Parcel Details
Owner Name: | Chirstopher Caster and Townsend Speakman | |
Township: | city | |
Modern Address: | 720-722 Mulberry St | |
Year Acquired: | 1773 | |
Owner's Occupation: | chemists and druggists | |
Owner's Residence: | city | |
Source: | D 39.123 | |
Phila. Contrib. Survey: |
Owner Name: | Chirstopher Caster and Townsend Speakman | |
Township: | city | |
Modern Address: | 720-722 Mulberry St | |
Year Acquired: | 1773 | |
Owner's Occupation: | chemists and druggists | |
Owner's Residence: | city | |
Source: | D 39.123 | |
Phila. Contrib. Survey: |