Parcel Details
Owner Name: | John Morgan | |
Township: | city | |
Modern Address: | N Water St | |
Year Acquired: | 1762 | |
Owner's Occupation: | doctor of physick | |
Source: | r. D 24.205 | |
Phila. Contrib. Survey: | ||
Notes: | Evan Morgan estate (acquired 1737; H 9.460) |
Owner Name: | John Morgan | |
Township: | city | |
Modern Address: | N Water St | |
Year Acquired: | 1762 | |
Owner's Occupation: | doctor of physick | |
Source: | r. D 24.205 | |
Phila. Contrib. Survey: | ||
Notes: | Evan Morgan estate (acquired 1737; H 9.460) |