeting Records, Quaker Collection, Haverford College
Adam GerrittPassyunk17664 acres
Adam GerrittPassyunk17694 acres, 11 sq. perches
Jacob GerryUpper Hanover and Hereford1758145 acresG 11.81
Bernhard GetzLower Salford1760120 acres, 34 sq. perchesr. 2.183
Casper Geyercity1763AM 26.46024 5th St N
Casper Geyercity1767ShfBk CP A-2.8311 South Alley521 South Alley
William GeyerUpper Hanover1751100 acresH 11.600
James Gibboncity1760H 14.392231 Spruce St
John Gibbonscity176616 acresD 73.331
Ann Gibbscity1773IW 7.59716 N Front St
Ann Gibbscity1777D 6.53360 S Front St116 S Front St
Ann Gibbscity1777D 6.536S Front St
Ann Gibbscity1777D 5.83
Ann Gibbscity1777EF 2.2785th St N
William Skyes and Benjamin Gibbscity1777D 25.293528-534 Arch St
Ann Ball GibsonNorthern Liberties175547 acres, 29 sq. perches
Ann Ball GibsonNorthern Liberties1755
Ann Ball GibsonNorthern Liberties1755
Ann Ball GibsonNorthern Liberties175531 acres, 146 sq. perches
David GibsonDistrict of Southwark1749r. D 13.57
David GibsonKingsessing17428 acresr. D 12.165
David GibsonKingsessing175310 acres
David GibsonKingsessing17543 acresr. D 12.165
David GibsonKingsessing1757WBk K.506; r. D 22.313
David GibsonKingsessing175712 acres, 20 sq. perchesWBk K.506; r. D 22.313
David GibsonKingsessing17658 acresr. D 12.165
David GibsonKingsessing17685 acresr. D 12.168
David GibsonKingsessing177412.75 acresDHL 84.534
John Gibsoncity1772CP B-3.80139-143 Chestnut St
John Gibsoncity1773I 11.43628 S 4th St
Nathan GibsonKingsessing174432 acresD 21.506
Nathan GibsonKingsessing174431 acresD 21.506
Nathan GibsonKingsessing177714.25 acresD 1.102
Nathan GibsonKingsessing177750 acresD 1.102
James Gibson?city1767D 68.2808th St S
Benjamin GilbertByberry150 acresr. D 12.523
Benjamin GilbertByberryr. D 12.523
Henry GilbertNew Hanover1774150 acresr. 35.587
John GilbertByberry
John GilbertMoreland174975 acresr. 11.71
John GilbertNorthern Liberties1774r. EF 11.3324 N Front St
John Paul and George GilbertDouglassr. D 6.195
John Paul and George GilbertDouglassr. D 6.195
John Paul and George GilbertDouglassr. D 6.195
John Paul and George GilbertDouglassr. D 6.195
John Paul and George GilbertDouglassr. D 6.195
John Paul and George GilbertDouglassr. D 6.195
John Paul and George GilbertDouglassr. D 6.195
John Paul and George GilbertDouglassr. D 6.195
John Paul and George GilbertDouglassr. D 6.195
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John Paul and George GilbertDouglassr. D 6.195
John Paul and George GilbertDouglassr. D 6.195
John Paul and George GilbertDouglassr. D 6.195
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John Paul and George GilbertDouglassr. D 6.195
John Paul and George GilbertDouglassr. D 6.195
John Paul and George GilbertDouglassr. D 6.195
John Paul and George GilbertDouglassr. D 6.195
John Paul and George GilbertDouglassr. D 6.195
John Paul and George GilbertDouglassr. D 6.195
John Paul and George GilbertDouglassr. D 6.195
John Paul and George GilbertDouglassr. D 6.195
John Paul and George GilbertDouglassr. D 6.195
John Paul and George GilbertDouglassr. D 6.195
John Paul and George GilbertDouglassr. D 6.195
John Paul and George GilbertDouglassr. D 6.195
John Paul and George GilbertDouglassr. D 6.195
John Paul and George GilbertDouglassr. D 6.195
John Paul and George GilbertDouglassr. D 6.195
John Paul and George GilbertDouglassr. D 6.195
John Paul and George GilbertDouglassr. D 6.195
Joshua GilbertByberry177452.5 acresGWR 24.266
Peter Gilbert EstateMoreland174925 acresr, 27.200
Sarah Hansell Gillcity1765H 10.36261 S Front St107 S Front St
Sarah Hansell Gillcity1765H 21.41863 S Front St109 S Front St
John Gillinghamcity1744r. D 67.14627 Arch St113 Arch St
John Gillinghamcity1758r. D 67.146Arch St
Adolph GillmanGermantown17641 acreEF 20.536
Adolph GillmanGermantown17672 acres, 47 sq. perchesAWM 63.375
George Gilmorecity1776r. D 11.4113 Arch St319 Arch St
Thomas Gilpincity1776I 16.263; r. IC 20.26245 S Front St
John Gitzcity1765I 1.43233 N 5th St113 N 5th St
Jacob GlauseMoyamensing1777D 41.533
Glebe Land of the Established Church in Oxford TwpOxford176140 acres, 60 sq. perchesI 17.76
Glebe Land of the Established Church in Oxford TwpOxford176140 acres, 60 sq. perchesI 17.76
Glebe Land of the Established Church in Oxford TwpOxford176125 acresIC 26.293
James Glenncity1771I 11.25Black Horse Alley
John Glenncity1770I 11.226th St S
Robert Glenn Sr.Oxford17654 acres
Catharine and Jane GodschalkTowamencin17718 acresr. 8.59
Eve GodschalkTowamensin17566 acres, 142 sq. perches
Garret GodschalkTowamencin and Lower Salford176460 acresr. 15.540; 4.493/5,502/3
Godschalk GodschalkLower Salford1774150 acres12.3
Jacob GodschalkPerkiomen and Skippack177488 acres20
Peter GodschalkTowamencin and Lower Salford1772113 acresr. 1235.227
William GodschalkTowamencin1751100 acres249.100
William GodschalkTowamencin176567.75 acres249.102
William GodschalkTowamencin8.5 acres
Jacob Godshalkcity1765D 53.32973 Arch St223 Arch St
Adam GodwalsTowamencin1759178.5 acresH 18.1
Adam GodwalsTowamencin1759178.5 acresH 18.1
Adam GodwalsTowamencin177226 acres, 20 sq. perchesr. 10.456
Adam GodwalsTowamencin and Lower Salford1772106 acresr. 10.456
Conrad and Margaret GoodGermantown17621 acrer. D 37.360
Conrad and Margaret GoodGermantown17625 acres, 25 sq. perchesr. D 37.360
George Michael Goodmancity1771EF 8.555 South Alley509 South Alley
Samuel Goodmancity1774D 28.251184 Race St522 Race St
Stephen GoodmanLower Merion1757100 acresCP A-1.239
Stephen GoodmanLower Merion176666.75 acres257.461
Walter Goodmancity1741G 2.550Water St
Walter Goodmancity1741PatBk A 9.45532-34 N Front St
Walter Goodmancity1743G 3.309Water St
Walter Goodmancityr. D 15.331
Walter GoodmanNorthern Liberties17411 acre, 142 sq. perchesG 3.306
Walter GoodmanNorthern Liberties17432 acres, 100 sq. perchesG 6.33
Walter GoodmanNorthern Liberties174419 acres, 34 sq. perchesG 5.293
Walter GoodmanNorthern Liberties17448 acres, 98 sq. perchesG 5.293
Walter GoodmanNorthern Liberties17455 acres
Walter GoodmanNorthern Liberties174612.75 acres
Walter GoodmanNorthern Liberties17461.5 acres
Walter GoodmanNorthern Liberties1746
Walter GoodmanNorthern Liberties174611 acres
Walter GoodmanNorthern Liberties17463 acres, 60 sq. perches
Walter GoodmanNorthern Liberties1746
Walter GoodmanNorthern Liberties17475 acres, 42 sq. perchesGS 3.190
Daniel Goodman Estatecity1762D 67.49268 Arch St238 Arch St
Daniel Goodman Estatecity1771D 67.494
Job GoodsonGermantown1741G 1.310
Hannah Goodwincity1775WBk Q.96; r. D23.437108 Pine St
John Goodwin Estatecity1753H 13.430; r. EF 25.65452 Delancey St218 Delancey St
George GoodwynMoyamensing17722 acres
Adam Gooscity1759I 13.251
Harry Gordoncity1763H 16.501
Harry Gordoncity1767I 13.71
Lewis and Mary Gordoncity1764r. I 2.21158 S 2nd St108 S 2nd St
Thomas Gordoncity1758r. MtgBk X 6.133
Thomas Gordoncity1759CP A-1.266
Thomas GordonOxford151 acres
Thomas Gordon Estatecity1747H 17.221
Thomas Gordon Estatecity1747H 17.221S 2nd St
John GorgasGermantown17681.5 acres, 28 sq. perchesSHF 17.182
John GorgasGermantown17683 acres, 15 sq. perchesSHF 17.182
John GorgasGermantown17687 acres, 25 sq. perchesSHF 17.182
John GorgasGermantown
John GorgasGermantown3 acres, 138 sq. perches
John GorgasGermantown2 acres, 35 sq. perches
John GorgasGermantown1 acre, 2 sq. perches6901 Germantown Ave
John GorgasRoxborough174757 acresH 12.306
John GorgasRoxborough174737.5 acresH 12.306
John GorgasRoxborough
John GorgasRoxborough
John Gorgas Jr.Roxborough177362 acres, 28 sq. perches
Jonathan GosteloweMoreland177625 acres, 53 sq. perchesI 8.112
Francis Gottiercity1773I 12.159136 S 4th St308 S 4th St
Joseph Govettcity1772MR 6.636Strawberry Alley
Andrew GraberUpper Hanover1770210 acres, 151 sq. perchesr. 17.448
Ulrich GraberUpper Hanober1760171 acres, 140 sq. perchesr. 2.624
Casper Graffcity1748D 59.387258 5th St N
Casper Graffcity1758ADB 8.263100 N 2nd St150 N 2nd St
Jacob Graffcity1761H 12.426222 5th St N
Jacob Graffcity1761H 12.426220 5th St N
Jacob Graffcity1761H 12.426224 5th St N
Jacob Graffcity1770D 60.70718 Market St
John GraffNew Hanover176229 acresr. 11.203
Robert GrahamKingsessing17759 acresr. IW 9.297
Joseph Graisburycity1760RLL 1.432
John Grandomcity1761MR 1.473
John Grandomcity1766MR 1.45274 Delancey St244 Delancey St
John GrandomMoyamensing5 acres, 21 sq. perchesExemp 4.59
Lewis GrantNorthern Liberties1776D 1.177704 Queen/Richmond St
Lewis GrantNorthern Liberties1776D 1.177706 Queen/Richmond St
Lewis GrantNorthern Liberties1776D 1.177Bishop St
Lewis Grant?city26 Market St
Robert Grant?Moreland10 acresr. MtgBk 2.240
John Frederick Grasslercity1770IC 8.35102 N 5th St152-154 N 5th St
John GraterPerkiomen and Skippack1760120 acresWBk L.386; r. 35.213
George GrayBlockley17715.25 acres, 23 sq. perches
George Graycity1748r. D 17.466220 S Front St
George Graycity1750r. D 27.28058 S Front St114 S Front St
George GrayKingsessing174140 acresH 5.529
George GrayKingsessing177025 acresCP B-3.93
George GrayKingsessing177010 acresCP B-3.93
George GrayKingsessing17705 acresCP B-3.93
George GrayKingsessing17705 acresCP B-3.93
George GrayKingsessing177083 acresCP B-3.93
George GrayKingsessing1770286 acresCP B-3.93
George GrayKingsessing17705 acresCP B-3.93
George GrayKingsessing17703 acresCP B-3.93
George GrayKingsessing177327.33 acresI 12.527
George GrayKingsessing177312 acresI 12.527
George GrayPassyunk173937 acresPassyunk Survey Book, CAP
George GrayPassyunk17424 acres
George GrayPassyunk1748123 acres
George GrayPassyunk176512.5 acresTH 162.266
George GrayPassyunk176966 sq. perchesI 7.136
George GrayPassyunk1 acrePassyunk Survey Book, CAP; G 2.142
George Gray Jr.Kingsessing175916.5 acresWBk L.459; r. D 55.36
Isaac GrayBlockley177524.5 acres, 7 sq. perchesEF 3.303
William Graycity1772EF 14.65922-26 6th St S22-28 6th St S
William and Joseph Graycity1762I 2.279171 Market St415 Market St
John Greekcity1767I 2.341Spruce St
Christopher GreenGermantown17741.5 acresD 3.443Germantown Ave
Robert GreenLower Dublin177633.75 acres
Sarah Greencity1749H 9.64107 Morris Alley
Sarah Greencity1769I 15.16016 6th St S
Thomas GreenMoyamensing1763I 12.407
Thomas Green EstateNorthern Liberties9 acres
Sarah GreenleafNorthern Liberties17713 acresr. AM 59.606
Catharine Greenleafecity1771WBk P.169; r. EF 29.539
Catharine Greenleafecity1771WBk P.169; r. EF 19.518
Catharine Greenleafecity1771WBk P.169; r. EF 11.375
Catherine Greenleafecity1752r. EF 11.62836 N 2nd St
Isaac GreenleafeBristol176011.25 acresr. EF 26.302
Isaac GreenleafeGermantown176743 sq. perchesCP A-2.55; r. D 6.294
Isaac GreenleafeGermantown176753.75 sq. perchesCP A-2.55; r. D 6.294
Isaac GreenleafeGermantown17673.25 acres, 11 sq. perchesCP A-2.55
Joseph Greenwaycity1747D 13.1879 N Front St11 N Front St
John Greenway Estatecity1744D 29.295N Front St
Jacob Greinercity1770EF 7.3158 N 4th St126 N 4th St
Jacob GreisingerUpper Hanover1751135 acresH 5.618
Elizabeth Greycity1762EF 11.582172 Market St504-506 Market St
Elizabeth Greycity1762D 42.72508 Market St
Frederick Grezor Estatecity1751H 2.33216 Market St622 Market St
William GriesemerUpper Hanover1755159.5 acresr. D9.60
Sellwood Griffincity1758D 40.569269 S 2nd St
George & Rebecca GriffithMoyamensing17744.5 acresI 14.174
George & Rebecca GriffithMoyamensing17742 acres, 100 sq. perchesI 14.174
Mary and Hannah GriffithNorriton1767780 acres39.163
Samuel GriffithLower Dublin176614 acresIC 32.515
William Griffith & Charles NorrisGermantown175642.75 sq. perchesDHL 199.121
William Griffith & Charles NorrisGermantown175653.25 sq. perchesDHL 199.121
Thomas GriffithsBristol1737208.75 acres, 35 sq. perches
Elizabeth Griffittscityr. IC 19.522
Elizabeth Griffittscity150 S 2nd St266 S 2nd St
Frances & Elizabeth GriffittsPassyunk12 acres, 13 sq. perches
Garret Grimcity1767r. D 7.80430-432 Walnut St
Solomon GrimlyPerkiomen and Skippack175650 acresr. 19.4
Solomon GrimlyUpper Salford and Skippack173499 acres, 134 sq. perchesr. PatBk A 14.491
Conrad Grimm176269 acres, 140 sq. perches
Conrad Grimm176229.5 acres, 31 sq. perches
Samuel Griscomcity1761EF 8.386
Samuel Griscomcity1761D 5.417109 Arch St315 Arch St
Samuel GriscomNorthern Liberties1747D 65.300Shackamaxon St
Joseph GriswoldNorthern Liberties175930 acres
Joseph GriswoldNorthern Liberties175957 acres, 6 sq. perchesH 10.356
Jacob GroffUpper Salford1769200.5 acresPatBk AA 11.89
Samuel Groffcity1756r. I 12.514211 Race St
Thomas GroomByberry175393 acresr. IC 12.551
William GroomByberry175393 acresr. RLL 18.540
Catherine Keppele Grosscity1770r. D 54.325; D 42.147
Catherine Keppele Grosscity1770r. D 54.325
Catherine Keppele Grosscity1770r. D 54.325
Jacob Grosscity1765EF 29.505168 Race St508 Race St
Jacob Grosscity1773EF 29.508
Ann GrotehouseSpringfield
George Grotzcity1774AM 45.6947 N 4th St15 N 4th St
Anthony Grovecity1773EF 27.23Front St N
Michael GroverLower Dublin175720 acresWBk L.5; r. EF 18.258
Michael GroverLower Dublin177317 acresEF 12.611
Michael GroverLower Dublin177314 acresEF 12.611
Michael GroverLower Dublin17736 acres, 20 sq. perchesEF 12.609
Michael GroverLower Dublin177410 acres, 20 sq. perchesEF 12.614
Michael GroverLower Dublin177417 acresEF 12.617; EF 12.607
Jane Grovescity1770I 10.210125 Pine St
Jane GrovesGermantown17769 acres, 60 sq. perchesI 15.710
Jane GrovesGermantown177610 acres, 37 sq. perchesI 15.710
Jane GrovesGermantown177621 acres, 65 sq. perchesI 15.710
Lawrence Growden Estatecity1756H 7.309
Lawrence Growden Estatecity1760H 11.512Arch St
Lawrence Growden Estatecity1760H 11.512
Lawrence Growden Estatecity1760H 11.512
Conrad GrubbFrederick174931 acres36.53
Conrad GrubbFrederick174974.5 acres36.53
Daniel GrubbNorthern Liberties1768I 3.578Front St N
Daniel GrubbNorthern Liberties1771I 11.154Front St N
Henry GrubbBristol17526 acres, 10 sq. perches
Henry GrubbNew Hanover177131 acresr. 19.385
Henry GrubbUpper Dublin17711 acre458.346
Jacob GrubbNew Hanover1756100 acresr. 109.198
Jacob GrubbNew Hanover175650 acresr. 109.198
Jacob GrubbNew Hanover175650 acres, 34 sq. perchesr. 109.198
Moses Grubb & Joshua GibsonOxford177717 sq. perchesr. D 54.432
Moses Grubb & Joshua GibsonOxford177717 sq. perchesr. D 54.432
Moses Grubb & Joshua GibsonOxford177740 sq. perchesr. D 54.432
John GruberRoxborough17463 acres, 60 sq. perches
Peter GuckerDouglass176514 acres, 135 sq. perchesr. 12.417
Peter GuckerUpper Hanover176719 acres, 40 sq. perchesr. 12.417
Peter GuckerUpper Hanover176746 acres, 85 sq. perchesr. 13.417
Peter GuckerUpper Hanover176763 acres, 130 sq. perchesr. 13.417
Frederick GudekunstUpper Hanover177458 acres, 50 sq. perches7.287
Frederick GudekunstUpper Hanover177423 acres, 13 sq. perches7.287
George GuestGermantown17775 acres, 140 sq. perchesD 27.254
George GuestGermantown17774.5 acres, 19 sq. perchesD 27.254
James Guestcity1774D 22.334525 Cherry St
James Guestcity1774D 22.336527 Cherry St
John Guestcity1743H 1.7968 Chestnut St228 Chestnut St
John Guestcity1761AM 52.46648 Walnut St218-220 Walnut St
John Guestcity1774GWR 9.16268 Chestnut St228 Chestnut St
Adam GuierKingsessing176842.5 acres, 39 sq. perchesI 8.533
Adam GuierKingsessing177412.5 acresD 11.474
Adam GuierKingsessing1774134 sq. perchesD 11.474
Francis Gurneycity1771I 10.67328 S Front St
Henry GurneyOxford17776 acres
Henry GurneyOxford17776 acres
Henry GurneyOxford43.5 acres
Henry and Catharine Gurneycity1776r. D 40.111149 Arch St417 Arch St
Henry and Catharine Gurneycity1776r. D 40.111Arch St
Henry and Catharine GurneyNorthern Liberties17763.5 acres, 15 sq. perchesWill of John Ross
Henry and Catharine GurneyNorthern Liberties177671.75 acres, 15 sq. perchesWill of John Ross
Henry and Catharine GurneyNorthern Liberties177651.25 acresWill of John Ross
John Guycity1754H 20.45052 Lombard St236 Lombard St
John Guycity1768EF 31.570425 S 3rd St
William GuyerDouglass10 acresr. 1294.16; r. 826.229
Morris Gwin EstateAbington175399.5 acresr. 14.123
Adam HaasGermantown17610.25 acres, 37 sq. perchesRLL 42.145
Henry HaasMarlborough177322 acres, 80 sq. perchesr. 26.529
Henry HaasPerkiomen and Skippack175050 acresr. 7.443
Henry HaasPerkiomen and Skippack177350 acresShfBk CP A-3.261
George HabbelGermantown17591 acre, 16 sq. perchesTH 124.125
George HabbelGermantown17721.25 acres, 23 sq. perchesTH 124.122
Jacob HackmanFranconia1749144 acresr. 47.519
Daniel HageyFranconia177360 acres3.252
Elizabeth and Jacob HageyTowamencin177425 acres, 24 sq. perchesr. 15.21
Elizabeth and Jacob HageyTowamencin177440 acres, 90 sq. perchesr. 15.21
Elizabeth and Jacob HageyTowamencin177415 acres, 124 sq. perchesr. 15.21
Frederick Hagnercity1771I 9.3205 N Front St
Peter HagnerMoyamensing1768D 17.599
Elizabeth and Jacob HagyFranconia1772140 acresr. 187.72
Jacob HagyLower Merion176971.5 acresr. 1.112
Jacob HagySpringfield
Jacob HagyWhitemarsh175254 acres
Jacob HagyWhitemarsh45.5 acres, 29 sq. perches
Peter Hahncity1770AM 61.5826 North Alley516 North Alley
Philip HahnNew Hanover177476 acres, 22 sq. perchesI 13.399
Philip HahnNew Hanover177476 acres, 22 sq. perchesI 13.399
Philip Hahn JrNew Hanover176155 acresI 6.475
Philip Hahn JrNew Hanover17615 acresI 6.475
Philip Hahn JrNew Hanover1761150 acresI 6.475
Philip Hahn Jr.New Hanover176155 acres, 145 sq. perchesI 6.475
Frederick Hailercity1766I 2.6724 Arch St116 Arch St
Margaret Hainescity1752r. EF 11.628
Reuben Hainescity1752r. LRB 209.326
Reuben Hainescity1752r. LRB 209.326
Reuben Hainescity1762EF 33.487
Reuben Hainescity1762EF 33.491
Reuben Hainescity1762EF 33.490
Reuben Hainescity1762IC 2.615 N 4th St23 N 4th St
Reuben Hainescity1764H 21.11242 5th St N46 5th St N
Reuben Hainescity1764H 21.112518-520 Arch St
Reuben Hainescity1765I 8.30816 S 4th St
Reuben Hainescity1765
Reuben Hainescity1767I 15.459
Reuben Hainescity38 Arch St130 Arch St
Reuben HainesNorthern Liberties17643 acresH 21.105
Andrew HainsFranconia1774141 acres9.290
John Halberstadtcity1769D 65.367110 Walnut St426 Walnut St
James Haldanecity1765I 1.375S 2nd St
Thomas Halecity1771r. D 35.22134-140 Walnut St
Daniel Haleycity1771D 16.8429 Elfreths Alley116 Elfreths Alley
Penelope Haleycity1755AM 39.236; r. EF 3.334115 Jones Alley
Charles Hallcity1743WBk G.63; r. D 4.137
David HallNorthern Liberties17626 acres, 106 sq. perchesH 20.420
Harmina Wood HallMoreland17626 acres, 8 sq. perchesr. 1.430
Jacob HallGermantown1764D 18.240
Jacob HallGermantown17642 acresD 18.240
Jacob HallGermantown17731 acre, 136 sq. perchesLRB 126.485
Jacob HallGermantown177511 acres, 11 sq. perchesI 15.153
Jacob HallLower Dublin6 acres, 100 sq. perchesr. ShfBk CP B-3.279
Jacob HallLower Dublin13 acres, 53 sq. perchesr. ShfBk CP B-3.279
Jacob HallLower Dublin18.5 acres, 16 sq. perchesr. ShfBk CP B-3.279
John Hallcity1768I 6.5565 Market St209 Market St
John Hallcity1771D 1.379
John HallPassyunk17726 acres, 12 sq. perchesI 10.470
Mahlon HallBlockley176639.75 acresI 2.42
Mahlon HallBlockley176610 acresI 2.42
Mahlon HallBlockley17731 acre, 123 sq. perchesI 13.27
Philip Hallcity1759H 20.51146 Race St418 Race St
Phillip HallPassyunk17636 acres, 48 sq. perches
Phillip HallPassyunk176910.75 acresI 7.182
Phillip HallPassyunk17732 acres, 124 sq. perches
Phillip HallPassyunk17735 acres, 118 sq. perches
Samuel Hallcity1737AWM 49.17585 Arch St235 Arch St
Jacob Hall & Benjamin CottmanCheltenham17752 acres
Jacob Hall & Benjamin CottmanCheltenham177514 acres, 50 sq. perches
David Hall Estatecity1759H 10.2751 Market St135 Market St
Richard Hall Estatecity1700H 9.358, 35945 S 2nd St
Richard Hall Estatecity1700H 9.358, 35941 S 2nd St45 S 2nd St
Jacob Hall?Germantown
Matthias HallebaughNew Hanover175034 acres, 95 sq. perchesr. 27.25
Anthony HallmanSkippack and Perkiomen1720150 acresr. 28.546
Anthony HallmanSkippack and Perkiomen176025 acresr. 28.546
Benjamin HallowellAbington1758r. 25.294
Benjamin HallowellNorriton100 acres1769 Provincial Tax List
Israel Hallowellcity1770r. D 69.317
Israel Hallowellcity1770I 15.479150-154 3rd St N
John Hallowellcity1749EF 30.336228 Carters Alley
John Hallowellcity1767D 5.32450 Walnut St220 Walnut St
John HallowellWhitemarsh
Joseph HallowellByberry177670 acres, 118 sq. perchesGS 26.221
Matthew HallowellMoreland17715 acres
Matthew HallowellMoreland17715 acres
Rynear HallowellAbington1765144 acres, 24 sq. perchesr. D 10.399
Thomas Hallowellcity1766ComBk A-3.300 (Exemp. 5.227)
Thomas HallowellMoreland173698.5 acres332.407
Thomas HallowellMoreland17736 acres332.407
Thomas Hallowell Sr.Moreland176611 acres322.421
Thomas Hallowell Sr.Moreland176610.5 acres, 17 sq. perches322.412
William HallowellAbington176588 acres, 149 sq. perches15.264
William HallowellCheltenham176232 acres4.475
William HallowellCheltenham and Abington1762178 acres4.475
William HallowellMoreland1747137 sq. perches16.593
William HallowellMoreland174742 acres16.493N
William Hallowell Jr.Abington176581 acres, 68 sq. perchesr. 8.696
William Hallowell Jr.Abington176549 acres, 28 sq. perchesr. 8.696
Andrew Hamiltoncity1735
Andrew Hamiltoncity1747r. EF 22.688247-249 S Front St
James HamiltonBlockley1776179 acresI 15.314
James HamiltonBlockley
James Hamiltoncity1735I 5.314
James Hamiltoncity1741WBk F.233; r. IC 4.653
James Hamiltoncity1741r. D 54.20
James Hamiltoncity1741WBk F.233
James Hamiltoncity1741r. D 4.295111 Chestnut St
James Hamiltoncity1746I 5.325
James Hamiltoncity1746I 5.325
James Hamiltoncity1746r. D 54.20
James Hamiltoncity1752I 5.264
James Hamiltoncity1761r. D 54.20
James Hamiltoncityr. D 55.22620 S 3rd St
James HamiltonMoyamensing28 acres, 66 sq. perches
James HamiltonNorthern Liberties173820 acres, 80 sq. perchesI 5.321
James HamiltonNorthern Liberties1781100 acresI 5.261
James HamiltonNorthern Liberties
John HamiltonPlymouth177251.75 acresr. 3.116
Mary Hamiltoncity1747WBk H.372; r. H 5.536, D 44.227
William HamiltonBlockley174756 acresWBk H.272
William HamiltonBlockley1747WBk H.272
William HamiltonBlockley1747250 acresWBk H.272
William HamiltonBlockley176711.5 acresEF 15.402
William Hamiltoncity1747WBk H.372
William Hamiltoncity1747WBk H.372
William Hamiltoncity1747WBk H.372
Anthony HamsherWorcester1775171 acres, 46 sq. perchesI 15.329
William Hancockcity1774D 35.32391 N 6th St153 N 6th St
Jacob HangenFranconia1767110 acresr. 35.41
John Hannacity1773I 12.224
Andrew Hanniscity1775r. EF 12.549Church Alley
Andrew HannisPassyunk1754
Andrew HannisPassyunk1754
Andrew HannisPassyunk1766115 sq. perchesChew Papers, HSP
John HannisPassyunk1754
John HannisPassyunk176487.25 acresI 2.131
John HannisPassyunk1764130 acresI 2.131
John HannisPassyunk177310 acres, 118 sq. perchesCP B-3.206
John HannisPassyunk17739.5 acresCP B-3.206
John HannisPassyunk10 acres, 11 sq. perches
Christopher HansmanNorthern Liberties1765PatBk AA 6.447Vine St
Christopher HansmanNorthern Liberties1767I 3.185829 2nd St N
Christopher HansmanNorthern Liberties1769r. D 23.200Vine St
Ludwig HarbelProvidence1756132 acresr. 21.359
Peter HarbelProvidence176030 acresr. D 8.328
Peter HarbelProvidence1760132.5 acresr. D 8.328
Benjamin Harbesoncity1766I 1.50469 Market St213 Market St
Benjamin Harbesoncity1776r. D 9.5334th St N
Benjamin HarbesonPassyunk176310 acres, 2 sq. perchesI 17.305
Robert Hardycity1764I 2.415166 Spruce St430 Spruce St
Robert Hardycity1765ComBk A-3.430164 Spruce St
Robert HareNorthern Liberties1775D 19.91; IC 13.229
Isaac Klein, Rudolph HarleyLower Salford17582 acres, 82 sq. perchesr. 7.268
Rudolph HarleyFranconia1744176 acresr. 13.130
Rudolph HarleyLower Salford174434.5 acresr. 9.252
Rudolph HarleyLower Salford1762131 acresComBk A 2.248
Rudolph HarleyLower Salford176252 acres, 73 sq. perchesComBk A-2.248
Rudolph HarleyUpper Salford176280 acres, 62 sq. perchesComBk A-3.246
George HarmanUpper Dublin17758 acres, 35 sq. perches13.515
Jacob HarmanNorthern Liberties1775
Jacob HarmanNorthern Liberties1775
Jacob HarmanNorthern Liberties17755 acres
Jacob HarmanNorthern Liberties1775
Jacob HarmanNorthern Liberties1775
Jacob HarmanNorthern Liberties17767 acres, 10 sq. perches
Elizabeth Harmercity1759D 40.2635 Strawberry Alley7 Strawberry Alley
Joshua HarmerSpringfield62.5 acres, 38 sq. perches
Michael HarmonLower Dublin17676 acres, 34 sq. perchesI 4.187; r. D 64.318
Christian HarnerUpper Dublin1760150 acres1.310
Robert HarperNorthern Liberties177494 acres, 90 sq. perchesD 75.334
Samuel HarperBristol17758 acres, 51 sq. perches
Thomas HarperMoreland177619.75 acres, 16 sq. perchesI 15.485
William Harpercity1774I 14.373
Edward Harrington Estatecity1748r. D 66.225
Elizabeth Harriscity1765WBk N.27411-13 S 2nd St
Elizabeth Harriscity1765WBk N.2748 Letitia Court
Francis Harriscity1768CP A-2.16744 Lombard St228 Lombard St
Francis HarrisNorthern Liberties17678.75 acresTH 81.31
Amelia and Mary HarrisonNorriton1774162 acres, 150 sq. perchesr. 11.162; WBk Q.76
Henry HarrisonNorthern Liberties174950 acresG 10.437
Henry HarrisonNorthern Liberties175388 acres, 138 sq. perchesI 1.194
Henry HarrisonNorthern Liberties
John Harrisoncity1772I 11.36688 N 5th St138 N 5th St
John HarrisonDistrict of Southwark1770I 12.464
Mary Harrisoncity1769I 6.20659 Market St143 Market St
Mary HarrisonNorriton1746165 acres, 17 sq. perchesr. 8.679
Thomas HarrisonBlockley177126 acres, 103 sq. perchesD 24.235
Thomas HarrisonBlockley17713 acres, 20 sq. perchesD 24.230
Thomas HarrisonBlockley17724 acres, 129 sq. perchesD 24.235
Thomas HarrisonBlockley177215 acresD 24.233
Thomas HarrisonBlockley177240 acres, 144 sq. perchesD 24.230
Thomas HarrisonMoyamensing17744.5 acresr. I 17.63
Henry Harrison Estatecity1751H 4.28813 Coombs Alley115 Coombs Alley
Henry Harrison Estatecity1759H 11.40Coombs Alley
Henry Harrison Estatecity1759H 11.4036 N Front St
Richard Harrison EstateNorriton1742388 acresG 11.71
Richard Harrison EstateNorriton1742156 acresG 11.71
John Harrison?Kingsessing17651.5 acresI 12.462
John HarryWhitemarsh1769140 acresr. 14.146
Barnabas HartDouglassr. ShfBk CP B-3.460
Barnabas HartDouglassr. ShfBk CP B-3.460
Charles HartBristol1777101.5 acresD 1.393
Jane Hartcity1769EF 15.216N Front St
John HartWhitemarsh17596.5 acres, 31 sq. perchesr. 8.675
John HartWhitemarsh17628.5 acres, 20 sq. perchesOriginal HSMC, deed 148.
Joseph HartMoreland175841 acres, 146.7 sq. perchesD 1.522
Sarah Hartcity46 Arch St218 Arch St
Seymour Hartcity1777D 3.381111 Front St N
Seymour HartNorthern Liberties1768D 41.106321-323 N 2nd St
Seymour HartNorthern Liberties1773AH 67.39Cable Lane
Seymour HartNorthern Liberties1773AH 67.43Cable Lane
Seymour HartPassyunk17773 acres, 6 sq. perchesD 78.340
William HartMoreland17443 acresr. 53.159
John Martin Hartleycity1777D 56.101142 6th St N
John HartmanPlymouth17724 acresr. 15.306
Philip HartmanNew Hanover1776129 acres7.379
Margaret HartsbachGermantown17760.6 acresI 16.383
Ulrich HartzellUpper Salford1767128.75 acresr. 156.163
Samuel HasselNorthern Liberties1750G 12.386
Nicholas Hasselbachcity1762D 52.53
Nicholas Hasselbachcity1762D 52.5340 Moravian Alley148 Moravian Alley
Samuel Hassell EstateNorthern Liberties17403 acresr. MR 15.87
Mary HasselwangerNorthern Liberties1774I 14.158Queen/Richmond St
Arent Hassert, Jr. EstateNorthern Liberties1752I 9.46; r. I 11.387107 Callowhill St
Grace Hastingscity1764CP A-1.34868 N 2nd St118 N 2nd St
Joseph HattersleyMoyamensing17715 acres, 157 sq. perchesr. D 18.592
Sebastian HauptNorthern Liberties1776ShfBk CP B-3.368Garden St
David HawkProvidence1768143 acres, 23 sq. perches42.578
Jacob Hawk EstateFrederick1741150 acres, 4 sq. perchesr. PatBk P 1.153
Jesse HawkingsLower Dublin1774158 sq. perchesEF 4.295
Jesse HawkingsLower Dublin177413 acres, 30 sq. perchesEF 4.295
George Hawkinscity1760EF 15.465; r. D 2.33217 Walnut St107 Walnut St
George HawkinsSouthwark1766AM 22.359410 South St
John HaworthNorthern Liberties1771I 9.472
Charles HayBristol17521 acre, 32.5 sq. perchesD 38.149
Charles HayBristol175282 sq. perchesD 38.149
Charles HayBristol17523 acresD 38.149
Charles HayBristol176127 acres, 115 sq. perches
Charles HayBristol176439 acres, 5 sq. perches
Charles HayGermantown17451 acreIC 1.367
Charles HayGermantown17573 acresACH 2.495
Charles HayGermantown17621 acreIC 1.366
Charles HayNorthern Liberties17698 acres
Eden Haydock Estatecity1756H 8.23422 Market St
Eden Haydock Estatecity1763I 15.45113 N 4th St21 N 4th St
Eden Haydock EstateMoyamensing17631 acre, 107 sq. perchesr. D 13.133
Eden Haydock EstatePassyunk17636 acres, 40 sq. perchesr. D 13.133
Sarah Hayescity1762D 53.40120 Bank St
Sarah Hayescity1763ComBk A-3.8116 Bank St
Sarah Hayescity1771D 50.386
William Hazeltoncity1764I 1.51318 S Front St
Elizabeth and William Hazletoncity1775 Constable's Return86 4th St N158 4th St N
John Headcity1748H 8.961 South Alley501 South Alley
John Headcity1748H 8.963 South Alley505 South Alley
John Headcity1748H 8.96207 Market St507 Market St
John Headcity1756H 7.72425 2nd St N
John Headcity1769EF 21.88
John HeadMoyamensing174813.75 acresH 8.96
John HeadMoyamensing177513 acres, 100 sq. perches
John HeadNorthern Liberties177614 acres, 21 sq. perches
John Head Jr.city1745JTO 274.46164 Arch St234 Arch St
John Head Jr.city1752H 2.12527 N 2nd St
John Head Jr.city1754r. ADB 85.47458 Arch St228 Arch St
Samuel Headcity1752D 29.38076 Arch St246 Arch St
Samuel Headcity1752D 29.38774 Arch St244 Arch St
Samuel Headcity1755D 19.9657 N 3rd St
Samuel HeadOxford176315 acresGWR 11.138
Andrew HeathGermantown17751 acre, 11 sq. perchesI 15.127
John Heathcote?Northern LibertiesGarden St
Mary HeatonAbington177417 acres, 62 sq. perches15.269
Ann Heaton EstateByberry17931 acrer. ACH 11.381
George Heckcity1774D 13.21154 N 4th St122 N 4th St
Adam Heckman1774150 acres
Christopher HeebnerNorriton1762122 acres, 20 sq. perches3.214
Christopher HeebnerNorriton17751 acre3.217
Christopher HeebnerNorriton177516.5 acres3.217
Christopher HeebnerNorriton177577.5 acres3.216
Christopher HeebnerWorcester17561 acreI 13.554
Christopher HeebnerWorcester1756150 acresI 13.554
Christopher HeebnerWorcester175635 acresr. 20.359
George HeebnerWorcester177521.25 acresr. 51.601
John HeebnerFrederick1740100 acresr. A 9.413
John HeebnerFrederick1746100 acresr. PatBk A 17.244
John HeebnerFrederick1771152 acres, 134 sq. perchesr. 2.434
David Heebner?Worcester105.5 acresr. 51.601
Henry HeffelfingerLower Salford1745125 acres1.182
Henry HeffelfingerLower Salford174537.5 acres1.187
Henry HeffelfingerLower Salford1745125 acres1.182
Henry HeffelfingerLower Salford17571 acre, 152 sq. perches1.192
Casper HeftGermantown17701.25 acres, 15 sq. perchesGHS Archives
Casper HeftGermantown177420.5 sq. perchesD 23.37
Casper HeftGermantown177443 sq. perchesD 23.37
George Thomas Heilcity1748G 11.508254 5th St N
George HeiligUpper Hanover1766145 acres, 70 sq. perchesI 12.81
George HeiligUpper Hanover1772160 acres, 140 sq. perchesI 12.82
John HeilighProvidence1773160.75 acres10.197
Andrew HeiserPerkiomen and Skippack175012 acres, 46 sq. perchesH 1.63
Andrew HeiserPerkiomen and Skippack1750125 acresH 1.63
Andrew HeiserPerkiomen and Skippack17508 acresH 1.63
Andrew HeiserPerkiomen and Skippack17504 acres, 27.5 sq. perchesH 1.63
Andrew HeiserPerkiomen and Skippack176376 acresr. 23.278
Andrew HeiserPerkiomen and Skippack176331 acres, 133.75 sq. perchesr. 17.302
Andrew HeiserPerkiomen and Skippack176819 acres, 40 sq. perchesr. 17.30
George HeislerGermantown17491.5 acresLRB 6.105
George HeislerGermantown17491 acrer. D 24.297
George HeislerGermantown17522 acres, 2 sq. perchesLRB 6.105
Peter HeislerGermantown17542 acres, 67 sq. perchesI 1.556
Peter HeislerGermantown176021.5 acres, 20 sq. perchesI 1.559
Peter HeislerGermantown17623 acres, 108 sq. perchesI 1.513
Peter HeislerGermantown17713 acres, 37 sq. perchesD 13.84
Peter HeislerGermantown5 acres, 20 sq. perches
Matthias HeissGermantown17649 acresD 15.204
Matthias HeissGermantown176469 sq. perches
Matthias HeissGermantown176415 acres, 153 sq. perchesD 15.204
Matthias HeissGermantown17644 acres, 60.25 sq. perchesD 15.204
Matthias HeissGermantown17643 acresD 14.204
Matthias HeissGermantown176943 sq. perchesr. D 16.198
John HeistDouglass177049 acresr. 6.575
John HeistUpper Hanover1770172 acres, 27.5 sq. perches788.123
Peter HeistMarlborough175724 acresD 8.483
Peter HeistMarlborough177030 acresD 8.467
John HelfmanOxford176741 acres, 105 sq. perchesr. D 4.466
Benjamin Hellingscity1759H 12.411
Adam Helmcity1763EF 17.56413 N 5th St15 N 5th St
John HeltMoreland17671.5 acres, 32 sq. perchesEF 12.665
William Hemblecity1767GWR 21.348137-139 Front St N
William Hemblecity1768GWR 21.34819 N Front St
Benjamin Hemmings?Passyunk8 acres
Robert HenbestKingsessing1767r. IC 23.203
Alexander HendersonUpper Merion1771100 acresr. 34.158; WBk P.87
Alexander HendersonUpper Merion1771100 acresr. 34.158; WBk P.87
Alexander HendersonUpper Merion17715.5 acresr. 34.158; WBk P.87
Alexander HendersonUpper Merion177127 acresr. 34.158; WBk P.87
John Hendersoncityr. D 2.504267 S 2nd St
Samuel HendersonUpper Merion177125 acresr. 15.489
Samuel HendersonUpper Merion1771100 acresr. 15.489
William Hendersoncity1767GGP 509.8624 S 4th St
William Hendersoncity1772D 16.46154 S 4th St330 S 4th St
William HendersonPassyunk177224 acres, 66 sq. perchesr. D 2.200
Benjamin HendricksTowamencin & Lower Salford175388 acresWBk K.101; r. 53.597
Benjamin HendricksTowemencin88 acres
James Hendrickscity1762D 39.8
James Hendricks Jr.Moyamensing1777D 21.137
John HendricksWorcester175140 acresr. MtgBk 13.160
John HendricksWorcester175320 acresr. MtgBk 13.160
Leonard HendricksTowamencin177289.75 acrese.203
Paul HendricksTowamencin1775156 acresr. 35.738
Peter HendricksTowamencin & Lower Salford1753WBk K.101
Samuel HendricksTowamencin1765144 acresr. 7.200; 338.313
Samuel HendricksTowamencin17663 acres, 40 sq. perchesr. 7.200
William HendricksAbington1776135.25 acresI 16.310
James Hendrycity1766I 10.116430-432 S 2nd St
Christopher HenritzyGermantown17712 acres, 32.75 sq. perchesD 4.87
Christopher HenritzyGermantown17773.75 acres
Christopher HenritzyGermantown17775.5 acresD 5.553
Henry HenritzySpringfield177716.75 acres, 6 sq. perches
Abraham HenryGermantown174421 acres, 80 sq. perchesD 51.659
Elizabeth and William HenryNorthern Liberties1749r. EF 17.228Queen/Richmond St
Hugh Henrycity1773I 17.38638 Chestnut St134 Chestnut St
Robert HenryAbington175534 acres, 54 sq. perches11.381
William Henrycity1759I 1.153
William Henrycity1759D-2.6.12882 4th St N154 4th St N
William Henrycity1762I 1.150
William HenryMoyamensing17584 acres
William HenryNorthern Liberties17546.75 acresLofA D-2.6.144 (Exemp 6.794)
William HenryNorthern Liberties1762LofA D-2.6.133Warren St
William HenryNorthern Liberties1764LofA D-2.6.135Warren St
William HenryNorthern Liberties17678 acres, 100 sq. perchesGS 30.266
William HenryNorthern Liberties17678 acres, 105 sq. perchesGS 30.266
William and Elizabeth HenryNorthern Liberties1749Warren St
Robert HenvisKingsessing19.25 acresr. ShfBk CP C-4.72
Jacob HerboldDouglas1777117 acresr. 2.69; r. 46.217; r. MtgBk 16.108
Jacob HerboldDouglas17776 acres, 107 sq. perchesr. 2.69; r. 46.217; r. MtgBk 16.108
George HergerGermantown17360.75 acres, 11 sq. perchesD 5.179
Christopher HergesheimerGermantown17680.5 acresr. MtgBk X.285
Jeremiah HerpelNew Hanover177194.5 acres17.398
George HerringerGermantown174542.75 sq. perchesD 4.528
Henry HershUpper Salford177398 acres, 60 sq. perches6.199
Henry HershUpper Salford177310 acres, 102 sq. perches6.199
George HertzelUpper Salford1767300 acresI 5.402
Henry HertzelFranconia and Upper Salford1772150 acresBucksCo DBK 17.477
Henry HertzelRockhill, Bucks County177250 acresBucksCo DBK 17.477
Daniel HessGermantown17751.5 acres, 7 sq. perchesI 16.111
Daniel HessGermantown17750.13 acresI 16.111
Lewis Hesscity1761GWR 26.81262 5th St N
Lewis Hesscity1774MR 9.274140 6th St N
Nicholas Hesscity1761D 57.234264 5th St N
Nicholas Hesscity1761118 Race St320 Race St
Nicholas Hesscity1774AWM 14.364138 6th St N
John Hesseliuscity1759EF 15.58832 Lombard St218 Lombard St
Frederick HesserProvidence176250 acres2.500
George HesserGermantown17591 acreI 9.301
George HesserGermantown17743.25 acres, 23 sq. perchesI 15.190
George HesserGermantown17764 acresI 16.344
George HesserGermantown17763.25 acresI 16.343
John HesserCheltenham177250 acres, 27 sq. perches
John HesserGermantown17593.75 acres, 12 sq. perchesI 9.304
Edward HestonBlockley1765100 acresr. GWC 7.94
Christian HetzelDouglass1777r. 5.468
Christian HetzelDouglass1777r. 5.468
Christian HetzelDouglass1777r. 5.468
Christian HetzelDouglass1777r. 5.468
Joseph Hewlingscity1774I 13.417523 Cherry St
John HewstoneOxford173725 acresr. D 26.335
Andrew HeybergerSpringfield17524.5 acres, 29 sq. perches1.43
Andrew HeybergerSpringfield17676 acres, 60 sq. perches1.53
Andrew HeybergerSpringfield
Balsor HeydrickSpringfield17755 acres
Balsor HeydrickSpringfield17765 acres
George HeydrickLower Salford176276 acres, 112 sq. perchesI 15.404
George HeydrickLower Salford176225 acres, 20 sq. perchesI 15.404
George Heydrick?Frederick176161.5 acresr. PatBk AA 3.309
George Thomas Heylcity1752H 7.10318 Elfreths Alley143 Elfreths Alley
Philip Heylcity1764H 20.160106 N 2nd St156 N 2nd St
William Heyshamcity1771I 9.466107 Arch St313 Arch St
Hezekiah Hibberdcity1763D 34.3389 N 4th St17-7 N 4th St
Hezekiah Hibberdcity1769I 6.490341 Walnut St
Aaron HibbertBlockley1726I 11.27
Barbara HicksGermantown17481.25 acresD 32.51; r. IH 10.127
Nicholas HicksSpringfield1702100 acres
Nicholas HicksSpringfield
William HicksSpringfield177522.5 acres
Abraham HiestandUpper Hanover177115 acres, 130 sq. perchesr. 43.41
Abraham HiestandUpper Hanover177160 acres, 100 sq. perchesr. 43.41
Isaac HiestandUpper Hanover177176 acres, 70 sq. perchesr. 36.29
Daniel Hiester youngerMarlborough1774143 acres, 88 sq. perchesI 13.402
Daniel Hiester youngerMarlborough177410.75 acresI 13.402
Daniel Hiester?Salford175034 acres, 49 sq. perchesr. PatBk H 5.302
Daniel Hiester?Upper Salford175034 acres, 46 sq. perchesr. PatBk H 5.302
High Dutch Calvinist CongregationOxford1769140.5 sq. perchesD 1.466
High Dutch Calvinist CongregationOxford1770106.5 sq. perchesD 1.474
High Dutch Presbyterian ChurchWorcester1762155.5 sq. perchesr. 11.161
High Dutch Presbyterian ChurchWorcester1762155.5 sq. perchesr. 11.161
Henry Hillcity1764EF 1.217303 Cherry St
Henry HillGermantown177422 acres, 41 sq. perchesI 12.366
Henry HillGermantown17761.5 acres, 40 sq. perchesGWC 34.388
Henry HillGermantown17773.75 acres, 20 sq. perchesEF 25.78
Henry HillNorthern Liberties177260 acres
Henry HillNorthern Liberties17738 acres, 3 sq. perches
Henry HillNorthern Liberties17738 acres
Henry HillNorthern Liberties177537 acres, 101 sq. perchesI 16.15
Henry HillNorthern Liberties17759.5 acres, 4 sq. perches
Henry HillNorthern Liberties17764 acres, 88 sq. perchesI 15.545
Henry HillNorthern Liberties
Henry HillRoxborough177131.25 acresI 10.187
Henry HillRoxborough177521 acresI 15.569
Jacob HillNorthern Liberties1759H 10.68Richmond St
Jacob HillNorthern Liberties1772I 12.6Richmond St
Jacob HillNorthern Liberties1774IC 5.676Richmond St
Joseph Hillcity1762TH 179.22426 Elfreths Alley122 Elfreths Alley
Joseph HillNorthern Liberties1769ShfBk CP B-3.9109 Callowhill St
Richard Hill Estate Eldercity1751r. EF 8.81Race St
Joseph Hillborncity1772I 10.45287 Chestnut St
Joseph Hillbourncity1771I 10.170, I 12.13210-16 N 4th St18-22 N 4th St
Michael HillebardNew Hanover1771259 acres, 72 sq. perchesr. 837.511
Adam HillegasUpper Hanover1749165 acres607.324
Michael Hillegascity1752OC Dk 4.1; r. EF 5.655117 N 2nd St
Michael Hillegascity1752OC Dk 4.1; r. EF 5.655115-117 2nd St N
Michael Hillegascity1754I 3.510
Michael HillegasGermantown17528 acresr. D 42.41
Michael HillegasNorthern Liberties1752r. EF 30.82222-230 Queen/Richmond St
Michael HillegasNorthern Liberties1766CP A-2.48
Michael HillegasPassyunk177316 acresI 14.143
Michael HillegasPassyunk17738 acres, 29 sq. perchesI 14.139
Michael HillegasPassyunk177323.5 acres, 37 sq. perchesCP B-3.373
Michael HillegasPassyunk177319 acres, 120 sq. perchesI 14.141
Michael HillegasPassyunk177511.75 acres, 19 sq. perchesD 31.189
Michael Hillegas et al?Northern Liberties1776
Michael Hillegas?Passyunk7 acres, 141 sq. perches
Adam HillegassMarlborough175990 acresr. PatBk A 20.270
Adam HillegassUpper Hanover176571 acres, 90 sq. perches37.56
Conrad HillegassUpper Hanover1758216 acresH 12.232
Peter HillegassDouglass176466 acresH 19.195
Peter HillegassUpper Hanover1759176 acresr. 22.541
Peter HillegassUpper Hanover1772256 acres, 140 sq. perchesr. 22.316
Adam HiltebeitelUpper Salford1766145 acresr. 31.234; PatBk A 3.141
William HiltnerWhitemarsh176230 acres8.489
James HiltonLower Dublin177436.5 acresMR 10.474
Jacob Hiltzheimercity1761H 16.197 7th St S
Jacob Hiltzheimercity1762EF 15.36224 Market St630 Market St
Jacob Hiltzheimercity1767EF 15.39226 Market St632 Market St
Jacob Hiltzheimercity1773I 12.211228 Market St634 Market St
Jacob Hiltzheimercity1777D 27.317700 Market St
Jacob HiltzheimerNorthern Liberties17706 acresD 76.426
Andrew HimesNorthern Liberties1763IC 13.632nd St N
John Hinchmancity1774D 49.447174 Race St514 Race St
Jacob HinkleGermantown17682.5 acres, 29 sq. perchesr. D 7.76
John HinkleGermantown17661.5 acresCP A-1.186
John HinkleGermantown17671.5 acresr. RLL 19.148
Casper HinterleiterMarlborough175476 acresr. PatBk AA 4.485
Casper HinterleiterMarlborough71.5 acres, 120 sq. perchesr. PatBk AA 4.485
John George Hirneisen Estatecity1760AWM 51.40315 Sugar Alley
Michael Hirneissencity1760H 17.375
Ludwig HirshMarlborough176742 acres, 58 sq. perchesr. SurveyBk B 3.260
George HitnerPlymouth and Whitemarsh176261.25 acresr. 7.511
George Hittnercity1759D 76.197158 Market St
Samuel HoaveBlockley100 acresr. D 34.147
Enoch Hobartcity1776D 13.1679 Walnut St
George HockerWhitemarsh1763200 acres, 20 sq. perches
James HockleyDouglas1777430 acres, 106 sq. perches2.117
James HockleyDouglas17778 acres, 16 sq. perches2.117; r. 3.340
James HockleyDouglas1777427 acres, 86 sq. perches2.117
William HockleyMoyamensing176916 acres, 136 sq. perchesI 7.87
William HockleyNorthern Liberties17768 acres, 76 sq. perchesI 15.324
William Branson Hockleycity1760H 13.4264 Market St220 Market St
Richard Hockley Estatecity1747I 4.152
Richard Hockley Estatecity1749H 12.44640-42 N 3rd St
Richard Hockley Estatecity1750I 4.156111-113 7th St N
Richard Hockley Estatecity1750I 4.156731-733 Mulberry St
Richard Hockley Estatecity1754CP A-1.128
Richard Hockley EstateMoyamensing175125 acresH 13.94
Richard Hockley EstateMoyamensing176010 acresPatBk A 19.581
Richard Hockley EstateMoyamensing17601 acre, 116 sq. perchesH 4.159
James Hockley?Douglas234 acres, 49 sq. perchesr. SC Continuance Dk April 1790, 497
Andrew Hodgecity1752H 3.412129-135 Water St
Andrew HodgeNorthern Liberties1751GWC 27.342
Andrew HodgeNorthern Liberties1758GWC 23.305
Hugh Hodgecity1751H 3.23661 Market St205 Market St
Hugh Hodgecity1751H 3.236205 Market St
William Hodgecity1767CP A-2.12592 Race St244 Race St
William HodgeMoyamensing17483 acresIC 2.307
William HodgeNorthern Liberties1763CP A-1.317
Caeser Hodge EstateMoyamensing1752
Caeser Hodge EstateMoyamensing1758
Caeser Hodge EstateMoyamensing1758
Andrew HoffmanDouglass1759124 acres, 71 sq. perchesH 9.440
Andrew HoffmanNew Hanover1771139.25 acresr. 26.526
Anna Maria HoffmanGermantown17681 acreGHS Archives; r. D 14.426
Christopher HoffmanLower Salford175283 acres, 135 sq. perchesI 15.403
George HoffmanGermantown17505 acres, 31 sq. perchesr. MtgBk X 12.65
Nicholas HoffmanWorcester177168 acres, 156 sq. perchesI 12.533
George HoffnerPassyunk17641 acre, 1 sq. perchGWR 14.205
George HoffnerPassyunk17691.25 acres, 20 sq. perchesGWR 14.201
George HoffnerPassyunk6 acres
Hog IslandChester County
Derick HogelandMoreland175249 acres, 26.6 sq. perchesH 12.204
Derick HogelandMoreland175399 acres, 62 sq. perchesH 12.208
John HogelandMoreland1775r. 30.337
John HogelandMoreland1775127 acresr. 43.125; r. 22.418
Jacob HolcombeAbington17711.75 acres, 34 sq. perchesr. 7.532
Jacob HolcombeAbington17731.75 acres, 20 sq. perchesr. 7.532
Jacob HolcombeAbington17731.75 acres, 34 sq. perchesr. 7.532
Christian HoldemanLower Salford1735100 acresI 2.151
Christian HoldemanLower Salford174116 acres, 93 sq. perchesr. 26.454
Christian HoldemanLower Salford17576 acres, 16 sq. perches26.453
Christian HoldemanLower Salford17576 acres, 17 sq. perches
Christian HoldemanUpper Salford177550 acres, 83 sq. perchesI 16.265
Christian HoldemanUpper Salford1775130.5 acresI 16.265
William HolgateGermantown177022.75 acresI 7.455
John Holgate & Christian SchneiderRoxborough176210 acres
Robert HollandLower Merion176840 acres, 2 sq. perchesI 13.328
Mathias HollebaughNew Hanover174539 acres, 47 sq. perchesr. I 16.200
Yost HollebushFrederick1776100 acresr. 13.185
Yost HollebushFrederick100 acres, 24 sq. perchesr. Survey Bk B-19.137; PatBk P31.450
Hannah HollingsworthMoyamensing17703 acres, 60 sq. perchesFTW 193.112
Levi HollingsworthMoyamensing1771CP B-3.155
Levi HollingsworthMoyamensing1772
Anthony HolmanGermantown17775 acresRDW 67.358
John HolmanPlymouth1767135.5 acresI 9.132
John HolmanPlymouth176750 acresI 9.132
John HolmanPlymouth39.4 acres
John HolmeLower Dublin1740240 acres
John and Thomas HolmeLower Dublin1730r. MR 3.289
Samuel Holmescity177789 S 4th St339 S 4th St
Peter HolsteinUpper Merion200 acresr. 4.336
Samuel HolsteinUpper Merion1768400 acresWBk O.306; r. 19.253, r. 21.271
Adam HoltOxford175997 acres, 101 sq. perchesIC 1.285
Arthur Holton Estatecity1698E-3.5.121126 S Front St
Elizabeth Holton Estatecity1732F 5.45615 S 2nd St
Thomas HomerByberry174715 acres, 22 sq. perchesr. RLL 8.88
William HomerByberry
Mark Honegarcity1765D 22.505150-152 S 4th St322-328 S 4th St
Joseph Honeycombcity1761RLL 41.246Sugar Alley
William Honeymancity1759I 9.228218 5th St N
William Honeymancity1759I 9.228216 5th St N
William Honeyman Jr.city1769r. GWC 3.1573 Chancery Lane
William Honeyman Jr.city1769r. GWC 3.157Chancery Lane
William Honeyman Estatecity1748I 9.2205 Coombs Alley105 Coombs Alley
Francis & Elizabeth HoodNorthern Liberties176611 acres, 8 sq. perches
James & Rachel HoodGermantown17470.5 acres, 21 sq. perches
John Hoodcity1744G 7.14475 S 3rd St
Thomas HoodNorthern Liberties17758 acres, 65 sq. perchesCP Part 1.295
Thomas HoodNorthern Liberties1776r. MR 7.373Palmer St
Thomas HoodNorthern Liberties
Thomas Hood minorNorthern Liberties4 acres, 50 sq. perches
Rebecca Hood & Martha RenshawNorthern Liberties11 acres, 58 sq. perches
Rebecca Hood & Martha RenshawNorthern Liberties8 acres, 47 sq. perches
Thomas Hood EstateNorthern Liberties3 acres, 22 sq. perches
Adam Hoopescity1760H 15.129Water St
Adam Hoopescity1768I 6.141Water St
Adam Hoops Estatecity1759H 10.43
John HootUpper Salford1762103 acres, 137 sq. perchesr. 12.462
John HootUpper Salford27 acres, 90 sq. perches
Benjamin Hootencity1748D 22.92
Benjamin Hootencity1762CP A-2; D 16.439, 442
Robert HopkinsNorthern Liberties174392 acres, 147 sq. perchesG 3.367
Robert Hopkins youngercity1771D 23.21137-139 Water St
Samuel Hopkinscity1767FTW 82.219Appletree Alley
Samuel Hopkinscity1767FTW 82.21956 N 4th St124 N 4th St
Samuel Hopkinscity1774FTW 82.263Appletree Alley
Thomas Hopkinscity1775108-110 Norris Alley
Thomas HopkinsNorthern Liberties1765r. D 53.52Hanover St
Elizabeth Hopkinsoncity1761H 14.95421 Walnut St
Mary HoppleCheltenham1772100.75 acresI 12.277
Henry HoreyNorthern Liberties1764EF 22.669
Henry HoreyNorthern Liberties
George HorlacherUpper Hanover17696 acres, 40 sq. perchesD 10.21; r. 387.330
George HorlacherUpper Hanover17693 acres, 120 sq. perchesr. 387.330
George HorlacherUpper Hanover and Upper Milford177138 acres, 62 sq. perchesD 9.396
Peter HorlacherUpper Hanover1769199.5 acresD 10.23
Peter HorlacherUpper Hanover17692 acres, 123 sq. perchesD 10.23
George HornLower Merion1756154 acresI 10.386
George HornLower Merion177599 acresI 17.266
George HornUpper Merion61 acresr. I 17.379
Benjamin Hornercity1773r. D 28.44524 N Front St
Ludwig HorningSkippack and Perkiomen1738137 acresr. 10.153
George Jacob HorterGermantown17605 acres, 26 sq. perchesAWM 22.116
George Jacob HorterGermantown17625 acres, 22 sq. perchesJAH 84.141
George Jacob HorterGermantown17655.75 acresr. GS 21.721
George Jacob HorterGermantown177311.75 acres, 20 sq. perchesLRB 27.218
Stokely Hosmancity1773r. D 9.36126 Spruce St332 Spruce St
John HouckNorthern Liberties17738 acres, 125 sq. perchesD 2.479
Susannah and Samuel HoughNorthern Liberties1763r. IH 10.497Queen/Richmond St
Thomas Houghcity1765I 3.3512 Chancery Lane
Thomas Houghcity1771I 9.54139 Front St N
Thomas Houghcity1774I 13.3741 N Front St
John HoulgateRoxborough175341 acres, 130 sq. perches
John HoulgateRoxborough175436 acres, 10 sq. perches
John HoulgateRoxborough1770
Abraham HouseWhitemarsh176020.75 acresr. 7.689
Jacob HouserWhitemarsh176750 acresCP A-2.81
Jacob HouserWhitemarsh176740 acresCP A-2.81
Martin HouserGermantown1760140 sq. perchesr. MtgBk X 4.305; Springfield Twp. Hist. Soc.
Alexander Houstoncity1763D 22.477
Christian Houtzellcity1770IC 31.126727 Zane St
Conrad Hover?Blockley10 acres
John Howardcity1748r. GGP 146.52526 S 2nd St38 S 2nd St
John Howardcity1748r. EF 30.163
John HowardcityStrawberry Alley
John Howardcity
Peter Howardcity1761I 4.387
Rees Price and Sarah HowardNew Hanover1766500 acresr. 770.397
Peter Howard?Moyamensing
Peter Howard?Moyamensing
Peter Howard?Moyamensing
Elizabeth Hudson Howellcity1726WBk D.450
Ephraim HowellByberry177626 acres, 18 sq. perchesWBk Q.353; r. D 20.152
Isaac Howell1765RLL 41.716th St N
John HowellGermantown17636 acresGWR 8.426
John HowellGermantown17744 acresGWR 11.24
John HowellGermantown17747 acresGWR 11.24
Joseph Howellcity1774SHF 25.118Church Alley
Joseph HowellMoyamensing17463.5 acres, 19 sq. perches
Joshua HowellBristol176514.25 acresD 57.247
Joshua HowellBristol176614.25 acresD 57.245
Joshua Howellcity1767EF 22.469N Water St
Joshua Howellcity1773D 18.43862 N Front St62 N Front St
Joshua Howellcity1774I 18.24732-734 Market St
Joshua Howellcity1774I 18.24732-734 Market St
Joshua HowellNorthern Liberties175040 acres, 60 sq. perches
Joshua and Katherine Howellcity1771GS 30.58N Water St
Katharine Howellcity1754r. IW 1.366Wallis' Alley
Samuel Howellcity1744r. MR 9.36157 Chestnut St213 Chestnut St
Samuel Howellcity1745D 20.146203 Stampers Alley
Samuel Howellcity1757D 21.196
Samuel Howellcity1760H 13.182
Samuel Howellcity1768r. D 17.490222 Chestnut St
Samuel HowellOxford1760265 acres, 126 sq. perches
Rebecca Howell?Northern Liberties8 acres, 9 sq. perches
Christian HuberGermantown17713.25 acresI 11.14
Christian HuberGermantown177110 acres, 30 sq. perchesI 11.14
Christian HuberGermantown17711 acreI 11.14
Jacob HuberNew Hanover1772181.5 acresr. 59.438, 565.396
Michael HuberDouglass1775118 acres, 127 sq. perches1286.254
Rudolph Huber Estatecity1766H 21.531; r. EF 16.451Quarry St.
Adam HubleyNorthern Liberties17748 acres, 60 sq. perches
Adam HubleyNorthern Liberties1775
Adam HubleyNorthern Liberties17768 acres, 69 sq. perches
Joseph HuddellDistrict of Southwark1759D 1.510
Mary Hudsoncity1742WBk G.9; r. D 21.128215 Market St515-517 Market St
Mary Hudsoncity1762WBk M.333; r. EF 8.151
Mary Hudsoncity1767TH 57.5206 5th St N8 5th St N
Samuel Hudsoncity1762WBk M.33393 Walnut St315 Walnut St
Samuel Hudsoncity1762r. D 29.10445-51 S 3rd St
Samuel Hudsoncity1762
Samuel HudsonMoyamensing17629 acresWBk M.333
William Hudsoncity1739r. D 22.102199 Market St501 Market St
John HuffmanNorthern Liberties1764r. D 1.271Shackamaxon St
Charles HufftyLower Dublin174260 acresr. GS 19.691
Jonathan HuftyLower Dublin22 acres, 20 sq. perchesr. D 23.113
Thomas Dungan and Jacob Hufty?Abington138 acres, 112 sq. perchesr. D 6.450
Edward HughesTowamencin150 acresr. 27.816
Isaac HughesUpper Merion177081 acres, 90 sq. perchesr. 37.429
Isaac HughesUpper Merion17726 acres, 20 sq. perchesoriginal unrecorded deed John Hughes Papers, HSP
Isaac HughesUpper Merion177228.5 acresWBk P.248
Isaac HughesUpper Merion177241 acres, 152 sq. perchesWBk P.248
Isaac HughesUpper Merion177213.5 acresWBk P.248
Isaac HughesUpper Merion1772257 acresWBk P.248
Isaac HughesUpper Merion72 acres
John Hughes Jrcity1768AM 52.759156 Market St
John Hughes Jrcity1771AM 52.757156 Market St
John Hughes Jr.Lower Merion1770207 acres
William Hughescity1746r. MR 14.2624-30 Chestnut St124-126 Chestnut St
William Hughescity1746r. MR 14.26
William Hughescity1746r. MR 14.26Chestnut St
Caleb Hughscity1770EF 2.391209 Lombard St
Caleb Hughscity1770EF 2.391211 Lombard St
MIchael Hulings EstateNorthern Liberties1735I 4.511; r. IC 10.634
Anthony and Susanna HullNorthern Liberties1762r. EF 15.79
Benjamin Humphreyscity1776CP B-3.394
Benjamin HumphreysLower Merion1738
Benjamin HumphreysLower Merion1766150 acres52.279; Phila OC 8.185
Charles HumphreysLower Merion175738 acresCP A-1.212
Charles HumphreysLower Merion1774100 acresr. 32.371
Joshua Humphreyscity1760
Joshua Humphreyscity176048 Spruce St
Joshua Humphreyscity1767GWC 106.302
Rebecca HumphreysLower Merion173835 acresr. 2.370
Richard Humphreyscity1759H 19.11440 6th St N
Richard Humphreyscity1760H 19.12038 6th St N
Richard Humphreyscity1768CP A-2.18042 6th St N
Richard HumphreysMoyamensing1767I 13.261
Thomas HumphreysNorthern Liberties177638.5 acres, 20 sq. perchesD 1.165
William HumphreysDistrict of Southwark17592.5 acresH 18.368
Daniel HunnAbington177310 acres11.32
Daniel HunnAbington177349.5 acres11.32
Marks HunningerPassyunk175317 acres, 109.33 sq. perchesH 17.1
Marks HunningerPassyunk175817 acres, 109.75 sq. perchesH 17.2
Marks HunningerPassyunk176217.5 acres, 24 sq. perchesH 17.5
Henry HunsickerPerkioman and Skippack
Isaac HunsickerPerkiomen and Skippack176855 acres5.224
Isaac HunsickerPerkiomen and Skippack176845 acres5.224
Isaac HunsickerPerkiomen and Skippack1773128 acres, 134 sq. perches20.268
Abraham HunspergerFranconia1749102 acresr. 6.478
Abraham HunspergerFranconia1769102.5 acres27.17
Christian HunspergerFranconia1755100 acres482.325
John HuntGermantown177023 acresD 73.12
John HuntKingsessing171719.25 acresr. D35.42
John HuntKingsessing1717163 acresr. D35.42
John HuntKingsessing20 acresDelawareCo WBk A.39
John HuntKingsessing16 acresDelawareCo WBk A.39
Rachel Huntcity
James Huntercity1761AWM 10.597Coombs Alley
James Huntercity1763D 40.54554 Race St146 Race St
James Huntercity1765H 21.38737 N 2nd St37 N 2nd St
James Huntercity1769CP B-3.21
James Huntercity1772TH 55.42417 Elfreths Alley141 Elfreths Alley
James HunterMoyamensing17745 acres
James HunterSouthwark1770I 7.131George St
James and Mary Huntercity1751r. MtgBk X52 Race St144 Race St
Alexander Hustoncity1763MR 15.541145 Arch St413 Arch St
Alexander HustonGermantown17767 acres, 130 sq. perchesIC 20.55
Alexander HustonGermantown177616 sq. perchesIC 20.57
Alexander and Elizabeth Hustoncity1756H 7.27555 N 2nd St55 N 2nd St
Hannah HustonKingsessing176853 acresWBk O.286; r. D 17.360
Hannah HustonKingsessing176835.5 acresWBk O.286; r. D 17.360
James Hustoncity1754r. IC 8.352
James Hustoncityr. IC 10.515
John Hydecity1768CP A-2.16326 Race St118 Race St
Lydia & Elizabeth HydeBlockley177774.5 acresD 31.376
John Illigcity1759D 22.26112 Race St314 Race St
Catherine IngelsMoyamensing1777D 2.22
Joseph IngelsLower Dublin177245 acresD 26.73
William Inglefriedcity1772D 6.36186 Race St238 Race St
Catherine Inglescity1777D 2.27438 Spruce St
John InglisUpper Merion1774100 acresr. 6.513
John InglisUpper Merion177410 acres, 136 sq. perchesr. 6.513
John Inglis EstateDistrict of Southwark17616 acres, 10 sq. perchesH 15.203
John Inglis EstateDistrict of Southwark1765ComBk A-3.96 (Exemp. 5.98)
John Inglis EstateDistrict of Southwark1765I 12.229
John Inglis EstateDistrict of Southwark1765I 12.229
Matthew IngramBristol175684 acres
Thomas IngramBlockley175186 acres, 90 sq. perchesWBk 5.189
William IvesDouglas1775106 acres, 116 sq. perchesI 16.120
David JaagNew Hanover1750137 acres, 80 sq. perchesr. 5.138
John JacksonByberry107 acresr. D 69.95
John JacksonByberry16 acres, 64 sq. perchesr. D 69.95
John JacksonByberry12 acres, 6 sq. perchesr. D 69.95
John JacksonByberry107 acresr. D 69.95
Joseph JacksonLower Dublin176770 acresEF 13.672
Joseph JacksonLower Dublin1767112 acresEF 13.672
Joseph Jackson SrLower Dublin177420 acresRLL 52.426
Matthew Jacksoncity1769D 1.77
Matthew JacksonRoxborough17779.5 acres
Matthew JacksonRoxborough177713.75 acres
William Jacksoncity1774I 11.547136 Walnut St
William and Rachel Jacksoncity1753WBk K.158; r. D 76.37693 Market St239 Market St
John Jackson?Moreland1 acre, 27 sq. perchesr. IH 6.439
Dubre JacobMoreland174840 acresi 12.362
Israel Jacobscity1768D 1.4803-5 N 2nd St
Nicholas Jacobscity1774EF 4.190325 Race St.
Christopher JacobyGermantown1742138 sq. perchesEF 17.64
Christopher JacobyGermantown1763138 sq. perchesD 22.421
Abel Jamescity1768I 6.105114 Race St316 Race St
Abel Jamescity1772I 11.360Front St N
Abel Jamescity1774r. D 7.312Water St
Abel Jamescity1774r. D 7.312Water St
Abel Jamescity1775I 15.130Vine St
Abel Jamescity1775I 15.1306th St N
Abel Jamescity1775I 15.1306th St N
Abel Jamescity1775I 15.1306th St N
Abel Jamescity1775I 15.130Vine St
Abel Jamescity1775I 15.130Vine St
Abel Jamescity1775I 15.130Vine St
Abel Jamescity1775I 15.1306th St N
Abel JamesNorthern Liberties175150.25 acres
Abel JamesNorthern Liberties175116 acres
Abel JamesNorthern Liberties175138 acres
Abel JamesNorthern Liberties17512 acres
Abel JamesNorthern Liberties175844 acres, 74 sq. perches
Abel JamesNorthern Liberties175883 acres, 138 sq. perches
Abel JamesNorthern Liberties17583 acres, 116 sq. perches
Abel JamesNorthern Liberties176034 acres
Abel JamesNorthern Liberties176021 acres, 142 sq. perches
Abel JamesNorthern Liberties176264 acres, 70 sq. perches
Abel JamesNorthern Liberties176221 acres, 142 sq. perches
Ann Page JamesDistrict of Southwark17764.5 acres, 31 sq. perchesD 4.398
Ann Page JamesPassyunk17635 acres, 2 sq. perchesI 17.132
Ann Page JamesPassyunk17633.75 acres, 21 sq. perchesI 13.132
Ann Page JamesPassyunk176412.5 acres, 30 sq. perches
Hugh Jamescity1761EF 17.82408 Locust St
Hugh Jamescity1767EF 23.452408 Locust St
Hugh Jamescity1773EF 9.71404 Locust St
John Reynell & Abel Jamescity1764H 19.476; r. D 4.39452 N 2nd St
John JansonUpper Salford1775100 acresI 16.267
John JansonUpper Salford177531 acresI 16.267
John JansonUpper Salford177540 acres, 5 sq. perchesI 16.267
Joseph Janviercity1771D 51.22433 Delancey St215 Delancey St
John JarrettWhitemarsh1773219 acres, 69 sq. perchesD 1.309
Charles Jarviscity1772D 26.4424 Strawberry Alley
John JarvisDistrict of Southwark17393 acres, 97 sq. perches
Eleanor Jaunceycity1773r. D 68.2795 S Front St143 S Front St
Jacob JeanesMoreland1747145 acresr. 48.545
Jacob JeanesMoreland17623 acresr. 14.341
William and Levi JeanesMoreland175723 acres, 94 sq. perchesr. 46.135
William and Levi JeanesMoreland17577 acres, 158 sq. perchesr. 46.135
William and Levi JeanesMoreland1757139 acres, 94 sq. perchesr. 46.135
Joseph Jeanes EstateMoreland175236 acresH 6.72; r. 6.135; WBk M.540
Joseph Jeanes EstateMoreland175539 acres, 112 sq. perchesr. 6.48; r. 6.50
William Jeanes EstateMoreland1762100 acresr. D 4.403
Joseph JeansWhitemarsh1767176.5 acres, 12.5 sq. perches358.46
Lydia JenkinsAbington176988.25 acres17.138
Lydia JenkinsAbington
Mary Jenkinscity1755WBk K.360
Mary Jenkinscity1773I 12.152
Mary Jenkinscity1773I 12.152423 Walnut St
Mary Jenkinscity1774GWR 13.337
Mary JenkinscityWBk K.360; r. EF 4.60
Phineas JenkinsAbington172892.5 acresr. 22.527
Phineas JenkinsAbington17694 acres, 47 sq. perches15.225
Phineas JenkinsAbington17753 acres, 14 sq. perches15.220
William JenkinsAbington1768151 acres, 144 sq. perchesWBk M.191; WBk O.214; r. 50.482
William JenkinsAbington17703 acres, 15 sq. perchesr. D 7.66
William JenkinsAbington17753 acresr. 11.449
Sarah Jenkinsoncity1776r. D 7.488Cherry St
Jordan JeremiahDouglass17724.112
Jordan JeremiahDouglass17724.112
Charles JervisPassyunk17645 acresD 4.480
Charles JervisPassyunk17762 acresD 19.230
John Jerviscity1742r. D 47.371S 2nd St
John Jerviscity1742r. AWM 67.6232 Strawberry Alley
John Jervis Jr.city1768AWM 57.5834 Strawberry Alley
Robert Jewellcity1764RLL 39.187
Robert Jewellcity1764RLL 39.174
Matthew JohnsMoyamensing17566.75 acres
Matthew JohnsMoyamensing17736.25 acresEF 18.325.
Benjamin JohnsonLower Dublin175188 acres, 31 sq. perchesTH 55.104
Benjamin JohnsonWorcester
Closs JohnsonBlockley1776r. IW 6.337
Conrad JohnsonLower Dublin17754 acres, 80 sq. perchesr. D 8.62
David JohnsonMarlborough17761 acre6.205
Jacob JohnsonLower Dublin1749127 acresr. EF 1.541
John Johnsoncity1766CP A-2.4938 N 2nd St
John Johnsoncity1777D 7.99138 S 4th St310 S 4th St
John Johnsoncity1777D 7.18160-162 S 4th St338-340 S 4th St
John JohnsonFrederick55.5 acresr. 7.63
John JohnsonFrederick47 acres, 140 sq. perchesr. 7.63
John JohnsonGermantown173631 acresGS 20.628
John JohnsonGermantown173810 acresEF 6.297
John JohnsonGermantown1741EF 6.300
John JohnsonGermantown1743D 22.84
John JohnsonGermantown1743D 22.84
John JohnsonGermantown1743128 acres, 19 sq. perchesD 22.84
John JohnsonGermantown174832.75 sq. perchesEF 2.305
John JohnsonGermantown175113 acres, 27 sq. perchesChew Papers, HSP
John JohnsonGermantown175112.25 acres, 42 sq. perchesChew Papers, HSP
John JohnsonGermantown175210 acresEF 6.309
John JohnsonGermantown175211 acresGHS Archives
John JohnsonGermantown175313 acres, 27 sq. perchesChew Papers, HSP
John JohnsonGermantown175413 acres, 37 sq. perchesGHS Archives
John JohnsonGermantown17544 acres, 121 sq. perchesGHS Archives
John JohnsonGermantown17557 acres, 127 sq. perchesChew Papers, HSP
John JohnsonGermantown1756r. AM 30.644
John JohnsonGermantown17586.25 acresD 33.350
John JohnsonGermantown175813 acresGHS Archives
John JohnsonGermantown17594.75 acres, 36.5 sq. perchesGHS Archives
John JohnsonGermantown17591 acre, 23 sq. perchesGHS Archives
John JohnsonGermantown17602 acres, 4 sq. perchesEF 6.312
John JohnsonGermantown17604 acres, 67 sq. perchesChew Papers, HSP
John JohnsonGermantown176042.75 sq. perchesDHL 199.100
John JohnsonGermantown1767
John JohnsonGermantown1767
John JohnsonGermantown17685 acres, 15 sq. perchesEF 6.312
John JohnsonGermantown17692 acresGHS Archives
John JohnsonGermantown17742 acresGHS Archives
John JohnsonGermantown177543 sq. perchesr. MR 20.35
John JohnsonGermantown
John JohnsonGermantown5 acres, 20 sq. perches
John JohnsonLower Dublin173825.5 acresF 10.211
John JohnsonNorthern Liberties177011 acres, 67 sq. perchesD 48.275
John JohnsonPassyunk177712 acres, 100 sq. perchesD 5.40
John Johnson Jr.Germantown17753 acresIC -.669
Joseph Johnsoncity1761r. D 7.78212 5th St N
Joseph Johnsoncity1761r. EF 24.290210 5th St N
Joseph Johnsoncity1761r. D 7.78214 5th St N
Joseph JohnsonDistrict of Southwark1753AM 47.673
Joseph JohnsonDistrict of Southwark1753AM 47.673
Joseph JohnsonDistrict of Southwark1753AM 47.673
Joseph JohnsonDistrict of Southwark1753H 5.193
Joseph JohnsonDistrict of Southwark1753AM 47.673
Joseph JohnsonDistrict of Southwark1754ADB 6.91
Joseph JohnsonDistrict of Southwarkr. ADB 1.159
Joseph JohnsonDistrict of Southwarkr. ADB 1.159
Joseph JohnsonDistrict of Southwarkr. ADB 1.159
Joseph JohnsonDistrict of Southwarkr. ADB 1.159
Joseph JohnsonDistrict of Southwarkr. ADB 1.159
Joseph JohnsonGermantown17451 acrer. EF 32.302
Joseph JohnsonMoyamensing17482.5 acresGS 21.364
Joseph JohnsonMoyamensing175312 acres, 143.5 sq. perchesGS 21.367
Lydia Johnsoncity1761r. GWR 32.633208 5th St N
Margaret and Joseph JohnsonLower Dublin175919 acresWBk L.208; r. AWM 11.308, IH 7.250
Margaret and Joseph JohnsonLower Dublin175970 acresWBk L.208; r. AWM 11.308, IH 7.250
Mary JohnsonLower Dublin177423 acresr. I 17.252
Peter JohnsonLower Dublin177642 acres, 136 sq. perchesI 16.368
Peter JohnsonPerkiomen and Skippack1739150.75 acresr. 24.318
Philip Johnsoncity1774CP B-3.286321 Cherry St
Walter JohnsonPerkiomen and Skippack174552 acres, 40 sq. perches759.374
William Johnsoncity1775I 16.4399th St N
William Johnsoncity1775I 16.4399th St N
William JohnsonGermantown176950 acresEF 4.79
William JohnsonGermantown176918.5 acresEF 4.79
William JohnsonOxford17755.5 acres, 11 sq. perchesI 13.527
William JohnsonOxford17758.5 acres, 31 sq. perchesI 13.527
William JohnsonWhitemarsh177523 acresI 15.19
Abraham Johnson EstateDistrict of Southwark1753AM 47.673
John Johnson Estatecity1757H 14.21460 S 2nd St110 S 2nd St
John JohnstonUpper Merion175997 acres, 78 sq. perchesH 11.189
Charles JollyLower Merion177051 acresI 7.366
Neels JonasonKingsessing1762112 acresWBk L.441
Abraham JonesDistrict of Southwark1775AM 47.685
Abraham JonesDistrict of Southwark1775AM 47.685
Abraham JonesDistrict of Southwark1775AM 47.685
Abraham JonesDistrict of Southwark1775I 14.194753-755 S 2nd St
Amey JonesWhitemarsh
Amey JonesWhitemarsh
Anna Lobdell Jonescity1768EF 9.444
Aquilla Jonescity1746G 9.37074 N 2nd St124 N 2nd St
Aquilla Jonescity1747WBk H.533; r. GWR 26.29684 Market St244 Market St
Aquilla Jonescity1759H 11.125127-129 2nd St N
Aquilla Jonescity154 Market St
Aquilla and Elizabeth JonesUpper Dublin17686 acresI 4.377
Aquilla and Elizabeth JonesUpper Dublin176890.5 acresI 4.377
Aquilla and Elizabeth JonesUpper Dublin176889 acres, 110 sq. perchesI 4.377
Blaithwaite Jonescity1756TH 91.70311 S 2nd St
Blaithwaite Jonescity1758TH 91.72311 S 2nd St
Blaithwaite and Mary Jonescity1757CP Part. 1.143; r. CP D-5.91
Catharine & Samuel JonesLower Merion116 acresr. 11.157
Daniel JonesNorthern Liberties1764RDW 51.185Shackamaxon St
David Jonescity1775I 15.32Dock St
Edward Jonescity1771LRB 71.339115 N 6th St
Edward JonesPassyunk176311 acres, 17 sq. perchesIC 8.467
Hannah JonesAbington17552.75 acresr. 12.291
Hugh JonesLower Merion1751100 acresr. D 2.84
Hugh JonesLower Merion1754209.5 acresCP A-1.143
Isaac JonesCheltenham1741210 acres
Isaac JonesCheltenham1773200 acres79.154
Isaac Jonescity44 N Front St
Isaac JonesDistrict of Southwark1775AM 47.685
Isaac JonesDistrict of Southwark1775AM 47.685
Isaac JonesGermantown1745GHS Archives
Isaac JonesNorthern Liberties1759ACH 49.470Marlborough St
Isaac JonesNorthern Libertiesr. MR 20.430
Israel JonesLower Merion111.5 acres
Jacob Jonescity1743r. IC 5.26342 N Front St42 N Front St
Jacob JonesLower Merion1743231 acres89.197
Jacob JonesWhitemarsh176684.25 acresr. 6.558
James JonesLower Merion176237.5 acres126.527
James Jones Jr.Blockley175120 acres
James Jones Jr.Blockley176397 acres, 59 sq. perchesRLL 13.646
James Jones Jr.Blockley176515 acres, 27 sq. perchesRLL 30.572
James Jones Jr.Blockley176540.25 acresRLL 30.556
James Jones Jr.Blockley17651.5 acres, 35 sq. perchesRLL 13.646
James Jones Jr.Blockley176710 acresRLL 30.574
James Jones Jr.Blockley15 acres
Jesse Jonescity1762D 15.166
Jesse Jonescity1762D 15.16693 Arch St243 Arch St
Jesse Jonescity1765r. D 15.55191 Arch St241 Arch St
Jesse JonesLower Merion119.75 acres, 6 sq. perches
John Jonescity1769D 1.14223 S 5th St
John JonesGermantown173912 acres, 148 sq. perchesGWC 52.511
John JonesGermantown1739GWC 52.511
John JonesGermantown17533 acres, 28 sq. perchesH 17.246
John JonesGermantown1 acre, 99 sq. perchesI 1.497; I 2.45
John JonesGermantown8 acres
John JonesGermantown
John JonesMoyamensing17744.5 acresI 13.153
John JonesWhitemarsh1753192.75 acresCP A-1.110
John Jones Jr.Germantown1766114 sq. perchesIC 14.292
John Jones Jr.Germantown1772126.6 sq. perchesI 10.296
John Jones Jr.Germantown17723 acres, 91 sq. perchesIC 14.293
John Jones Jr.Germantown177233 sq. perches
John Jones Sr.city1772GS 7.673, 675108-110 Chestnut St
Joseph JonesBristol174730 acres
Joseph JonesCheltenham174765 acres123.133
Joseph JonesCheltenham175120 acres
Joseph JonesCheltenham177360 acres, 60 sq. perches
Joseph JonesPlymouth1728272.4 acresH 17.351
Joseph JonesPlymouth174143.4 acresG 2.508
Joseph JonesPlymouth3.7 acres
Joshua JonesLower Dublin17534 acres, 102 sq. perchesIC 30.209
Joshua JonesLower Dublin1753139.5 acresRDW 119.230
Joshua JonesMoreland1752H 14.378
Joshua JonesMoreland6.5 acresr. D 67.271
Lewis JonesBlockley172443 acresG 1.334
Lewis JonesBlockley172592 acres, 101 sq. perchesWBk D.430
Lewis JonesBlockley175012.75 acresH 1.390
Lewis JonesBlockley17711 acre, 73 sq. perchesI 4.212
Lewis JonesBlockley17715 acres, 54 sq. perchesI 4.212
Lewis JonesKingsessing174440 acresG 5.114 & 117
Lewis, Robert and James JonesUpper Merion17603.75 acresr. 25.145
Lewis, Robert and James JonesUpper Merion176016 acres, 18 sq. perchesr. 25.145
Margaret JonesLower Merion177024 acres, 25 sq. perchesr. MtgBk M1.242
Margaret JonesLower Merion177020 acres, 60 sq. perchesr. MtgBk M1.242
Margaret JonesLower Merion17704 acres, 112 sq. perchesr. MtgBk M1.242
Margaret JonesLower Merion177020 acres, 60 sq. perchesr. MtgBk M1.242
Margaret JonesUpper Merion177424.25 acres, 39 sq. perches2.397
Mary JonesNorthern Liberties1776I 16.225310 Cable Lane
Mary and Blaithwaite Jonescity1757CP Part 1.14323 Strawberry Alley
Mary and Blaithwaite Jonescity1767r. D 12.26
Matthew JonesKingsessing1766172 acres, 86 sq. perchesD 63.5
Matthew JonesKingsessing176617 acresD 63.5
Matthew JonesKingsessing1766117 acresD 63.5
Nathan JonesLower Merion176610 acres, 18 sq. perchesI 8.529
Neils JonesKingsessing17606 acresr. IW 2.408
Owen Jonescity1744AM 34.553
Owen Jonescity1745G 9.31095 S 2nd St143 S 2nd St
Owen Jonescity1745G 9.31095 S 2nd St143 S 2nd St
Owen Jonescity1749EF 15.37870 S 2nd St120 S 2nd St
Owen Jonescity1749EF 15.378206 Carters Alley
Owen Jonescity1753EF 26.349
Owen Jonescity1760IW 9.511337 Market St
Owen Jonescity1760IW 8.4943 N 4th St11 N 4th St
Owen JonesLower Merion17697 acres27.588
Owen JonesLower Merion1770346 acresWBk O.546
Owen JonesLower Merion1773101 acres15.451
Owen JonesLower Merion50 acres
Paul JonesLower Merion1770136 acres7.461
Richard Jonescity1763AM 26.5711 N 4th St19 N 4th St
Richard Jonescity1771D 5.38667 N 6th St117-119 N 6th St
Robert Strettel Jonescity1776ShfBk CP B-3.381116 3rd St N208 3rd St N
Robert Strettell Jonescity1770r. D 1.49257 Arch St205 Arch St
Robert Strettell Jonescity1773r. D 15.11087 Arch St237 Arch St
Robert Strettell Jonescity1773r. D 13.543
Robert Strettell Jonescity1773r. D 13.54379 Arch St229 Arch St
Robert Strettell Jonescity1773r. D 13.54381 Arch St231 Arch St
Robert Strettell Jonescity1773r. D 19.314
Robert Strettell Jonescity1773r. D 6.17354 N 2nd St102 N 2nd St
Robert Strettell Jonescity1773r. D 19.314
Robert Strettell Jonescity1773r. D 19.314
Robert Strettell Jonescity1777EF 6.17268 N 3rd St124 N 3rd St
Samuel JonesCheltenham174146 acres, 122 sq. perches
Samuel JonesCheltenham1758
Samuel JonesLower Dublin177224 acresr. GS 34.591
Silas JonesLower Merion1770133.5 acres29.1
Whitehead JonescitySugar Alley
William Jonescity1775IC 32.7925 6th St N
William JonesMoyamensing1759270 acres, 60 sq. perchesI 7.83; r. D 63.5; r. D 38.319
William JonesMoyamensing17603.5 acres, 25 sq. perches
William JonesMoyamensing176030.5 acres, 55 sq. perchesEF 17.293; r. D 63.5
William JonesPassyunk17737 acres, 90 sq. perchesCP B-3.216
William JonesPassyunk177312 acres, 13 sq. perchesD 41.453
William JonesPassyunk17757 acres, 40 sq. perchesI 14.385
William JonesPassyunk17758 acres, 20 sq. perchesI 14.385
Daniel Jones estatecity
Robert Jones EstateLower Merion1748329 acresH 7.499
Robert Jones EstateLower Merion1754104 acres, 92 sq. perchesH 6.257
Jones Family Burial Groundcity1724H 1.166
Isaac Jones?Cheltenham1741
Samuel Jones?Lower Dublin108 acresr. IC 6.662
Jeremiah JordanDouglass1772154 acres, 16 sq. perches6.123
William Jordancity1776I 16.4419th St N
Daniel JoyPassyunk17726 acres, 148 sq. perchesCP B-3.177
Daniel JoyPassyunk17736 acres, 141 sq. perches
Daniel JoyPassyunk17747 acres, 140 sq. perchesCP B-3.355
Daniel JoyPassyunk17770.5 acres, 26 sq. perchesD 42.557
Daniel JoyPassyunk17770.25 acres, 28 sq. perchesD 45.271
Daniel JoyPassyunk17772 acresD 42.557
Daniel JoyPassyunk17772 acresD 45.271
Sirach JudyOxford17670.75 acresr. D 37.354
Charles JusticeKingsessing173 acresr. SHF 5.381
Charles Justice Jr.Kingsessing176130 acres
Charles Justice Jr.Kingsessing176132.5 acresWBk M.188; r. IC 12.385
John JusticeKingsessing174165.75 acres, 16 sq. perches
John JusticeKingsessing174159.5 acresIC 14.585
John JusticeKingsessing174127.5 acresIC 14.585
George Justiscity1767D 23.415155 3rd St N
Peter KabelMarlborough177211 acres, 130 sq. perchesr. 116.22
John Kaighncity1777D 1.91339 Market St
John Kaighncity1777D 1.91
John Kaighncity1777D 1.915 N 4th St13 N 4th St
John KaighnDistrict of Southwark1762H 17.492749 S 2nd St
Jacob KailNew Hanover1771157 acres, 76 sq. perches8.106
Ludwig Karchercity1771I 16.9
Jacob KargerSpringfield17625.75 acres1.103
Lewis Kargercity1767D 17.5250 5th St N
Henry? KasselPerkiomen and Skippack
Jelles KasselWorcester174575 acresr. 15.38
John KasselPerkiomen and Skippack176864 acresr. 42.216
John KasselPerkiomen and Skippack176830 acresr. 42.216
George KastnerWhitemarsh177015 acres, 15 sq. perchesr. 32.299
Andrew KatzWhitemarsh1770113 acres
Andrew KatzWhitemarsh
Henry KatzSpringfield0.75 acres, 20 sq. perches
Henry KatzSpringfield
Henry KatzWhitemarsh176017.75 acres
William KearlsMoyamensing1768D 74.210
William KearlsMoyamensing1768CP A-2.178
John KearsleyNorthern Liberties17373 acres
John KearsleyNorthern Liberties177040 acres
John KearsleyNorthern Liberties177219 acres, 117 sq. perches
John Kearsley Estatecity1733D 14.48
John Kearsley Estatecity1735F 7.187
John Kearsley Estatecity1759D 14.48; r. D 8.42
John Kearsley Estatecity1767I 2.460
John Kearsley Estatecity1769D 14.496111 Arch St317 Arch St
John Kearsley EstateNorthern Liberties17510.75 acres
John Kearsley?Northern Liberties5 acres
John KeastMoyamensing1772I 12.115
John Keblecity1773I 11.391
John Keblecity1774I 13.131
Jacob KeeblerGermantown177592 acres, 30 sq. perchesMR 15.507
Jacob KeeblerGermantown177511.5 acresMR 15.507
Henry KeelyPerkiomen and Skippack1771131 acresr. 601.480; WBk P.104
Henry KeelyPerkiomen and Skippack177141.25 acresr. 601.480; WBk P.104
Henry KeelyPerkiomen and Skippack17746 acres, 50 sq. perchesr. 601.480
Michael KeelyPlymouth17756 acres, 12 sq. perchesr. 9.336
Esther KeenMoreland0.5 acres, 25 sq. perchesr. ShfBk CP B-3.429
Esther KeenMoreland2 acresr. ShfBk CP B-3.429
Matthias KeenLower Dublin26 acres, 20 sq. perches
Matthias KeenLower Dublin35.5 acres
Matthias KeenOxford1758120 acres
Peter KeenNorthern Liberties1727212 acres
Reynold Keencity1775I 14.298251 Market St619 Market St
Reynold Keencity20 6th St S
Reynold KeenDistrict of Southwark1774EF 5.174
Reynold KeenDistrict of Southwark1774EF 5.174
Reynold KeenMoyamensing174514 acres, 23 sq. perches
Reynold KeenMoyamensing176453.5 acresH 21.2; r. D 9.263
Reynold KeenMoyamensing176428 acres
Reynold KeenMoyamensing17663 acres, 53 sq. perchesCP A-2.22
Reynold KeenMoyamensing17661 acre, 146 sq. perchesCP A-2.22
Reynold KeenMoyamensing17661 acre, 1 sq. perchCP A-2.22
Peter Keen estatecity1748IC 12.311236 Market St
Christiana Keen HeirsMoyamensing174728 acres
Christiana Keen HeirsMoyamensing17477 acres
Christiana Keen HeirsMoyamensing174710.5 acres
Christiana Keen HeirsMoyamensing174720 acres, 96 sq. perchesr. EF 6.177
Christiana Keen HeirsMoyamensing17476 acres, 23 sq. perches
Christian KeisterSpringfield175730.25 acres
George KeitelGermantown17633 acres, 61 sq. perchesGWC 17.51
George KeitelGermantown17631 acre, 57 sq. perchesGWC 17.51
Peter KeiterPerkiomen and Skippack1746179.5 acresr. 2.477
Peter KeiterPerkiomen and Skippack174625.5 acresr. 1.387
Peter KeiterPerkiomen and Skippack17462 acres, 60 sq. perchesr. 1.387
Peter KeiterPerkiomen and Skippack176364 acres, 64 sq. perchesH 13.406
John Keithcity1776I 16.237320 S 2nd St
George Kemblecity1768I 3.385
George Kemble & Andrew McNaircity1768I 3.3846th St S
John KempferPerkiomen and Skippack175685 acresr. 57.416
Joseph Kennard EstateMoreland173750 acresr. 13.172
David Kennedycity1775EF 19.43132 Market St402 Market St
David KennedyMoreland1775136.5 acresr. 27.404
David KennedyProvidence17701 acreShfBk B-3.98
David KennedyProvidence177061 acres, 141 sq. perchesShfBk B-3.98
David KennedyProvidence17706 acres, 76 sq. perchesShfBk B-3.98
David KennedyProvidence177055 acres, 35 sq. perchesShfBk B-3.98
George Kennedycity1771I 10.510S Front St
David Kennedy?Moreland10 acresr. 38.416
John KennerSpringfield177416 acres, 56 sq. perches
Kensington Burying GroundNorthern Liberties1765D 18.615
George KentonOxford177020 acres
Hannah KentonOxford1773158.5 acresIC 27.555
Andrew KepnerNew Hanover1762104 acresr. 17.283
Henry KeppelUpper Salford1763161 acres, 106 sq. perchesr. 122.387
Henry Keppelecity1747H 5.285129 Market St313 Market St
Henry Keppelecity1762LofA D-2.6.173 (Exemp 6.812)98 Market St308 Market St
Henry Keppelecity17673 acres, 78.7 sq. perchesD 40.238
Henry Keppelecity1770I 7.20730 5th St N32 5th St N
Henry KeppeleNorthern Liberties1753H 4.234
Henry KeppeleNorthern Liberties1758IC 8.26
Henry Keppele Jr.Northern Liberties177220 acres
Henry Keppele Jr.Northern Liberties17741 acre, 145 sq. perches
Henry Keppele Jr.Northern Liberties17747 acres, 120 sq. perches
Henry Keppele Jr.Northern Liberties17741 acre, 145 sq. perches
Henry Keppele Jr.Northern Liberties17745 acres, 100 sq. perches
Henry Keppele Jr.Northern Liberties
Jacob KerberUpper Hanover177097 acres, 140 sq. perchesr. 445.9
Hannah and John Kerlincity1775WBk Q.96; r. EF 15.716102 Pine St
Hannah and John Kerlincity1775WBk Q.96; r. D22.418
Hannah and Sarah Kerlincity1775WBk Q.96; r. I 17.327119 Walnut St
John KerlinPlymouth17641.75 acresr. 4.306
John KerlinPlymouth176410 acresr. 4.306
Sarah and William Kerlincity1775WBk Q.96; r. D 11.245Pine St
William Kerlincity1775WBk Q.96; r. D23.418104 Pine St
William Kerlincity1777D 38.30S Front St
Julius KerperGermantown1764125 acresD 47.384
Adam Kerrcity1745D 10.27799 3rd St N145 3rd St N
George KerrCheltenham17665 acres, 96 sq. perches29.209
George KerrCheltenham17672 acres29.212
Rebecca and James Kerrcity1771D 20.18654 S 2nd St
Godfried KerschneckUpper Salford176859 acres, 100 sq. perchesr. 9.256
Godfried KerschneckUpper Salford17742 acresr. 9.256
Andrew KesslerNorthern Liberties1759MR 20.228Richmond St
Leonard Kesslercity1764D 29.483125 Arch St331 Arch St
Leonard Kesslercity1767D 42.30633 8th St N
Andrew KeyserAbington17745 acres, 136 sq. perchesI 7.734
Andrew KeyserAbington1774119 acresI 7.734
Andrew KeyserCheltenham17755 acresI 15.437
Benjamin and Joseph KeyserGermantown17751.25 acres, 37 sq. perchesJAH 79.481
Dirk KeyserGermantown17595.25 acresJTO 263.550
Dirk KeyserGermantown
Jacob KeyserGermantown174557 sq. perches
Jacob KeyserGermantown1755r. D 18.233
Jacob KeyserGermantown17595.75 acresr. D 18.233
Jacob KeyserGermantown1763
Jacob KeyserGermantown1763
Jacob KeyserGermantown17635.75 acresr. D 18.233
Jacob Keyser Jr.Germantown176714 acresRLL 2.329
Jacob Keyser Jr.Germantown17696.5 acresGWC 15.489
Jacob Keyser Jr.Germantown177329.75 acresRLL 2.323
Jacob Keyser Jr.Germantown17733 acres, 25 sq. perchesH 11.202
Jacob Keyser Jr.Germantown177318.75 acresRLL 2.323
Jacob Keyser Jr.Germantown6.5 acresGWC 15.489
Jacob Keyser Jr.?Germantown
John KeyserBristol17541.25 acres, 27 sq. perchesH 6.586
John KeyserGermantown175420 acresH 11.575
John KeyserGermantown17561 acre
John KeyserRoxborough177512 acresI 13.390
Joseph KeyserGermantown17741.75 acres, 22 sq. perchesI 13.186
Joseph KeyserGermantown17745.25 acres, 31 sq. perchesr. AM 45.508
Joseph KeyserGermantown17755.25 acres, 31 sq. perchesr. AM 45.506
Mary KeyserGermantown176350 sq. perchesr. MR 1.17
Mary KeyserGermantown5.5 acres
Michael KeyserGermantown17681.5 acres, 21 sq. perchesGS 26.480
Michael KeyserGermantown17683.75 acres, 11 sq. perchesGS 26.480
Michael KeyserGermantown17742.75 acresr. LRB 6.109
Michael KeyserGermantown17761.5 acres, 36 sq. perchesI 16.452
Michael KeyserGermantown17761.75 acres, 36 sq. perchesI 16.202
Michael KeyserGermantown17765.75 acres, 20 sq. perchesI 16.202
Peter KeyserGermantown17561 acre, 13 sq. perchesr. RDW 107.9
Peter KeyserGermantown17560.75 acresr. RDW 107.9
Peter KeyserGermantown1756r. RDW 107.9
Peter KeyserGermantown17729 acres, 30 sq. perchesGWC 8.401
Peter KeyserWorcester1756103 acresr. 14.423
Peter & Mary KeyserRoxborough1774r. JAH 195.51; Will of Wm. Levering
William KeyserGermantown17622 acres, 85 sq. perchesGS 4.168
Joseph Keyser?Germantown1.5 acres
Matthew Keyser?Germantown17631 acre, 96 sq. perchesH 16.435
Andrew Keyslercity1772D 34.289153 3rd St N
John KiddLower Dublin17674 acresI 4.126
John KiddOxford176712 acresI 4.126
John KiddOxford176710 acresI 4.126
William Kiddcity1767D 16.106124 2nd St N212 2nd St N
Henry KileNorthern Liberties17624.5 acresH 16.238
Adam Kimmelcity1770r. D 46.360
John KindigFranconia and Upper Salford1753112 acres, 100 sq. perchesr. 391.126
Martin Kindig Jr.Franconia176290 acres, 36 sq. perchesWBk N.8
John Kindig?Upper Salford69 acresr. 17.457
Ann Kingcity1767I 3.22647 Market St131 Market St
Daniel KingMoyamensing17753.75 acres
John Kingcity1767EF 10.60326 Lombard St212 Lombard St
Joseph Kingcity1755H 6.60
Joseph Kingcity1773WBk P.416; r. EF 16.662
Joseph KingPassyunk174917 acres, 109.33 sq. perchesr. AWM 87.27
Thomas KingMoreland175721.75 acresCP A-1.237; 93.111
Thomas KingMoreland176423.25 acres12.80
Thomas KingMoreland17682.5 acres93.113
Tobias Kingcity1774EF 10.398172 Race St512 Race St
George & Martha KingleGermantown177414 acresr. D 12.371
George & Martha KingleGermantown177425 acresr. D 12.371
John KinnerWhitemarsh177050 acresr. 7.690
John Kinsey Estatecity1732r. D 17.234
John Kinsey Estatecity1738Exemp 5.4; H9.530; r. D 25.449
John Kinsey Estatecity1738Exemp 5.4; H9.530; r. D 18.96
John Kinsey Estatecity1738Exemp 5.4; H9.530; r. D 25.449
Abraham Kintzingcity1754r. IW 2.166239 Market St607 Market St
Abraham Kintzingcity1762JTO 20.272
Abraham Kintzingcity1775r. ADB 74.235Sugar Aley
Abraham Kintzing Estatecity1735D 27.223185-187 Market St431 Market St
Balthazar Kintzlercity1766ComBk A-3.25213 Sugar Alley
Jacob KirkAbington1759200 acresr. 13.163
Jacob KirkBristol1774108.25 acres
Mary KirkMoreland175287 acresr. 9.238
Jacob KirknerOxford177360 acresD 17.192
William Kirkpatrickcity1769I 14.291
William Kirkpatrickcity1770D 6.117, I 14.357
Joseph Britt and Sarah Kirlcity1753r. IH 5.514
Isaac KiteBlockley1748100 acresWBk G.350
John KittlerWhitemarsh1745116 acresH 20.158
George Kittscity1770I 7.18152 7th St N
Casper KlecknerPassyunk175820 acresH 9.411
Gabriel KleinLower Salford1763108.25 acresI 12.155
Gabriel KleinLower Salford176341.75 acresI 12.155
Gabriel KleinPerkiomen and Skippack177449.5 acres6.403
Jacob KleinUpper Salford1775134 acresI 15.147
Jacob Klein Sr.Upper Salford177550 acresI 15.146
Michael Klein Sr.Upper Hanover1774105 acres, 20 sq. perchesr. 703.258
Peter Kleincity1761H 14.29096 4th St N168 4th St N
Richard KleinUpper Salford175824 acres, 110 sq. perchesH 10.152
Richard KleinUpper Salford1758150 acresH 10.152
Frederick KnappSpringfield17604.5 acres, 15 sq. perches
Frederick KnappSpringfield17694.5 acres
Paul KnapperLower Salford177450 acresHeckler, History of Lower Salford, 355
Paul Knapper?Lower Salford25 acres, 118 sq. perches
Joseph KnausRoxborough177115.5 acres
Nicholas KneeselWorcester and Whitpain1771120.75 acres, 27 sq. perchesLofA Bk D-2.6.323
John Kneipe Jr.Worcester1775111 acresI 13.359
Joseph KnettleWorcester177327 acres, 11 sq. perches131.66
Joseph KnettleWorcester177320 acres131.66
Daniel KnightByberry1726180 acresG 12.713
Deborah, Margaret & Lydia KnightPlymouth17766 acres, 1 sq. perchI 15.409
Giles Knight Jr.Byberry1774113 acresI 13.324
Giles Knight Jr.Byberry17740.75 acresI 13.22
Giles and Phebe Knightcity1746r. GS 29.357
Isaac KnightAbington1750202 acresr. 7.926
Isaac KnightMoyamensing17672.25 acresI 2.255
Isaac Knight Jr.Abington1773200 acres26.671
John KnightAbington107 acres
John Knightcity1761r. D 13.175402 Race St
Jonathan KnightByberry1743200 acresr. GS 44.660
Jonathan KnightByberry1776299 sq. perchesGGP 196.386
Joseph KnightByberry177542 acres, 10 sq. perchesD 44.254
Joshua KnightAbington1755102 acresH 6.218
Joshua KnightAbington10 acres, 40 sq. perchesr. 7.169
Joshua KnightAbington24 acresr. D 13.265
Peter KnightNorthern Liberties1762I 1.440Queen St
Phebe and Giles KnightLower Dublin177626.25 acresI 15.499
Thomas KnightByberry177010 acres, 12 sq. perchesRLL 54.519
Thomas KnightByberry240 acresMartindale, A History of the Townships of Byberry and Moreland (1867), 163
Thomas KnightOxford17690.5 acresMR 5.470
Jonathan Knight?Byberry
George KnittleGermantown17695 acresr. EF 20.156
Michael KnobDouglas17634 acresI 5.463
George KnorrPassyunk17746.75 acresJAH 267.538; Land Office Plan 3448, State Archives, PMHC
Jacob KnorrGermantown17612 acres, 35 sq. perchesEF 1.454
Jacob KnorrGermantown17723.5 acres, 1 sq. perchGS 4.170
John KnorrGermantown17621 acre, 28 sq. perchesI 14.215
John KnorrGermantown17626 acres, 6 sq. perchesI 14.215
John George Knorrcity1762GWR 30.32535 4th St N143 4th St N
John George Knorrcity1774r. D 18.59637-39 4th St N145-147 4th St N
Matthias KnorrGermantown176225.25 acres, 34 sq. perchesGWC 99.20
Matthias KnorrGermantown17622 acresGWC 99.20
Peter KnorrWhitemarsh1762150 acres123.145
Peter KnorrWhitemarsh176720 acresr. 4.1
Jacob Knorr?Germantown17623 acres, 33 sq. perches
George Knowlescity1761r. GWR 7.42685 Front St N113 Front St N
John Knowlescity1749H 2.198
John Knowlescity1751GWR 6.133
John Knowlescity1764IC 15.1628 Elfreths Alley118 Elfreths Alley
John KnowlesMoyamensing17634.5 acresD 35.250
John KnowlesOxford177182 acres, 34 sq. perchesIW 3.180
John and Elizabeth (Tatnall) KnowlesKingsessing1750
Andrew KnoxNorriton & Worcester1758100 acres147.146
Andrew KnoxNorriton & Worcester1774120 acresCP B-3.274&1/2; 22.196
Hugh & Catharine KnoxLower Merion120 acresH 12.138; r. 36.293
Jane and Robert KnoxNorthern Liberties1761H 14.200Front St N
Robert KnoxDistrict of Southwark1773I 15.115,117; r. D 41.520826-828 Swanson St
Sarah and Robert KnoxNorthern Liberties1761H 14.200Front St N
Robert Knox?Passyunk17717 acres, 130 sq. perches
Paul KoberNorthern Liberties1763SHF 20.782nd St N
Jacob KockPassyunk176511 acres, 6 sq. perchesr. GWR 27.580
Matthias KohlNorthern Liberties1762r. EF 14.134
Dillman KolbPerkiomen and Skippack1748113 acresr. 5.203
Dillman KolbTowamencin177420.75 acres8.293
Dillman KolbWorcester1743208 acres12.421
Dillman Kolb Jr.Franconia1775238 acres, 44 sq. perches3.355
George KolbNew Hanover1770110 acres, 97 sq. perchesr. 843.384
Henry KolbLower Salford1748113 acresr. 58.192; r. 231.423
Henry KolbPerkiomen and Skippack1774100 acres21.15
Isaac KolbLower Salford176151 acresWBk M.215; r. 254.270
Isaac KolbPerkiomen and Skippack176120 acresWBk M.215; r. 254.270
Isaac KolbPerkiomen and Skippack176156.75 acresWBk M.215; r. 254.270
Isaac KolbPerkiomen and Skippack176152.5 acresWBk M.215; r. 254.270
Isaac KolbPerkiomen and Skippack176151 acresWBk M.215; r. 254.270
Jacob KolbTowamencin1771100 acres15.204
Jacob KolbTowamencin17716 acres, 142.5 sq. perches15.204
Jacob KolbUpper Salford177588 acres, 54 sq. perches752.527
Joseph KolbNew Hanover1764118 acres, 30 sq. perchesr. 46.65
Michael KolbUpper Hanover177418 acres, 105 sq. perchesr. 12.416
Yellis KolbPerkiomen and Skippack1774160 acres5.219
Dillman Kolb estateLower Salford1717r. 1.359
John KookGermantown175256 sq. perchesI 1.497
John KookGermantown175611 sq. perches, 86 sq. ft.I 1.497
John KookGermantown17683.5 acres, 25 sq. perchesr. AM 6.6
John KookGermantown17711.5 acres, 102 sq. perchesADB 156.445
Seth Koylecity1749r. D 34.1240 S Front St
Peter Kraftcity1769I 11.433104 3rd St N156 3rd St N
Peter Kraftcity1770Misc EF 1.155
Peter Kraftcity1775I 14.295
John George KrampNorthern Liberties1758D 1.340Richmond St
Valentine KratzUpper Salford1734163 acres, 70 sq. perchesPatBk A 7.435
Valentine Kratz [Jr]Upper Salford1774100 acresr. 46.344
Johann George KrauskopfNorthern Liberties1757SHF 8.488Palmer St
Baltzer KraussUpper Hanover174960 acresr. 970.496
Baltzer KraussUpper Milford1749140 acresPatBk A 15.386
Christopher KraussUpper Hanover175171 acresr. 10.386
Christopher KraussUpper Hanover17724 acresr. 10.386
Christopher KraussUpper Hanover1774218 acres, 120 sq. perchesPatBk AA 14.628
George Henry KraussFrederick1741150 acresr. 7.927
Henry KraussFrederick174950 acresr. 7927
Michael KraussFrederick1728170 acresr. 3.306
Yost Bitting and Michael KraussFrederick17726.5 acresr. 3.306
Henry KrearAbington1762100 acres, 73 sq. perchesr. 10.65
Henry KrearAbington177223 acres, 47 sq. perches63.353
Michael KrebsNew Hanover177531 acres, 28 sq. perches1251.390
Philip KrebsNorthern Liberties177618 acres, 122 sq. perchesI 16.223
Michael Krebs EstateNew Hanover1722200 acresr. 15.214
Michael Krebs EstateNew Hanover1734150 acresr. 15.214
Abraham KreebleTowamencin1764189 acres, 50 sq. perches2.636
Melchior KreebleWorcester174450 acresr. 64.608
Susanna KreebleWorcester1764100 acresr. 623.104
Susanna KreebleWorcester176435 acresr. 623.104
John KreiderUpper Salford300 acresr. PatBk H 2.556
Martin Kreidercity1769D 25.444
Martin Kreidercity1771D 1.257
Jacob Dasht and Daniel Kreider?Upper Salford24 acres, 43 sq. perchesr. 9.259
Daniel Kreiter?Marlborough8 acres, 140 sq. perchesr. 1.476
John George Kressman EstateProvidence174629.5 acresG 9.427
Derick KrewsonMoreland1764163 acres, 64 sq. perchesD 4.373
Philip KrichbaumLower Merion1760100 acresD 1.137
John KriderUpper Salford176972 acresr. PatBk AA 11.390
Andrew KriebelLower Salford1772106 acres, 57 sq. perches17.512
Christopher KriebelLower Salford1750157 acresr. 10.92
George KriebelLower Salford177637 acres, 9 sq. perchesI 16.159
George Kriebel Jr.Lower Salford177664 acresI 16.159
Paulus Kripnercity23 N 3rd St27 N 3rd St
Paulus KripnerGermantown17366.25 acresH 16.356
Paulus KripnerGermantown17361 acre, 68 sq. perches
Paulus KripnerGermantown17362.25 acresH 16.356
Paulus KripnerGermantown1738
Paulus KripnerGermantown17382 acres, 3.25 sq. perches
Paulus KripnerGermantown174027 sq. perches, 13 sq. ft.
Paulus KripnerGermantown1755100 sq. perchesr. IC 1.293
Henry KrousNew Hanover1768175 acresI 13.445
Nicholas KrugerMarlborough1763121 acres, 88 sq. perchesI 5.293
John KrumbholtzNorthern Liberties1761D 18.563
Jacob KrupLower Salford173634.5 acres3.241
Jacob KrupLower Salford1736106 acres3.241
Frederick Kuhlcity1762r. IC 2.471160 Market St
Frederick Kuhlcity1762r. IC 2.471162 Market St
Frederick Kuhlcity1770D 31.283164 N 2nd St
Adam Simon Kuhncity1761H 7.184179 Market St425 Market St
George KuhnGermantown174712 acres, 4 sq. perchesFTW 66.25
John Kuhn Estatecityr. GWR 5.130230 Quarry St.
Michael Kuhn?Moyamensing
Isaac KulpBristol1767139 acresD 21.327
Leonard KulpWhitemarsh177551.75 acresI 13.531
Michael Kuntzcityr. D 26.310; 1769 Provincial Tax ListCrown St
Michael Kuntzcityr. D 26.310; 1769 Provincial Tax ListCrown St
Michael KuntzFrederick176570 acresr. 53.406
Michael KuntzFrederick177470 acresr. 53.406
Lawrence Kunzecity1740D 17.102222 Race St
Christian KurtzNew Hanover1764106 acres, 154 sq. perchesr. 2.165
Christian KurtzNew Hanover177470 acresr. 2.168
Christian KurtzNew Hanover177459 acresr. 2.168
Henry Kurtzcity1766r. MR 16.31125 N 2nd St153 N 2nd St
Henry Kurtzcity1774I 11.533127 N 2nd St155 N 2nd St
Henry and Peter Kurtzcity1775EF 6.637
Henry and Peter Kurtzcity1775EF 6.641
Katherine KurtzGermantown17663 acres, 67 sq. perchesGS 22.203
Michael KurtzNew Hanover177527 acres, 60 sq. perches5.10
Michael KurtzNew Hanover177527 acres, 60 sq. perches5.10
Michael KurtzNew Hanover1775126 acres5.10
Peter Kurtzcity1773I 11. 35279 Race St231 Race St
Peter Kurtzcity1774I 13.113129 N 2nd St157 N 2nd St
William KurtzGermantown177115.5 acresI 11.62
Jacob KymeGermantown17491 acreI 14.58
George Ernst Laechlercity1760D 19.55208 Market St
Thomas LakePlymouth1777120 acresI 17.214
Thomas LakePlymouth177710 acresI 17.214
Thomas LakePlymouth1777105.5 acresI 17.216
Thomas LakeRoxborough177750.5 acres
Mary and Thomas Lamarcity1764r. D 51.101152 Race St
Mary and Thomas Lamarcity1764EF 1.217117 Race St.
Joshua LambaterNorthern Liberties1764D 4.290
Joshua LambaterNorthern Liberties1764D 4.290Vine St
John LamparterNorthern Liberties1758EF 15.14
John LamparterNorthern Liberties1760H 11.467
John LamparterNorthern Liberties1764H 20.399
Conrad LampaterNorthern Liberties1757D 10.219; r. D 1.244Garden St
Thomas LancasterWhitemarsh1757165.5 acres, 12 sq. perchesH 8.117
Thomas LancasterWhitemarsh175880 acresr. 1.538
Matthias Landenbergercity1770I 12.352
Henry LandesUpper Salford177573.5 acresr. 7.439
Jacob LandesUpper Salford1734150 acresr. PatBk A 9.254
Jacob Landes Jr.Franconia1772113 acresr. 2.11
John LandesFranconia177582.5 acres701.136
Yellis LandesFranconia and Upper Salford177382 acres, 40 sq. perches17.467
Yellis LandesUpper Salford17735 acres, 108 sq. perches17.467
Yellis LandesUpper Salford177316 acres, 140 sq. perches17.467
Edward LaneProvidence173380 acresr. 7.81
Samuel Lane EstateProvidence170981 acres, 152 sq. ft.r. MBk M1.276
Lawrence Lappcity1772ShfDBk CP B-3.159327 Race St.
Frances Lardnercity1760r. LRB 151.115; WBk L.485
Frances Lardnercity1760r. LRB 151.115; WBk L.485123 3rd St N
Hannah Lardnercity1760r. GGP 24.321
Hannah Lardnercity1760r. GGP 24.321125 3rd St N
John, Frances and Hannah Lardnercity1760r. EF 21.1977th St S
Lynford Lardnercity1753H 7.363
Lynford Lardnercity1755H 7.371
Lynford Lardnercity1755H 7.371
Lynford Lardnercity1755H 7.371
Lynford Lardnercity1756H 7.369
Lynford Lardnercity1758H 11.208
Lynford Lardnercityr. GWR 24.10280 N 2nd St130 N 2nd St
Lynford LardnerOxford1758100 acres
Lynford LardnerSpringfield174694 acres
Lynford LardnerSpringfield175897.75 acres
Elizabeth Lardner Estatecity1750H 7.36278 N 2nd St128 N 2nd St
Benjamin LascumKingsessing17601 acre, 1 sq. perchWBk L.468; r. EF 21.397
Edward Laskeycity1777AM 9.12737 8th St N
Rudolph LatchLower Merion177677.25 acresr. 95.17
Godfredt LauerPassyunk17526 acres, 92 sq. perchesH 6.486
Godfredt LauerPassyunk17523 acres, 139 sq. perchesH 6.483
Peter LauerUpper Hanover1751158 acres, 50 sq. perchesr. 1059.488
Peter LauerUpper Hanover1770108.5 acresr. 6.287
Jacob LaughlinLower Dublin215 acresr. IH 2.401
Peter LaurensonLower Dublin1774115 acresI 12.369
Charles LawrenceNorthern Liberties1767ShfBk CP A-2.117Front St N
John Lawrencecity1750IC 10.144
John Lawrencecity1764r. D 31.165157 Chestnut St
John Lawrencecity1770D 49.389Cherry St
John Lawrencecity1771D 11.214
John Lawrencecity1771D 25.332
John Lawrencecity1772D 11.2326th St S
John Lawrencecity155 Chestnut St
John LawrenceNorthern Liberties17733.33 acresEF 30.151
John LawrenceNorthern Liberties17743 acres, 130 sq. perchesEF 30.154
John LawrenceNorthern Liberties17741 acre, 130 sq. perchesEF 30.152
John LawrenceNorthern Liberties17743 acres, 130 sq. perchesEF 30.152
Thomas LawrenceMoyamensing
Thomas LawrenceNorthern Liberties175839 acres, 19 sq. perches
Thomas LawrenceNorthern Liberties175924 acres, 33 sq. perches
Thomas LawrenceNorthern Liberties
Thomas LawrencePassyunk17628 acresAWM 83.222
Thomas LawrencePassyunk17628 acresAWM 83.222
Thomas LawrencePassyunk17624 acres, 87 sq. perchesr. MR 14.627
Thomas LawrencePassyunk176910 acres, 90 sq. perchesr. AWM 82.116
Thomas LawrencePassyunk176910 acres, 68 sq. perchesr. AWM 82.116
William Lawrencecity1774WBk Q.40; r. EF 32.6497 Chestnut St305 Chestnut St
William LawrencePlymouth176922 acres, 112 sq. perchesr. D 4.381
William LawrencePlymouth176918 acres, 24 sq. perchesr. D 4.381
Martha Lawrence Estatecity1755D 8.53899 Arch St249 Arch St
Martha Lawrence Estatecity1755D 8.538
Duncan Leachcity1774D 4.31
John Leacockcity1763D 39.462238 S Front St
Joseph LeacokLower Merion177328 acres, 102 sq. perchesI 17.493
Matthias Leamy Estatecity1762r. LW 176.463207 Stampers Alley
John LearPassyunk17725 acresI 11.73
John LearPassyunk17725 acres, 25 sq. perchesI 11.73
Henry LederahLower Salford1758122 acres
Elizabeth Ledliecity1760r. D 12.385
Abraham Leech Jr.Oxford17720.5 acres
Abraham Leech Sr.Oxford1773r. D 13.23
Ann and Joseph LeechLower Dublin177625 acresI 15.499
Duncan Leechcity1752H 20.49154-156 Spruce St
Duncan Leechcity1771D 27.220150-152 Spruce St414-416 Spruce St
Isaac LeechCheltenham1744123.5 acres
Isaac LeechCheltenham174442 acresr. 40.293
Isaac LeechOxford175244 acres, 47 sq. perchesr. D 18.317
Isaac LeechOxford17663 acres, 100 sq. perchesr. D 12.428; CP Partition
Isaac LeechOxford17668.5 acres, 10 sq. perchesr. D 12.2; CP Partition
Jacob LeechCheltenham1757174.25 acresr. 15.143
Samuel LeechCheltenham1744167.7 acresr. 121.106
Thomas Leechcity1762r. D 45.405N Water St
Thomas Leechcity1762r. D 45.405N Water St
Thomas Leechcity1762r. D 54.143; WBk M.27033 N Front St
Thomas Leechcity1771I 9.499
Thomas LeechNorthern Liberties17622 acres, 112 sq. perchesWBk M.270; r. D 42.274
William Leechcity1762WBk M.270; r. MR 10.11935 N Front St
John Leech EstateNorthern Liberties1741GWR 1.155
William Leech Estatecityr. D 1.41161 Chestnut St217 Chestnut St
William Leech EstateNorthern Liberties17622 acres, 112 sq. perchesWBk M.270; D 44.99, r. D 42.274
William LeedomCheltenham1774116.75 acresD 7.260; 63.142
James Leescity1774r. D 6.51Delancey St
James Leescity1774D 7.321324-326 S 2nd St
Joseph LeesBlockley1746r. MtgBk X 10.460
Joseph LeesBlockley1746r. MtgBk X 10.460
Joseph LeesBlockley
John LeevanGermantown17755 acres, 10 sq. perchesD 1.296
Isaac LefeverWorcester1760100 acresShfBk A-1.280
Jacob LeGaycity1772WBk P.35895 Arch St245 Arch St
Jacob LehmanGermantown17763.5 sq. perchesLRB 213.432
George LeibNorthern Liberties1770D 1.413
Peter LeibenguthNew Hanover129 acres, 82 sq. perches
John LeibertGermantown17720.5 acres, 34 sq. perchesI 10.498
John LeibertGermantown8 acresG 6.522
John LeibertGermantown2 acresG 6.522
Peter LeibertGermantown17582.5 acresH 20.280
Peter LeibertGermantown17671 acre, 60 sq. perchesD 37.364
Peter LeibertGermantown17671 acre, 60 sq. perchesD 37.364
Peter LeibertGermantown17694 acresEF 9.529
Peter LeibertGermantown177423 acres, 91.25 sq. perchesD 37.356
Peter LeibertGermantown177423 acres, 91.5 sq. perchesD 37.356
Peter LeibertGermantown
Jacob LeidyFranconia1769246 acres, 52 sq. perchesI 7.70
Andrew Erdman Leinaucity1762Exemp 5.62144 3rd St N
Andrew Erdman Leinaucity1769MR 1.235101 3rd St N147 3rd St N
Conrad LentnerPassyunk17715 acres, 141 sq. perchesD 40.70
Christopher LentzRoxborough176696.75 acres, 12 sq. perchesr. EF 33.169
Christopher LentzSpringfield175852 acres
Michael Leobold?Douglas4 acresr. 63.281
John Henry LeppehMoyamensing1753
George LescherMoyamensing177221 acres
George LescherPassyunk175810.5 acres
George LescherPassyunk176410.5 acresComBk A-3.79 (Exemp. 5.79)
Zachariah Leshcity1772D 65.313170 Race St510 Race St
Henry LesherNorthern Liberties17531 acreRLL 38.193
Jacob LesherGermantown17773.75 acres, 30 sq. perchesI 17.179
Jacob LesherGermantown17770.25 acres, 25 sq. perchesI 17.179
Jacob LesherOxford17691 acrer. D 52.314
Jacob LesherOxford17711 acre
William LesherGermantown177066 sq. perchesEF 12.474
William LesherNorthern Liberties17728.5 acresEF 29.14
William LesherNorthern LibertiesEF 29.14
Christian LessighDouglas177591 acres, 88 sq. perches8.665
Ezekiel and Hannah Lettscity1773EF 4.400
Jacob LevengoodDouglas1774117 acres, 120 sq. perches102.373
Jacob LevengoodNew Hanover1750103 acresr. 28.63
John LevengoodDouglas177740 acres, 120 sq. perchesr. 424.267
John LevengoodDouglas177715 acres, 126 sq. perchesr. 424.267
Aaron LeveringRoxborough17749 acres
Aaron LeveringRoxborough17743 acresI 12.537
Aaron LeveringRoxborough17740.5 acresr. D 13.481 and Will of Wm. Levering
Aaron LeveringRoxborough177421.5 acresI 12.537
Abraham LeveringLower Merion1753114 acres, 114 sq. perchesr. MtgBk X 4.97
Abraham LeveringRoxborough175885 acres
Abraham LeveringRoxborough
Abraham LeveringRoxborough4 acres, 18 sq. perches
Benjamin LeveringRoxborough175363 acres, 62 sq. perches
Benjamin LeveringRoxborough177053 acres
Enoch LeveringRoxborough177454.75 acresI 12.537
Jacob LeveringRoxborough17761 acre, 60 sq. perches
Nathan LeveringRoxborough1773
Nathan LeveringRoxborough17742.5 acres
Nathan LeveringRoxborough177446 acresI 12.537
Wigard LeveringPlymouth1761154.75 acres4.162
Wigard LeveringPlymouth176180 acres4.164
William LeveringRoxborough17609 acres, 94 sq. perchesr. SHF 11.724
William LeveringRoxborough1774I 12.537
William LeveringRoxborough17745 acresTH 19.558
William LeveringSpringfield19.5 acresr. MCDBk 22.439
William LeveringSpringfield
William Levering Jr.Roxborough176538 acres
David LevyNew Hanover176610 acres
David LevyUpper Hanover176326 acresI 6.379
David LevyUpper Hanover1772156.5 acresI 14.297
Nathan Levycity1743D 5.27513-15 Norris Alley
Sampson Levycity1769I 9.8588 Chestnut St246 Chestnut St
Sampson LevyDistrict of Southwark1774I 13.264Christian St
Ellis Lewiscity1775I 15.540140 S 2nd St
Ellis Lewiscity1775I 16.211138 S 2nd St244 S 2nd St
Ellis Lewiscity1776r. AM 18.102415 S 3rd St
Isaac and Ann Lewiscity1776WBk Q.287; r. MR 9.489
Jacob Lewiscity1768I 6.548
Jacob LewisNorthern Liberties17713 acres, 48 sq. perchesI 8.246
Jacob LewisNorthern Liberties177118 acres, 13 sq. perchesI 8.246
Joseph LewisLower Dublin1770260 acres
Mordecai Lewiscity262 S 2nd St
Robert LewisLower Dublin17714 acres, 30 sq. perchesEF 6.329; r. EF 6.332
Robert and Ellis LewisLower Dublin177116 acresI 19.125, 128
Samuel Lewiscity1749r. D 61.20015 Carters Alley218 Carters Alley
Samuel Lewiscity1756H 8.16977 S 3rd St
Samuel Lewiscity1760H 17.254
Samuel Lewiscity1771I 12.385113 N 6th St
Samuel LewisNorthern Liberties8 acres, 120 sq. perches
Sarah Lewiscity1765I 6.54354 Walnut St226 Walnut St
Sarah Lewiscity1777D 2.4979 S 3rd St
William LewisKingsessing17746 acresI 13.326
William & Ruth LewisLower Merion174830 acresF 6.404; r. 11.365
William & Ruth LewisLower Merion1748312.5 acresr. 11.365
John Lewis?Moreland0.5 acresr. ShfBk CP B-3.409
John Philip LeydichFrederick1749105 acresr. 3.137
John Philip LeydichFrederick176922 acresr. 3.130
John Philip LeydichFrederick176928 acresr. 3.130
John Philip LeydichNew Hanover176949 acres, 104 sq. perchesr. 3.130
John Philip LeydichNew Hanover176975.75 acresr. 3.130
Library Co of Philacity
Martin LichtyUpper Salford177042.5 acresr. 4.36
Martin LichtyUpper Salford177032.5 acresr. 4.36
Abraham Liddoncity1767I 3.130
Abraham Liddoncity1767I 3.13036 N 3rd St52 N 3rd St
Abraham LiddonNorthern Liberties177236 acres, 76 sq. perchesD 65.178
John LidyardMoreland175283.5 acresr. 13.249
Jacob LightDouglas177334 acres, 111 sq. perches4.181
Thomas LightfootMoyamensing17575.5 acresD 12.180
Thomas LightfootMoyamensing2.75 acres, 13 sq. perches
Thomas LightfootMoyamensing4 acres
Thomas LightfootMoyamensing2 acres, 15 sq. perches
Abraham LincolnKingsessing177436.5 acresTH 67.224
Abraham LincolnKingsessing177415 acresRLL 21.50
Abraham Lincon Estatecity1745I 2.312; r. EF 10.671113 Jones Alley
George Ernst Lindenbergercity1760D 2.24919 Sugar Alley
John Linderman EstateNew Hanover1764143 acresr. 8.494 and 12.392
Susanna LindleyPassyunk176311 acres, 54 sq. perches
Susanna LindleyPassyunk17633.75 acres, 21 sq. perchesI 14.171
Susanna LindleyPassyunk17632 acresI 14.171
John Linleycity1766D 23.19562 Arch St232 Arch St
Mercy Linncity1774I 12.37132 Delancey St122 Delancey St
Daniel LinsenbiglerNew Hanover1772117 acres, 149 sq. perchesI 7.355
Paul Linsenbigler Jr.New Hanover177262 acres, 48 sq. perches358.364
Paul Linsenbigler Jr.New Hanover177269 acres, 65 sq. perches358.364
John Lintoncity1772LRB 36.79; LRB 36.74
Nicholas LintzGermantown177554.75 sq. perchesI 13.433
Reston Lippencottcity1754r. D 8.2657 Market St203 Market St
Deborah Lippincottcity1764r. D 43.3134 Chancery Lane
Deborah Lippincottcity1764r. D 7.38956 N Front St56 N Front St
Elizabeth and John LippincottAbington1749103 acresr. 14.19
Nathaniel Lippincottcity1767r. EF 27.50568 N 5th St118-120 N 5th St
Henry Lislecityr. FTW 19.20
Henry Lislecityr. FTW 19.20
Henry LisleMoyamensing17612 acresH 15.40
John LisleUpper Merionr. 31.25-28
Alexander Lisle EstatePlymouth174138.5 acres, 12 sq. perchesr. MontCo MtgBk 2.219
Alexander Lisle EstatePlymouth17550.5 acresr. MontCo MtgBk 2.219
Alexander Lisle EstatePlymouth176312.25 acresr. MontCo MtgBk 2.219; ShfBk A-1.28
Henry Lisle?Moyamensing2 acres, 32 sq. perchesr. AM 6.281
Edward Lithgoecity1777D 6.13215 S 4th St
Hannah Lithgowcity1761EF 22.64669 Arch St219 Arch St
Hannah Lithgowcity1765IC 12.71689 Arch St239 Arch St
John Littlecity1767I 2.410
John Littlecity1771D 59.187
John LittleNorthern Liberties176711 acres
Simon LitzenbergerKingsessing17753 acresI 13.481
Jonathan LivezeyLower Dublin17656 acres, 108 sq. perchesADB 48.87
Jonathan LivezeyLower Dublin176675.75 acresADB 48.87
Joseph LivezeyLower Dublin17624 acres, 70 sq. perchesGWR 15.168
Joseph LivezeyLower Dublin176227.5 acresGWR 15.168
Joseph LivezeyLower Dublin176521 acres, 62 sq. perchesGWR 15.168
Joseph LivezeyLower Dublin176512 acres, 87 sq. perchesGWR 15.168
Joseph LivezeyLower Dublin177312 acres, 26 sq. perchesIC 25.699
Joseph LivezeyLower Dublin177531.5 acresEF 5.54
Joseph Woolen, Jr. and Thomas LivezeyGermantown173861 acresGWC 81.242, 256, 259
Nathan LivezeyLower Dublin176325 acres, 71 sq. perchesH 19.206
Nathan LivezeyLower Dublin176567 acres, 96 sq. perchesGS 27.12
Thomas LivezeyGermantown174920 acresH 10.431
Thomas LivezeyGermantown17535 acres, 10 sq. perchesH 10.427
Thomas LivezeyGermantown17703 acresoriginal unrecorded deed
Thomas LivezeyLower Dublin1759280 acresr. D 6.454
Thomas LivezeyRoxborough17473 acres, 18 sq. perchesG 8.489
Thomas LivezeyRoxborough174720 acresH 10.431
Thomas LivezeyRoxborough17528.5 acresH 10.422
Thomas LivezeyRoxborough176045.25 acresI 4.184
Thomas LivezeyRoxborough176814 acres, 92 sq. perchesI 4.186
Thomas LivezeyRoxborough177713 acresD 4.219
Thomas LivezeyUpper Merion177670 acresI 16.124
Thomas LivezeyWhitemarsh177642.25 acresI 16.124
Thomas LivezeyWhitemarsh1776116.25 acres, 30 sq. perchesI 16.124
John LlewellynLower Merion1752400 acresWBk K.16; r. I 7.427
Hannah Lloydcity1741
Hannah Lloydcity1741
Hannah Lloydcity1742r. IC 4.27737 S 2nd St
Isaac Lloydcity1772AM 24.39057 Lombard St235 Lombard St
John LloydMoreland175743 acresr, 5.237
John LloydMoreland175714 acres, 116 sq. perchesr, 5.237
John LloydMoreland175842.25 acresr. 5.235
John LloydMoreland175840 acresr. 5.235
Rebecca LloydPlymouth21 acres, 132 sq. perchesr. 34.229
Thomas LloydMoreland172097.5 acresI 13.55
Thomas LloydMoreland17374.75 acresI 13.57
Thomas LloydMoreland1737I 13.57
Thomas LloydMoreland17656 acres1.57
Thomas LloydMoreland17651 acre, 133 sq. perchesr. 27.837
Thomas LloydMoreland17700.5 acresr. 27.837
Thomas LloydMoreland177010 acres, 20 sq. perchesr. 12.8
Thomas Lloyd Jr.Moreland17704.5 acres344.75; r. 344.80
John Lloyd Estatecity1721F 6.6913-15 S 3rd St
John Lloyd EstateLower Merion175250 acresI 7.427
Robert Lloyd Estatecity1768r. D 24.330
Samuel Lloyd Estatecity1760r. D 24.33081 Market St227 Market St
Anna Lobdellcity1775EF 8.670
Isaac and Rebecca Lobdellcity1746r. D 4.442Chestnut St
Samuel Lobdellcity1775EF 9.320
Samuel Lobdellcity1776I 15.540130 Spruce St336 Spruce St
Isaac Lobdell Estatecity1743RDW 145.362232-238 Spruce St
Isaac Lobdell Estatecity1745D 52.381; r. D 59.2116 6th St N
Isaac Lobdell Estatecity1760EF 8.668
Isaac Lobdell Estatecity1760D 12.47147 Spruce St237 Spruce St
Isaac Lobdell Estatecity1762D 12.472
Nicholas Lochmancity1763r. EF 25.3179 Sugar Alley
Nicholas Lochmancity1764CP A-1.34711 Sugar Alley
John and Elizabeth Lockcity174962 Walnut St234 Walnut St
Patrick Lockart EstateMoreland27 acresr. ShfBk CP B-3.423
John Locktoncity1774I 14.360120 Delancey St
Peter & Mary Louise LoeschPassyunk17643 acres, 107 sq. perchesIH 3.396
Christian LoeserUpper Dublin175350 acres7.673
Christopher LoeserWhitemarsh177016 acresr. 2.568
Charles Logancity1776r. IC 2.418
James Logancity1749r. D 39.411
James Logancity1750WBk I.510; r. D 48.157Walnut St
James Logancity1750WBk I.510; r. D 4.20
James Logancity1750WBk I.510; r. D 48.157Walnut St
James Logancity175