Parcel Details
Owner Name: | Benjamin Franklin | |
Township: | city | |
Year Acquired: | 1734 | |
Owner's Occupation: | printer | |
Owner's Residence: | city | |
Source: | H 7.433, H 7.437 | |
Phila. Contrib. Survey: | ||
Notes: | Purchases a half interest in 1734 and the other half in 1745 |
Owner Name: | Benjamin Franklin | |
Township: | city | |
Year Acquired: | 1734 | |
Owner's Occupation: | printer | |
Owner's Residence: | city | |
Source: | H 7.433, H 7.437 | |
Phila. Contrib. Survey: | ||
Notes: | Purchases a half interest in 1734 and the other half in 1745 |